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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
* LDAP BER encoder.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class LdapEncoder
/** The LdapCodecService */
private LdapApiService codec;
* Creates an instance of Ldap message encoder
* @param codec The Codec service to use to handle Controls and extended operations,
* plus to get access to the underlying services.
public LdapEncoder( LdapApiService codec )
if ( codec == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "codec argument cannot be null" );
this.codec = codec;
* Compute the control's encoded length
private int computeControlLength( Control control )
// First, compute the control's value length
int controlValueLength = ( ( CodecControl<?> ) control ).computeLength();
// Now, compute the envelop length
// The OID
int oidLengh = Strings.getBytesUtf8( control.getOid() ).length;
int controlLength = 1 + TLV.getNbBytes( oidLengh ) + oidLengh;
// The criticality, only if true
if ( control.isCritical() )
// Always 3 for a boolean
controlLength += 1 + 1 + 1;
if ( controlValueLength != 0 )
controlLength += 1 + TLV.getNbBytes( controlValueLength ) + controlValueLength;
return controlLength;
* Encode a control to a byte[]
private ByteBuffer encodeControl( ByteBuffer buffer, Control control ) throws EncoderException
if ( buffer == null )
throw new EncoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04023 ) );
// The LdapMessage Sequence
buffer.put( UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue() );
// The length has been calculated by the computeLength method
int controlLength = computeControlLength( control );
buffer.put( TLV.getBytes( controlLength ) );
catch ( BufferOverflowException boe )
throw new EncoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04005 ), boe );
// The control type
BerValue.encode( buffer, Strings.getBytesUtf8( control.getOid() ) );
// The control criticality, if true
if ( control.isCritical() )
BerValue.encode( buffer, control.isCritical() );
return buffer;
* Generate the PDU which contains the encoded object.
* The generation is done in two phases :
* - first, we compute the length of each part and the
* global PDU length
* - second, we produce the PDU.
* <pre>
* 0x30 L1
* |
* +--> 0x02 L2 MessageId
* +--> ProtocolOp
* +--> Controls
* L2 = Length(MessageId)
* L1 = Length(0x02) + Length(L2) + L2 + Length(ProtocolOp) + Length(Controls)
* LdapMessageLength = Length(0x30) + Length(L1) + L1
* </pre>
* @param message The message to encode
* @return A ByteBuffer that contains the PDU
* @throws EncoderException If anything goes wrong.
public ByteBuffer encodeMessage( Message message ) throws EncoderException
MessageDecorator<? extends Message> decorator = MessageDecorator.getDecorator( codec, message );
int length = computeMessageLength( decorator );
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );
// The LdapMessage Sequence
buffer.put( UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue() );
// The length has been calculated by the computeLength method
buffer.put( TLV.getBytes( decorator.getMessageLength() ) );
catch ( BufferOverflowException boe )
throw new EncoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04005 ), boe );
// The message Id
BerValue.encode( buffer, message.getMessageId() );
// Add the protocolOp part
decorator.encode( buffer );
// Do the same thing for Controls, if any.
Map<String, Control> controls = decorator.getControls();
if ( ( controls != null ) && ( controls.size() > 0 ) )
// Encode the controls
buffer.put( ( byte ) LdapCodecConstants.CONTROLS_TAG );
buffer.put( TLV.getBytes( decorator.getControlsLength() ) );
// Encode each control
for ( Control control : controls.values() )
encodeControl( buffer, control );
// The OctetString tag if the value is not null
int controlValueLength = ( ( CodecControl<?> ) control ).computeLength();
if ( controlValueLength > 0 )
buffer.put( UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue() );
buffer.put( TLV.getBytes( controlValueLength ) );
// And now, the value
( (<?> ) control ).encode( buffer );
catch ( EncoderException ee )
MessageEncoderException exception = new MessageEncoderException( message.getMessageId(), ee.getMessage(), ee );
throw exception;
return buffer;
* Compute the LdapMessage length LdapMessage :
* 0x30 L1
* |
* +--> 0x02 0x0(1-4) [0..2^31-1] (MessageId)
* +--> protocolOp
* [+--> Controls]
* MessageId length = Length(0x02) + length(MessageId) + MessageId.length
* L1 = length(ProtocolOp)
* LdapMessage length = Length(0x30) + Length(L1) + MessageId length + L1
* @param messageDecorator the decorated Message who's length is to be encoded
private int computeMessageLength( MessageDecorator<? extends Message> messageDecorator )
// The length of the MessageId. It's the sum of
// - the tag (0x02), 1 byte
// - the length of the Id length, 1 byte
// - the Id length, 1 to 4 bytes
int ldapMessageLength = 1 + 1 + BerValue.getNbBytes( messageDecorator.getDecorated().getMessageId() );
// Get the protocolOp length
ldapMessageLength += messageDecorator.computeLength();
Map<String, Control> controls = messageDecorator.getControls();
// Do the same thing for Controls, if any.
if ( controls.size() > 0 )
// Controls :
// 0xA0 L3
// |
// +--> 0x30 L4
// +--> 0x30 L5
// +--> ...
// +--> 0x30 Li
// +--> ...
// +--> 0x30 Ln
// L3 = Length(0x30) + Length(L5) + L5
// + Length(0x30) + Length(L6) + L6
// + ...
// + Length(0x30) + Length(Li) + Li
// + ...
// + Length(0x30) + Length(Ln) + Ln
// LdapMessageLength = LdapMessageLength + Length(0x90)
// + Length(L3) + L3
int controlsSequenceLength = 0;
// We may have more than one control. ControlsLength is L4.
for ( Control control : controls.values() )
int controlLength = computeControlLength( control );
controlsSequenceLength += 1 + TLV.getNbBytes( controlLength ) + controlLength;
// Computes the controls length
// 1 + Length.getNbBytes( controlsSequenceLength ) + controlsSequenceLength;
messageDecorator.setControlsLength( controlsSequenceLength );
// Now, add the tag and the length of the controls length
ldapMessageLength += 1 + TLV.getNbBytes( controlsSequenceLength ) + controlsSequenceLength;
// Store the messageLength
messageDecorator.setMessageLength( ldapMessageLength );
// finally, calculate the global message size :
// length(Tag) + Length(length) + length
return 1 + ldapMessageLength + TLV.getNbBytes( ldapMessageLength );
* Encode the Referral message to a PDU.
* @param buffer The buffer where to put the PDU
* @param referral The referral to encode
* @return The encoded referral
* @exception EncoderException If the encoding failed
public static void encodeReferral( ByteBuffer buffer, Referral referral ) throws EncoderException
Collection<byte[]> ldapUrlsBytes = referral.getLdapUrlsBytes();
if ( ( ldapUrlsBytes != null ) && ( ldapUrlsBytes.size() != 0 ) )
// Encode the referrals sequence
// The referrals length MUST have been computed before !
buffer.put( ( byte ) LdapCodecConstants.LDAP_RESULT_REFERRAL_SEQUENCE_TAG );
buffer.put( TLV.getBytes( referral.getReferralLength() ) );
// Each referral
for ( byte[] ldapUrlBytes : ldapUrlsBytes )
// Encode the current referral
BerValue.encode( buffer, ldapUrlBytes );
* Compute the referral's encoded length
* @param referral The referral to encode
* @return The length of the encoded PDU
public static int computeReferralLength( Referral referral )
if ( referral != null )
Collection<String> ldapUrls = referral.getLdapUrls();
if ( ( ldapUrls != null ) && ( ldapUrls.size() != 0 ) )
int referralLength = 0;
// Each referral
for ( String ldapUrl : ldapUrls )
byte[] ldapUrlBytes = Strings.getBytesUtf8( ldapUrl );
referralLength += 1 + TLV.getNbBytes( ldapUrlBytes.length ) + ldapUrlBytes.length;
referral.addLdapUrlBytes( ldapUrlBytes );
referral.setReferralLength( referralLength );
return referralLength;
return 0;
return 0;