blob: bb677213e6aa4d41213c736b1e6f2d189de99e28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* A entry to be populated by an ldif parser.
* We will have different kind of entries :
* <ul>
* <li>added entries</li>
* <li>deleted entries</li>
* <li>modified entries</li>
* <li>Rdn modified entries</li>
* <li>Dn modified entries</li>
* </ul>
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class LdifEntry implements Cloneable, Externalizable
/** Used in toArray() */
public static final Modification[] EMPTY_MODS = new Modification[0];
/** the change type */
private ChangeType changeType;
/** the modification item list */
private List<Modification> modificationList;
/** The map containing all the modifications */
private Map<String, Modification> modifications;
/** The new superior */
private String newSuperior;
/** The new rdn */
private String newRdn;
/** The delete old rdn flag */
private boolean deleteOldRdn;
/** the entry */
private Entry entry;
/** the DN */
private Dn entryDn;
/** The controls */
private Map<String, LdifControl> controls;
/** The lengthBeforeParsing of the entry at the time of parsing. This includes
* the lengthBeforeParsing of the comments present in entry at the time of parsing
* so this lengthBeforeParsing may not always match with the lengthBeforeParsing of the entry
* data present in memory.
private int lengthBeforeParsing = 0;
/** the position of the entry in the file or given input string*/
private long offset = 0;
* Creates a new LdifEntry object.
public LdifEntry()
// Default LDIF content
changeType = ChangeType.None;
modificationList = new LinkedList<Modification>();
modifications = new HashMap<String, Modification>();
entry = new DefaultEntry( ( Dn ) null );
entryDn = null;
controls = null;
* Creates a new schema aware LdifEntry object.
public LdifEntry( SchemaManager schemaManager )
// Default LDIF content
changeType = ChangeType.None;
modificationList = new LinkedList<Modification>();
modifications = new HashMap<String, Modification>();
entry = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, ( Dn ) null );
entryDn = null;
controls = null;
* Creates a new LdifEntry object, storing an Entry
public LdifEntry( Entry entry )
// Default LDIF content
changeType = ChangeType.None;
modificationList = new LinkedList<Modification>();
modifications = new HashMap<String, Modification>();
this.entry = entry;
entryDn = entry.getDn();
controls = null;
* Creates a LdifEntry using a list of strings representing the Ldif element
* @param dn The LdifEntry DN
* @param avas The Ldif to convert to an LdifEntry
* @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException If either the AttributeType or the associated value
* is incorrect
* @throws LdapLdifException If we get any other exception
public LdifEntry( Dn dn, Object... avas ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException, LdapLdifException
// First, convert the arguments to a full LDIF
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int pos = 0;
boolean valueExpected = false;
String dnStr = null;
if ( dn == null )
dnStr = "";
dnStr = dn.getName();
if ( LdifUtils.isLDIFSafe( dnStr ) )
sb.append( "dn: " ).append( dnStr ).append( '\n' );
sb.append( "dn:: " ).append( Base64.encode( Strings.getBytesUtf8( dnStr ) ) ).append( '\n' );
for ( Object ava : avas )
if ( !valueExpected )
if ( !( ava instanceof String ) )
throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, I18n.err(
I18n.ERR_12085, ( pos + 1 ) ) );
String attribute = ( String ) ava;
sb.append( attribute );
if ( attribute.indexOf( ':' ) != -1 )
sb.append( '\n' );
valueExpected = true;
if ( ava instanceof String )
sb.append( ": " ).append( ( String ) ava ).append( '\n' );
else if ( ava instanceof byte[] )
sb.append( ":: " );
sb.append( new String( Base64.encode( ( byte[] ) ava ) ) );
sb.append( '\n' );
throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, I18n.err(
I18n.ERR_12086, ( pos + 1 ) ) );
valueExpected = false;
if ( valueExpected )
throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, I18n
.err( I18n.ERR_12087 ) );
// Now, parse the Ldif and convert it to a LdifEntry
LdifReader reader = new LdifReader();
List<LdifEntry> ldifEntries = reader.parseLdif( sb.toString() );
catch ( IOException e )
if ( ( ldifEntries != null ) && ( ldifEntries.size() == 1 ) )
LdifEntry ldifEntry = ldifEntries.get( 0 );
changeType = ldifEntry.getChangeType();
controls = ldifEntry.getControls();
entryDn = ldifEntry.getDn();
switch ( ldifEntry.getChangeType() )
case Add:
// Fallback
case None:
entry = ldifEntry.getEntry();
case Delete:
case ModDn:
case ModRdn:
newRdn = ldifEntry.getNewRdn();
newSuperior = ldifEntry.getNewSuperior();
deleteOldRdn = ldifEntry.isDeleteOldRdn();
case Modify:
modificationList = ldifEntry.getModifications();
modifications = new HashMap<String, Modification>();
for ( Modification modification : modificationList )
modifications.put( modification.getAttribute().getId(), modification );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected ChangeType: " + changeType );
* Creates a LdifEntry using a list of strings representing the Ldif element
* @param dn The LdifEntry DN
* @param avas The Ldif attributes and values to convert to an LdifEntry
* @throws LdapInvalidDnException If the Dn is invalid
* @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException If either the AttributeType or the associated value
* is incorrect
* @throws LdapLdifException If we get any other exception
public LdifEntry( String dn, Object... strings )
throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException, LdapLdifException, LdapInvalidDnException
this( new Dn( dn ), strings );
* Set the Distinguished Name
* @param dn The Distinguished Name
public void setDn( Dn dn )
entryDn = dn;
entry.setDn( dn );
* Set the Distinguished Name
* @param dn The Distinguished Name
* @throws LdapInvalidDnException If the Dn is invalid
public void setDn( String dn ) throws LdapInvalidDnException
entryDn = new Dn( dn );
entry.setDn( entryDn );
* Set the modification type
* @param changeType The change type
public void setChangeType( ChangeType changeType )
this.changeType = changeType;
* Set the change type
* @param changeType The change type
public void setChangeType( String changeType )
if ( "add".equals( changeType ) )
this.changeType = ChangeType.Add;
else if ( "modify".equals( changeType ) )
this.changeType = ChangeType.Modify;
else if ( "moddn".equals( changeType ) )
this.changeType = ChangeType.ModDn;
else if ( "modrdn".equals( changeType ) )
this.changeType = ChangeType.ModRdn;
else if ( "delete".equals( changeType ) )
this.changeType = ChangeType.Delete;
* Add a modification item (used by modify operations)
* @param modification The modification to be added
public void addModification( Modification modification )
if ( changeType == ChangeType.Modify )
modificationList.add( modification );
modifications.put( modification.getAttribute().getId(), modification );
* Add a modification item (used by modify operations)
* @param modOp The operation. One of :
* <ul>
* <li>ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* <li>ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* <li>ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* </ul>
* @param attr The attribute to be added
public void addModification( ModificationOperation modOp, Attribute attr )
if ( changeType == ChangeType.Modify )
Modification item = new DefaultModification( modOp, attr );
modificationList.add( item );
modifications.put( attr.getId(), item );
* Add a modification with no value
* @param modOp The modification operation value. One of :
* <ul>
* <li>ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* <li>ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* <li>ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* </ul>
* @param id The attribute's ID
public void addModification( ModificationOperation modOp, String id )
if ( changeType == ChangeType.Modify )
Attribute attr = new DefaultAttribute( id );
Modification item = new DefaultModification( modOp, attr );
modificationList.add( item );
modifications.put( id, item );
* Add a modification
* @param modOp The modification operation value. One of :
* <ul>
* <li>ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* <li>ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* <li>ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE</li>
* </ul>
* @param id The attribute's ID
* @param value The attribute's value
public void addModification( ModificationOperation modOp, String id, Object value )
if ( changeType == ChangeType.Modify )
Attribute attr;
if ( value == null )
value = new StringValue( ( String ) null );
attr = new DefaultAttribute( id, ( Value<?> ) value );
attr = ( Attribute ) value;
Modification item = new DefaultModification( modOp, attr );
modificationList.add( item );
modifications.put( id, item );
* Add an attribute to the entry
* @param attr The attribute to be added
* @throws if something went wrong
public void addAttribute( Attribute attr ) throws LdapException
entry.put( attr );
* Add an attribute to the entry
* @param id The attribute ID
* @param values The attribute values
* @throws LdapException if something went wrong
public void addAttribute( String id, Object... values ) throws LdapException
Attribute attribute = entry.get( id );
Boolean isHR = null;
if ( attribute != null )
isHR = attribute.isHumanReadable();
if ( values != null )
for ( Object value : values )
if ( value instanceof String )
if ( isHR != null )
if ( isHR )
entry.add( id, ( String ) value );
entry.add( id, Strings.getBytesUtf8( ( String ) value ) );
entry.add( id, ( String ) value );
if ( isHR != null )
if ( isHR )
entry.add( id, Strings.utf8ToString( ( byte[] ) value ) );
entry.add( id, ( byte[] ) value );
entry.add( id, ( byte[] ) value );
entry.add( id, ( Value<?> ) null );
* Remove a list of Attributes from the LdifEntry
* @param ids The Attributes to remove
* @return The list of removed EntryAttributes
public void removeAttribute( String... ids )
if ( entry.containsAttribute( ids ) )
entry.removeAttributes( ids );
* Add an attribute value to an existing attribute
* @param id The attribute ID
* @param value The attribute value
* @throws if something went wrong
public void putAttribute( String id, Object value ) throws LdapException
if ( value instanceof String )
entry.add( id, ( String ) value );
entry.add( id, ( byte[] ) value );
* Get the change type
* @return The change type. One of :
* <ul>
* <li>ADD</li>
* <li>MODIFY</li>
* <li>MODDN</li>
* <li>MODRDN</li>
* <li>DELETE</li>
* <li>NONE</li>
* </ul>
public ChangeType getChangeType()
return changeType;
* @return The list of modification items
public List<Modification> getModifications()
return modificationList;
* Gets the modification items as an array.
* @return modification items as an array.
public Modification[] getModificationArray()
return modificationList.toArray( EMPTY_MODS );
* @return The entry Distinguished name
public Dn getDn()
return entryDn;
* @return The number of entry modifications
public int size()
return modificationList.size();
* Returns a attribute given it's id
* @param attributeId The attribute Id
* @return The attribute if it exists
public Attribute get( String attributeId )
if ( "dn".equalsIgnoreCase( attributeId ) )
return new DefaultAttribute( "dn", entry.getDn().getName() );
return entry.get( attributeId );
* Get the entry's entry
* @return the stored Entry
public Entry getEntry()
if ( isEntry() )
return entry;
return null;
* @return True, if the old Rdn should be deleted.
public boolean isDeleteOldRdn()
return deleteOldRdn;
* Set the flage deleteOldRdn
* @param deleteOldRdn True if the old Rdn should be deleted
public void setDeleteOldRdn( boolean deleteOldRdn )
this.deleteOldRdn = deleteOldRdn;
* @return The new Rdn
public String getNewRdn()
return newRdn;
* Set the new Rdn
* @param newRdn The new Rdn
public void setNewRdn( String newRdn )
this.newRdn = newRdn;
* @return The new superior
public String getNewSuperior()
return newSuperior;
* Set the new superior
* @param newSuperior The new Superior
public void setNewSuperior( String newSuperior )
this.newSuperior = newSuperior;
* @return True if this is a content ldif
public boolean isLdifContent()
return changeType == ChangeType.None;
* @return True if there is this is a change ldif
public boolean isLdifChange()
return changeType != ChangeType.None;
* @return True if the entry is an ADD entry
public boolean isChangeAdd()
return changeType == ChangeType.Add;
* @return True if the entry is a DELETE entry
public boolean isChangeDelete()
return changeType == ChangeType.Delete;
* @return True if the entry is a MODDN entry
public boolean isChangeModDn()
return changeType == ChangeType.ModDn;
* @return True if the entry is a MODRDN entry
public boolean isChangeModRdn()
return changeType == ChangeType.ModRdn;
* @return True if the entry is a MODIFY entry
public boolean isChangeModify()
return changeType == ChangeType.Modify;
* Tells if the current entry is a added one
* @return <code>true</code> if the entry is added
public boolean isEntry()
return ( changeType == ChangeType.None ) || ( changeType == ChangeType.Add );
* @return true if the entry has some controls
public boolean hasControls()
return controls != null;
* @return The set of controls for this entry
public Map<String, LdifControl> getControls()
return controls;
* @param oid The control's OID
* @return The associated control, if any
public LdifControl getControl( String oid )
if ( controls != null )
return controls.get( oid );
return null;
* Add a control to the entry
* @param controls The added controls
public void addControl( Control... controls )
if ( controls == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The added control must not be null" );
for ( Control control : controls )
if ( changeType == ChangeType.None )
changeType = ChangeType.Add;
if ( this.controls == null )
this.controls = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LdifControl>();
if ( control instanceof LdifControl )
this.controls.put( control.getOid(), ( LdifControl ) control );
LdifControl ldifControl = new LdifControl( control.getOid() );
ldifControl.setCritical( control.isCritical() );
this.controls.put( control.getOid(), new LdifControl( control.getOid() ) );
* Clone method
* @return a clone of the current instance
* @exception CloneNotSupportedException If there is some problem while cloning the instance
public LdifEntry clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
LdifEntry clone = ( LdifEntry ) super.clone();
if ( modificationList != null )
for ( Modification modif : modificationList )
Modification modifClone = new DefaultModification( modif.getOperation(),
modif.getAttribute().clone() );
clone.modificationList.add( modifClone );
if ( modifications != null )
for ( Map.Entry<String, Modification> entry : modifications.entrySet() )
Modification modif = entry.getValue();
Modification modifClone = new DefaultModification( modif.getOperation(),
modif.getAttribute().clone() );
clone.modifications.put( entry.getKey(), modifClone );
if ( entry != null )
clone.entry = entry.clone();
return clone;
* Returns the lengthBeforeParsing of the entry at the time of parsing. This includes
* the lengthBeforeParsing of the comments present in entry at the time of parsing
* so this lengthBeforeParsing may not always match with the lengthBeforeParsing of the entry
* data present in memory.
public int getLengthBeforeParsing()
return lengthBeforeParsing;
* @param lengthBeforeParsing the lengthBeforeParsing to set
/**No qualifier*/
void setLengthBeforeParsing( int length )
this.lengthBeforeParsing = length;
* @return the offset
public long getOffset()
return offset;
* @param offset the offset to set
/**No qualifier*/
void setOffset( long offset )
this.offset = offset;
* @return a String representing the Entry, as a LDIF
public String toString()
return LdifUtils.convertToLdif( this );
catch ( LdapException ne )
return "";
* @see Object#hashCode()
* @return the instance's hash code
public int hashCode()
int result = 37;
if ( entry != null && entry.getDn() != null )
result = result * 17 + entry.getDn().hashCode();
if ( changeType != null )
result = result * 17 + changeType.hashCode();
// Check each different cases
switch ( changeType )
case None:
// Fall through
case Add:
// Checks the attributes
if ( entry != null )
result = result * 17 + entry.hashCode();
case Delete:
// Nothing to compute
case Modify:
if ( modificationList != null )
result = result * 17 + modificationList.hashCode();
for ( Modification modification : modificationList )
result = result * 17 + modification.hashCode();
case ModDn:
case ModRdn:
result = result * 17;
if ( deleteOldRdn )
if ( newRdn != null )
result = result * 17 + newRdn.hashCode();
if ( newSuperior != null )
result = result * 17 + newSuperior.hashCode();
// do nothing
if ( controls != null )
for ( String control : controls.keySet() )
result = result * 17 + control.hashCode();
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals( Object o )
// Basic equals checks
if ( this == o )
return true;
if ( o == null )
return false;
if ( !( o instanceof LdifEntry ) )
return false;
LdifEntry otherEntry = ( LdifEntry ) o;
// Check the Dn
Dn thisDn = entryDn;
Dn dnEntry = otherEntry.getDn();
if ( !thisDn.equals( dnEntry ) )
return false;
// Check the changeType
if ( changeType != otherEntry.changeType )
return false;
// Check each different cases
switch ( changeType )
case None:
// Fall through
case Add:
// Checks the attributes
if ( entry.size() != otherEntry.entry.size() )
return false;
if ( !entry.equals( otherEntry.entry ) )
return false;
case Delete:
// Nothing to do, if the DNs are equals
case Modify:
// Check the modificationItems list
// First, deal with special cases
if ( modificationList == null )
if ( otherEntry.modificationList != null )
return false;
if ( otherEntry.modificationList == null )
return false;
if ( modificationList.size() != otherEntry.modificationList.size() )
return false;
// Now, compares the contents
int i = 0;
for ( Modification modification : modificationList )
if ( !modification.equals( otherEntry.modificationList.get( i ) ) )
return false;
case ModDn:
case ModRdn:
// Check the deleteOldRdn flag
if ( deleteOldRdn != otherEntry.deleteOldRdn )
return false;
// Check the newRdn value
Rdn thisNewRdn = new Rdn( newRdn );
Rdn entryNewRdn = new Rdn( otherEntry.newRdn );
if ( !thisNewRdn.equals( entryNewRdn ) )
return false;
catch ( LdapInvalidDnException ine )
return false;
// Check the newSuperior value
Dn thisNewSuperior = new Dn( newSuperior );
Dn entryNewSuperior = new Dn( otherEntry.newSuperior );
if ( !thisNewSuperior.equals( entryNewSuperior ) )
return false;
catch ( LdapInvalidDnException ine )
return false;
// do nothing
if ( controls != null )
Map<String, LdifControl> otherControls = otherEntry.controls;
if ( otherControls == null )
return false;
if ( controls.size() != otherControls.size() )
return false;
for ( Map.Entry<String, LdifControl> entry : controls.entrySet() )
String controlOid = entry.getKey();
if ( !otherControls.containsKey( controlOid ) )
return false;
Control thisControl = entry.getValue();
Control otherControl = otherControls.get( controlOid );
if ( thisControl == null )
if ( otherControl != null )
return false;
if ( !thisControl.equals( otherControl ) )
return false;
return true;
return otherEntry.controls == null;
* @see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
* @param in The stream from which the LdifEntry is read
* @throws IOException If the stream can't be read
* @throws ClassNotFoundException If the LdifEntry can't be created
public void readExternal( ObjectInput in ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
// Read the changeType
int type = in.readInt();
changeType = ChangeType.getChangeType( type );
// Read the modification
switch ( changeType )
case Add:
case None:
// Read the entry
entry.readExternal( in );
entryDn = entry.getDn();
case Delete:
// Read the Dn
entryDn = new Dn();
entryDn.readExternal( in );
case ModDn:
// Fallback
case ModRdn:
// Read the Dn
entryDn = new Dn();
entryDn.readExternal( in );
deleteOldRdn = in.readBoolean();
if ( in.readBoolean() )
newRdn = in.readUTF();
if ( in.readBoolean() )
newSuperior = in.readUTF();
case Modify:
// Read the Dn
entryDn = new Dn();
entryDn.readExternal( in );
// Read the modifications
int nbModifs = in.readInt();
for ( int i = 0; i < nbModifs; i++ )
Modification modification = new DefaultModification();
modification.readExternal( in );
addModification( modification );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected ChangeType: " + changeType );
int nbControls = in.readInt();
// We have at least a control
if ( nbControls > 0 )
controls = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LdifControl>( nbControls );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbControls; i++ )
LdifControl control = new LdifControl();
control.readExternal( in );
controls.put( control.getOid(), control );
* @see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
* @param out The stream in which the ChangeLogEvent will be serialized.
* @throws IOException If the serialization fail
public void writeExternal( ObjectOutput out ) throws IOException
// Write the changeType
out.writeInt( changeType.getChangeType() );
// Write the data
switch ( changeType )
case Add:
case None:
entry.writeExternal( out );
// Fallback
case Delete:
// we write the Dn
entryDn.writeExternal( out );
case ModDn:
// Fallback
case ModRdn:
// Write the Dn
entryDn.writeExternal( out );
out.writeBoolean( deleteOldRdn );
if ( newRdn == null )
out.writeBoolean( false );
out.writeBoolean( true );
out.writeUTF( newRdn );
if ( newSuperior != null )
out.writeBoolean( true );
out.writeUTF( newSuperior );
out.writeBoolean( false );
case Modify:
// Write the Dn
entryDn.writeExternal( out );
// Write the modifications
out.writeInt( modificationList.size() );
for ( Modification modification : modificationList )
modification.writeExternal( out );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected ChangeType: " + changeType );
// The controls
if ( controls != null )
// Write the control
out.writeInt( controls.size() );
for ( LdifControl control : controls.values() )
control.writeExternal( out );
// No control, write -1
out.writeInt( -1 );
// and flush the result