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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Represents an LDAP MatchingRuleUseDescription defined in RFC 2252.
* <p>
* According to ldapbis [MODELS]:
* </p>
* <pre>
* Values of the matchingRuleUse list the attributes which are suitable
* for use with an extensible matching rule.
* Matching rule use descriptions are written according to the following
* MatchingRuleUseDescription = LPAREN WSP
* numericoid ; object identifier
* [ SP &quot;NAME&quot; SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)
* [ SP &quot;DESC&quot; SP qdstring ] ; description
* [ SP &quot;OBSOLETE&quot; ] ; not active
* SP &quot;APPLIES&quot; SP oids ; attribute types
* extensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions
* where:
* [numericoid] is the object identifier of the matching rule
* associated with this matching rule use description;
* NAME [qdescrs] are short names (descriptors) identifying this
* matching rule use;
* DESC [qdstring] is a short descriptive string;
* OBSOLETE indicates this matching rule use is not active;
* APPLIES provides a list of attribute types the matching rule applies
* to; and
* [extensions] describe extensions.
* The matchingRule within the MatchingRuleUse definition can be used by an
* extensible match assertion if the assertion is based on the attributes
* listed within the MatchingRuleUse definition. If an extensible match
* assertion is based on attributes other than those listed within the
* MatchingRuleUse definition then the assertion is deemed undefined.
* Also according to 3.3.20 of [SYNTAXES] (ldapbis working group):
* A value of the Matching Rule Use Description syntax indicates the
* attribute types to which a matching rule may be applied in an
* extensibleMatch search filter [PROT]. The LDAP-specific encoding of
* a value of this syntax is defined by the &lt;MatchingRuleUseDescription&gt;
* rule in [MODELS] above.
* </pre>
* @see <a
* href="">ldapbis
* [MODELS]</a>
* @see <a
* href="">ldapbis
* [SYNTAXES]</a>
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class MatchingRuleUse extends AbstractMutableSchemaObject
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** The list of attributes types OID the matching rule applies to */
private List<String> applicableAttributeOids;
/** The list of attributes types the matching rule applies to */
private List<MutableAttributeTypeImpl> applicableAttributes;
* Creates a new instance of MatchingRuleUseDescription
public MatchingRuleUse( String oid )
super( SchemaObjectType.MATCHING_RULE_USE, oid );
applicableAttributeOids = new ArrayList<String>();
applicableAttributes = new ArrayList<MutableAttributeTypeImpl>();
* Inject the MatchingRuleUse into the registries, updating the references to
* other SchemaObject
* @param registries The Registries
* @exception If the addition failed
public void addToRegistries( Registries registries ) throws LdapException
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( registries != null )
AttributeTypeRegistry atRegistry = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry();
if ( applicableAttributeOids != null )
applicableAttributes = new ArrayList<MutableAttributeTypeImpl>( applicableAttributeOids.size() );
for ( String oid : applicableAttributeOids )
applicableAttributes.add( atRegistry.lookup( oid ) );
* @return The matchingRule's list of AttributeType OIDs the MRU applies to
public List<String> getApplicableAttributeOids()
return applicableAttributeOids;
* @return The matchingRule's list of AttributeType OIDs the MRU applies to
public List<MutableAttributeTypeImpl> getApplicableAttributes()
return applicableAttributes;
* Set the matchingRule's AttributeType OIDs the MRU applies to.
* @param applicableAttributeOids The AttributeType OIDs list
public void setApplicableAttributeOids( List<String> applicableAttributeOids )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.applicableAttributeOids = applicableAttributeOids;
* Set the matchingRule's AttributeType the MRU applies to.
* @param applicableAttributes The AttributeType list
public void setApplicableAttributes( List<MutableAttributeTypeImpl> applicableAttributes )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.applicableAttributes = applicableAttributes;
// update the OIDS now
for ( MutableAttributeTypeImpl at : applicableAttributes )
applicableAttributeOids.add( at.getOid() );
* Add a matchingRule's AttributeType OIDs the MRU applies to.
* @param oid A matchingRule's AttributeType OIDs the MRU applies to
public void addApplicableAttributeOids( String oid )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly && !applicableAttributeOids.contains( oid ) )
applicableAttributeOids.add( oid );
* Add a matchingRule's AttributeType the MRU applies to.
* @param attributeType A matchingRule's AttributeType the MRU applies to
public void addApplicableAttribute( MutableAttributeTypeImpl attributeType )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly && !applicableAttributeOids.contains( attributeType.getOid() ) )
applicableAttributes.add( attributeType );
applicableAttributeOids.add( attributeType.getOid() );
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
return objectType + " " + DescriptionUtils.getDescription( this );
* {@inheritDoc}
public MatchingRuleUse copyMutable()
return copy();
* Copy an MatchingRuleUse
public MatchingRuleUse copy()
MatchingRuleUse copy = new MatchingRuleUse( oid );
// Copy the SchemaObject common data
copy.copy( this );
// Clone the APPLY AttributeTypes
copy.applicableAttributeOids = new ArrayList<String>();
// Copy the APPLIES oid list
for ( String oid : applicableAttributeOids )
copy.applicableAttributeOids.add( oid );
// Copy the APPLIES list (will be empty)
copy.applicableAttributes = new ArrayList<MutableAttributeTypeImpl>();
return copy;
* @see Object#equals(Object)
public boolean equals( Object o )
if ( !super.equals( o ) )
return false;
if ( !( o instanceof MatchingRuleUse ) )
return false;
MatchingRuleUse that = ( MatchingRuleUse ) o;
// TODO : complete the checks
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void clear()
// Clear the common elements
// Clear the references