blob: 26c4db29411cf486d3e986b346c7a84c717a2e93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static;
import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.IoFilter;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.CloseFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.WriteFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.service.IoConnector;
import org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession;
import org.apache.mina.filter.FilterEvent;
import org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter;
import org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolEncoderException;
import org.apache.mina.filter.ssl.SslEvent;
import org.apache.mina.filter.ssl.SslFilter;
import org.apache.mina.transport.socket.SocketSessionConfig;
import org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.NioSocketConnector;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This class is the base for every operations sent or received to and
* from a LDAP server.
* A connection instance is necessary to send requests to the server. The connection
* is valid until either the client closes it, the server closes it or the
* client does an unbind.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class LdapNetworkConnection extends AbstractLdapConnection implements LdapAsyncConnection
/** logger for reporting errors that might not be handled properly upstream */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( LdapNetworkConnection.class );
/** The timeout used for response we are waiting for */
private long timeout = LdapConnectionConfig.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
/** configuration object for the connection */
private LdapConnectionConfig config;
/** The Socket configuration */
private SocketSessionConfig socketSessionConfig;
/** The connector open with the remote server */
private IoConnector connector;
/** A mutex used to avoid a double close of the connector */
private ReentrantLock connectorMutex = new ReentrantLock();
* The created session, created when we open a connection with
* the Ldap server.
private IoSession ioSession;
/** a map to hold the ResponseFutures for all operations */
private Map<Integer, ResponseFuture<? extends Response>> futureMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** list of controls supported by the server */
private List<String> supportedControls;
/** The ROOT DSE entry */
private Entry rootDse;
/** A flag indicating that the BindRequest has been issued and successfully authenticated the user */
private AtomicBoolean authenticated = new AtomicBoolean( false );
/** a list of listeners interested in getting notified when the
* connection's session gets closed cause of network issues
private List<ConnectionClosedEventListener> conCloseListeners;
/** The Ldap codec protocol filter */
private IoFilter ldapProtocolFilter = new ProtocolCodecFilter( codec.getProtocolCodecFactory() );
/** the SslFilter key */
private static final String SSL_FILTER_KEY = "sslFilter";
/** The exception stored in the session if we've got one */
private static final String EXCEPTION_KEY = "sessionException";
/** The krb5 configuration property */
private static final String KRB5_CONF = "";
/** A future used to block any action until the handshake is completed */
private HandshakeFuture handshakeFuture;
/** A future used to wait for a connection to be closed */
private CompletableFuture<Integer> connectionCloseFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ common error messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
static final String TIME_OUT_ERROR = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04170_TIMEOUT_OCCURED );
static final String NO_RESPONSE_ERROR = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04169_RESPONSE_QUEUE_EMPTIED );
//------------------------- The constructors --------------------------//
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on localhost,
* port 389.
public LdapNetworkConnection()
this( null, -1, false );
* Creates a new instance of LdapConnection with the given connection configuration.
* @param config the configuration of the LdapConnection
public LdapNetworkConnection( LdapConnectionConfig config )
this( config, LdapApiServiceFactory.getSingleton() );
* Creates a new LdapNetworkConnection instance
* @param config The configuration to use
* @param ldapApiService The LDAP API Service to use
public LdapNetworkConnection( LdapConnectionConfig config, LdapApiService ldapApiService )
super( ldapApiService );
this.config = config;
if ( config.getBinaryAttributeDetector() == null )
config.setBinaryAttributeDetector( new DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector() );
this.timeout = config.getTimeout();
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on localhost,
* port 389 if the SSL flag is off, or 636 otherwise.
* @param useSsl A flag to tell if it's a SSL connection or not.
public LdapNetworkConnection( boolean useSsl )
this( null, -1, useSsl );
* Creates a new LdapNetworkConnection instance
* @param useSsl If we are going to create a secure connection or not
* @param ldapApiService The LDAP API Service to use
public LdapNetworkConnection( boolean useSsl, LdapApiService ldapApiService )
this( null, -1, useSsl, ldapApiService );
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on a given
* server, using the default port (389).
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server )
this( server, -1, false );
* Creates a new LdapNetworkConnection instance
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
* @param ldapApiService The LDAP API Service to use
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, LdapApiService ldapApiService )
this( server, -1, false, ldapApiService );
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on a given
* server, using the default port (389) if the SSL flag
* is off, or 636 otherwise.
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
* @param useSsl A flag to tell if it's a SSL connection or not.
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, boolean useSsl )
this( server, -1, useSsl );
* Creates a new LdapNetworkConnection instance
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
* @param useSsl A flag to tell if it's a SSL connection or not.
* @param ldapApiService The LDAP API Service to use
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, boolean useSsl, LdapApiService ldapApiService )
this( server, -1, useSsl, ldapApiService );
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on a
* given server and a given port. We don't use ssl.
* @param server The server we want to be connected to
* @param port The port the server is listening to
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, int port )
this( server, port, false );
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on a
* given server and a given port. We don't use ssl.
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
* @param port The port the server is listening on
* @param ldapApiService The LDAP API Service to use
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, int port, LdapApiService ldapApiService )
this( server, port, false, ldapApiService );
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on a given
* server, and a give port. We set the SSL flag accordingly
* to the last parameter.
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
* @param port The port the server is listening to
* @param useSsl A flag to tell if it's a SSL connection or not.
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, int port, boolean useSsl )
this( buildConfig( server, port, useSsl ) );
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on a given
* server, and a give port. This SSL connection will use the provided
* TrustManagers
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
* @param port The port the server is listening to
* @param trustManagers The TrustManager to use
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, int port, TrustManager... trustManagers )
this( buildConfig( server, port, true ) );
config.setTrustManagers( trustManagers );
* Create a new instance of a LdapConnection on a
* given server and a given port. We don't use ssl.
* @param server The server we want to be connected to. If null or empty,
* we will default to LocalHost.
* @param port The port the server is listening on
* @param useSsl A flag to tell if it's a SSL connection or not.
* @param ldapApiService The LDAP API Service to use
public LdapNetworkConnection( String server, int port, boolean useSsl, LdapApiService ldapApiService )
this( buildConfig( server, port, useSsl ), ldapApiService );
private static LdapConnectionConfig buildConfig( String server, int port, boolean useSsl )
LdapConnectionConfig config = new LdapConnectionConfig();
config.setUseSsl( useSsl );
if ( port != -1 )
config.setLdapPort( port );
if ( useSsl )
config.setLdapPort( config.getDefaultLdapsPort() );
config.setLdapPort( config.getDefaultLdapPort() );
// Default to localhost if null
if ( Strings.isEmpty( server ) )
config.setLdapHost( Network.LOOPBACK_HOSTNAME );
config.setLdapHost( server );
config.setBinaryAttributeDetector( new DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector() );
return config;
* Create the connector
* @throws LdapException If the connector can't be created
private void createConnector() throws LdapException
// Use only one thread inside the connector
connector = new NioSocketConnector( 1 );
if ( socketSessionConfig != null )
( ( SocketSessionConfig ) connector.getSessionConfig() ).setAll( socketSessionConfig );
( ( SocketSessionConfig ) connector.getSessionConfig() ).setReuseAddress( true );
// Add the codec to the chain
connector.getFilterChain().addLast( "ldapCodec", ldapProtocolFilter );
// If we use SSL, we have to add the SslFilter to the chain
if ( config.isUseSsl() )
// Inject the protocolHandler
connector.setHandler( this );
//--------------------------- Helper methods ---------------------------//
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isConnected()
return ( ioSession != null ) && ioSession.isConnected() && !ioSession.isClosing();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAuthenticated()
return isConnected() && authenticated.get();
* Tells if the connection is using a secured channel
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the session is using a secured channel
public boolean isSecured()
return isConnected() && ioSession.isSecured();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Throwable exceptionCaught()
return ( Throwable ) ioSession.getAttribute( EXCEPTION_KEY );
* Check that a session is valid, ie we can send requests to the
* server
* @throws InvalidConnectionException If the session is not valid
private void checkSession() throws InvalidConnectionException
if ( ioSession == null )
throw new InvalidConnectionException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04104_NULL_CONNECTION_CANNOT_CONNECT ) );
if ( !isConnected() )
throw new InvalidConnectionException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04108_INVALID_CONNECTION ) );
private void addToFutureMap( int messageId, ResponseFuture<? extends Response> future )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04106_ADDING, messageId, future.getClass().getName() ) );
futureMap.put( messageId, future );
private ResponseFuture<? extends Response> getFromFutureMap( int messageId )
ResponseFuture<? extends Response> future = futureMap.remove( messageId );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() && ( future != null ) )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04126_REMOVING, messageId, future.getClass().getName() ) );
return future;
private ResponseFuture<? extends Response> peekFromFutureMap( int messageId )
ResponseFuture<? extends Response> future = futureMap.get( messageId );
// future can be null if there was a abandon operation on that messageId
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() && ( future != null ) )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04119_GETTING, messageId, future.getClass().getName() ) );
return future;
* Get the largest timeout from the search time limit and the connection
* timeout.
* @param connectionTimoutInMS Connection timeout
* @param searchTimeLimitInSeconds Search timeout
* @return The largest timeout
public long getTimeout( long connectionTimoutInMS, int searchTimeLimitInSeconds )
if ( searchTimeLimitInSeconds < 0 )
return connectionTimoutInMS;
else if ( searchTimeLimitInSeconds == 0 )
if ( config.getTimeout() == 0 )
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
return config.getTimeout();
long searchTimeLimitInMS = searchTimeLimitInSeconds * 1000L;
return Math.max( searchTimeLimitInMS, connectionTimoutInMS );
* Process the connect.
* @exception LdapException If we weren't able to connect
* @return A Future that can be used to check the status of the connection
public ConnectFuture tryConnect() throws LdapException
// Build the connection address
SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress( config.getLdapHost(), config.getLdapPort() );
ConnectFuture connectionFuture = connector.connect( address );
boolean result = false;
// Wait until it's established
result = connectionFuture.await( timeout );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
connector = null;
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
config.getLdapPort() ), e );
throw new LdapOtherException( e.getMessage(), e );
if ( !result )
// It may be an exception, or a timeout
Throwable connectionException = connectionFuture.getException();
if ( ( connector != null ) && !connector.isDisposing() && !connector.isDisposed() )
connector = null;
if ( connectionException == null )
// This was a timeout
String message = I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04177_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, timeout );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( message );
throw new LdapConnectionTimeOutException( message );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( ( connectionException instanceof ConnectException )
|| ( connectionException instanceof UnresolvedAddressException ) )
// No need to wait
// We know that there was a permanent error such as "connection refused".
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04144_CONNECTION_ERROR, connectionFuture.getException().getMessage() ) );
config.getLdapPort() ), connectionException );
throw new LdapOtherException( connectionException.getMessage(), connectionException );
return connectionFuture;
* Close the connection and generate the appropriate exception
* @exception LdapException If we weren't able to close the connection
private void close( ConnectFuture connectionFuture ) throws LdapException
// disposing connector if not connected
Throwable e = connectionFuture.getException();
if ( e != null )
// Special case for UnresolvedAddressException
// (most of the time no message is associated with this exception)
if ( ( e instanceof UnresolvedAddressException ) && ( e.getMessage() == null ) )
throw new InvalidConnectionException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04121_CANNOT_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME, config.getLdapHost() ), e );
// Default case
throw new InvalidConnectionException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04110_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVER, e.getMessage() ), e );
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Connect" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
* Verify that the connection has been secured, otherwise throw a meaningful exception
* @exception LdapException If we weren't able to check that the connection is secured
private void checkSecured( ConnectFuture connectionFuture ) throws LdapException
boolean isSecured = handshakeFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( !isSecured )
// check for a specific cause
Throwable cause = connectionFuture.getException();
if ( cause == null && connectionFuture.getSession() != null )
cause = ( Throwable ) connectionFuture.getSession().getAttribute( EXCEPTION_KEY );
// Cancel the latch
connectionCloseFuture.complete( 0 );
// if there is no cause assume timeout
if ( cause == null )
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
throw new LdapTlsHandshakeException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04120_TLS_HANDSHAKE_ERROR ), cause );
catch ( Exception e )
if ( e instanceof LdapException )
throw ( LdapException ) e;
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04122_SSL_CONTEXT_INIT_FAILURE );
LOG.error( msg, e );
throw new LdapException( msg, e );
* Set a listener associated to the closeFuture
* @param connectionFuture A Future for which we want to set a listener
private void setCloseListener( ConnectFuture connectionFuture )
// Get the close future for this session
CloseFuture closeFuture = connectionFuture.getSession().getCloseFuture();
closeFuture.addListener( future ->
// Process all the waiting operations and cancel them
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04137_NOD_RECEIVED ) );
for ( ResponseFuture<?> responseFuture : futureMap.values() )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04137_NOD_RECEIVED ) );
if ( responseFuture instanceof AddFuture )
( ( AddFuture ) responseFuture ).set( AddNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof BindFuture )
( ( BindFuture ) responseFuture ).set( BindNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof CompareFuture )
( ( CompareFuture ) responseFuture ).set( CompareNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof DeleteFuture )
( ( DeleteFuture ) responseFuture ).set( DeleteNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof ExtendedFuture )
( ( ExtendedFuture ) responseFuture ).set( ExtendedNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof ModifyFuture )
( ( ModifyFuture ) responseFuture ).set( ModifyNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof ModifyDnFuture )
( ( ModifyDnFuture ) responseFuture ).set( ModifyDnNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof SearchFuture )
( ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture ).set( SearchNoDResponse.PROTOCOLERROR );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04113_ERROR_PROCESSING_NOD, responseFuture ), e );
futureMap.remove( messageId.get() );
} );
* Set the BinaryDetector instance in the session
private void setBinaryDetector()
LdapMessageContainer<? extends Message> container =
( LdapMessageContainer<? extends Message> ) ioSession
.getAttribute( LdapDecoder.MESSAGE_CONTAINER_ATTR );
if ( container != null )
if ( ( schemaManager != null ) && !( container.getBinaryAttributeDetector() instanceof SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector ) )
container.setBinaryAttributeDetector( new SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector( schemaManager ) );
BinaryAttributeDetector atDetector = new DefaultConfigurableBinaryAttributeDetector();
if ( schemaManager != null )
atDetector = new SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector( schemaManager );
ioSession.setAttribute( LdapDecoder.MESSAGE_CONTAINER_ATTR,
new LdapMessageContainer<Message>( codec, atDetector ) );
//-------------------------- The methods ---------------------------//
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean connect() throws LdapException
if ( isConnected() )
// No need to connect if we already have a connected session
return true;
// Create the connector if needed
if ( connector == null )
// And create the connection future
ConnectFuture connectionFuture = tryConnect();
// Check if we are good to go
if ( !connectionFuture.isConnected() )
// Release the latch
connectionCloseFuture.cancel( true );
close( connectionFuture );
// Check if we are secured if requested
if ( config.isUseSsl() )
checkSecured( connectionFuture );
// Add a listener to close the session in the session.
setCloseListener( connectionFuture );
// Get back the session
ioSession = connectionFuture.getSession();
// Store the container into the session if we don't have one
// Initialize the MessageId
messageId.set( 0 );
connectionCloseFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
// And return
return true;
catch ( Exception e )
if ( ( connector != null ) && !connector.isDisposing() && !connector.isDisposed() )
connector = null;
throw e;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void close()
// Close the session
if ( isConnected() )
if ( ( ioSession != null ) && ioSession.isConnected() )
connectionCloseFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
catch ( TimeoutException | ExecutionException | InterruptedException e )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSH_04178_CLOSE_LATCH_ABORTED ) );
//------------------------ The LDAP operations ------------------------//
// Add operations //
* {@inheritDoc}
public void add( Entry entry ) throws LdapException
if ( entry == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04123_CANNOT_ADD_EMPTY_ENTRY );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
AddRequest addRequest = new AddRequestImpl();
addRequest.setEntry( entry );
AddResponse addResponse = add( addRequest );
processResponse( addResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public AddFuture addAsync( Entry entry ) throws LdapException
if ( entry == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04125_CANNOT_ADD_NULL_ENTRY );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
AddRequest addRequest = new AddRequestImpl();
addRequest.setEntry( entry );
return addAsync( addRequest );
* {@inheritDoc}
public AddResponse add( AddRequest addRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( addRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04124_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_ADD_REQUEST );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( addRequest.getEntry() == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04125_CANNOT_ADD_NULL_ENTRY );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
AddFuture addFuture = addAsync( addRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
AddResponse addResponse = addFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( addResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Add" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( addResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04108_ADD_SUCCESSFUL, addResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04107_ADD_FAILED, addResponse ) );
return addResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
// Send an abandon request
if ( !addFuture.isCancelled() )
abandon( addRequest.getMessageId() );
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* {@inheritDoc}
public AddFuture addAsync( AddRequest addRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( addRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04124_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_ADD_REQUEST );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( addRequest.getEntry() == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04125_CANNOT_ADD_NULL_ENTRY );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
addRequest.setMessageId( newId );
AddFuture addFuture = new AddFuture( this, newId );
addToFutureMap( newId, addFuture );
// Send the request to the server
writeRequest( addRequest );
// Ok, done return the future
return addFuture;
//------------------------ The LDAP operations ------------------------//
* {@inheritDoc}
public void abandon( int messageId )
if ( messageId < 0 )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04126_CANNOT_ABANDON_NEG_MSG_ID );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
AbandonRequest abandonRequest = new AbandonRequestImpl();
abandonRequest.setAbandoned( messageId );
abandonInternal( abandonRequest );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void abandon( AbandonRequest abandonRequest )
if ( abandonRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04127_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_ABANDON_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
abandonInternal( abandonRequest );
* Internal AbandonRequest handling
* @param abandonRequest The request to abandon
private void abandonInternal( AbandonRequest abandonRequest )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04104_SENDING_REQUEST, abandonRequest ) );
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
abandonRequest.setMessageId( newId );
// Send the request to the server
ioSession.write( abandonRequest );
// remove the associated listener if any
int abandonId = abandonRequest.getAbandoned();
ResponseFuture<? extends Response> rf = getFromFutureMap( abandonId );
// if the listener is not null, this is a async operation and no need to
// send cancel signal on future, sending so will leave a dangling poision object in the corresponding queue
// this is a sync operation send cancel signal to the corresponding ResponseFuture
if ( rf != null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04141_SENDING_CANCEL ) );
rf.cancel( true );
// this shouldn't happen
if ( LOG.isWarnEnabled() )
LOG.warn( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04165_NO_FUTURE_ASSOCIATED_TO_MSG_ID_COMPLETED, abandonId ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void bind() throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04112_BIND ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( config.getName(), Strings.getBytesUtf8( config.getCredentials() ) );
BindResponse bindResponse = bind( bindRequest );
processResponse( bindResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void anonymousBind() throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04109_ANONYMOUS_BIND ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( StringConstants.EMPTY, Strings.EMPTY_BYTES );
BindResponse bindResponse = bind( bindRequest );
processResponse( bindResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public BindFuture bindAsync() throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04111_ASYNC_BIND ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( config.getName(), Strings.getBytesUtf8( config.getCredentials() ) );
return bindAsync( bindRequest );
* {@inheritDoc}
public BindFuture anonymousBindAsync() throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04110_ANONYMOUS_ASYNC_BIND ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( StringConstants.EMPTY, Strings.EMPTY_BYTES );
return bindAsync( bindRequest );
* Asynchronous unauthenticated authentication bind
* @param name The name we use to authenticate the user. It must be a
* valid Dn
* @return The BindResponse LdapResponse
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindFuture bindAsync( String name ) throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04102_BIND_REQUEST, name ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.EMPTY_BYTES );
return bindAsync( bindRequest );
* {@inheritDoc}
public BindFuture bindAsync( String name, String credentials ) throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04102_BIND_REQUEST, name ) );
// The password must not be empty or null
if ( Strings.isEmpty( credentials ) && Strings.isNotEmpty( name ) )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04105_MISSING_PASSWORD ) );
throw new LdapAuthenticationException( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04105_MISSING_PASSWORD ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.getBytesUtf8( credentials ) );
return bindAsync( bindRequest );
* Asynchronous unauthenticated authentication Bind on a server.
* @param name The name we use to authenticate the user. It must be a
* valid Dn
* @return The BindResponse LdapResponse
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindFuture bindAsync( Dn name ) throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04102_BIND_REQUEST, name ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.EMPTY_BYTES );
return bindAsync( bindRequest );
* {@inheritDoc}
public BindFuture bindAsync( Dn name, String credentials ) throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04102_BIND_REQUEST, name ) );
// The password must not be empty or null
if ( Strings.isEmpty( credentials ) && ( !Dn.EMPTY_DN.equals( name ) ) )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04105_MISSING_PASSWORD ) );
throw new LdapAuthenticationException( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04105_MISSING_PASSWORD ) );
// Create the BindRequest
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.getBytesUtf8( credentials ) );
return bindAsync( bindRequest );
* {@inheritDoc}
public BindResponse bind( BindRequest bindRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( bindRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04128_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_BIND_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
BindFuture bindFuture = bindAsync( bindRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
BindResponse bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
return bindResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* Create a Simple BindRequest ready to be sent.
* @param name The Bind name
* @param credentials The Bind credentials
* @return The created BindRequest instance
private BindRequest createBindRequest( String name, byte[] credentials )
return createBindRequest( name, credentials, null, ( Control[] ) null );
* Create a Simple BindRequest ready to be sent.
* @param name The Bind name
* @param credentials The Bind credentials
* @return The created BindRequest instance
private BindRequest createBindRequest( Dn name, byte[] credentials )
return createBindRequest( name.getName(), credentials, null, ( Control[] ) null );
* {@inheritDoc}
public BindFuture bindAsync( BindRequest bindRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( bindRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04128_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_BIND_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// First switch to anonymous state
authenticated.set( false );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
// establish TLS layer if TLS is enabled and SSL is NOT
if ( config.isUseTls() && !config.isUseSsl() )
// If the session has not been establish, or is closed, we get out immediately
// Update the messageId
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
bindRequest.setMessageId( newId );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04104_SENDING_REQUEST, bindRequest ) );
// Create a future for this Bind operation
BindFuture bindFuture = new BindFuture( this, newId );
addToFutureMap( newId, bindFuture );
writeRequest( bindRequest );
// Ok, done return the future
return bindFuture;
* SASL PLAIN Bind on a server.
* @param authcid The Authentication identity
* @param credentials The password. It can't be null
* @return The BindResponse LdapResponse
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bindSaslPlain( String authcid, String credentials ) throws LdapException
return bindSaslPlain( null, authcid, credentials );
* SASL PLAIN Bind on a server.
* @param authzid The Authorization identity
* @param authcid The Authentication identity
* @param credentials The password. It can't be null
* @return The BindResponse LdapResponse
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bindSaslPlain( String authzid, String authcid, String credentials ) throws LdapException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04127_SASL_PLAIN_BIND ) );
// Create the BindRequest
SaslPlainRequest saslRequest = new SaslPlainRequest();
saslRequest.setAuthorizationId( authzid );
saslRequest.setUsername( authcid );
saslRequest.setCredentials( credentials );
BindFuture bindFuture = bindAsync( saslRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
BindResponse bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
return bindResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* Bind to the server using a SaslRequest object.
* @param request The SaslRequest POJO containing all the needed parameters
* @return A LdapResponse containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bind( SaslRequest request ) throws LdapException
if ( request == null )
String msg = I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04103_NULL_REQUEST );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
BindFuture bindFuture = bindAsync( request );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
BindResponse bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
return bindResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* Bind to the server using the SASL CRAM-MD5 mechanism.
* @param userName The user name
* @param credentials The user credentials
* @return A LdapResponse containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bindSaslCramMd5( String userName, String credentials ) throws LdapException
SaslCramMd5Request request = new SaslCramMd5Request();
request.setUsername( userName );
request.setCredentials( "secret" );
return bind( request );
* Bind to the server using the SASL DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.
* @param userName The user name
* @param credentials The user credentials
* @return A LdapResponse containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bindSaslDigestMd5( String userName, String credentials ) throws LdapException
SaslDigestMd5Request request = new SaslDigestMd5Request();
request.setUsername( userName );
request.setCredentials( "secret" );
return bind( request );
* Bind to the server using a CramMd5Request object.
* @param request The CramMd5Request POJO containing all the needed parameters
* @return A LdapResponse containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bind( SaslCramMd5Request request ) throws LdapException
if ( request == null )
String msg = I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04103_NULL_REQUEST );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
BindFuture bindFuture = bindAsync( request );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
BindResponse bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
return bindResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* Do an asynchronous bind, based on a SaslPlainRequest.
* @param request The SaslPlainRequest POJO containing all the needed parameters
* @return The bind operation's future
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindFuture bindAsync( SaslRequest request )
throws LdapException
return bindSasl( request );
* Bind to the server using a DigestMd5Request object.
* @param request The DigestMd5Request POJO containing all the needed parameters
* @return A LdapResponse containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bind( SaslDigestMd5Request request ) throws LdapException
if ( request == null )
String msg = I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04103_NULL_REQUEST );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
BindFuture bindFuture = bindAsync( request );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
BindResponse bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
return bindResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* Bind to the server using a GssApiRequest object.
* @param request The GssApiRequest POJO containing all the needed parameters
* @return A LdapResponse containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bind( SaslGssApiRequest request ) throws LdapException
if ( request == null )
String msg = I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04103_NULL_REQUEST );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
BindFuture bindFuture = bindAsync( request );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
BindResponse bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
return bindResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* Bind to the server using a SaslExternalRequest object.
* @param request The SaslExternalRequest POJO containing all the needed parameters
* @return A LdapResponse containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindResponse bind( SaslExternalRequest request ) throws LdapException
if ( request == null )
String msg = I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04103_NULL_REQUEST );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
BindFuture bindFuture = bindAsync( request );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
BindResponse bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
return bindResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* Do an asynchronous bind, based on a GssApiRequest.
* @param request The GssApiRequest POJO containing all the needed parameters
* @return The bind operation's future
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindFuture bindAsync( SaslGssApiRequest request )
throws LdapException
// Krb5.conf file
if ( request.getKrb5ConfFilePath() != null )
// Using the krb5.conf file provided by the user
System.setProperty( KRB5_CONF, request.getKrb5ConfFilePath() );
else if ( ( request.getRealmName() != null ) && ( request.getKdcHost() != null )
&& ( request.getKdcPort() != 0 ) )
// Using a custom krb5.conf we create from the settings provided by the user
String krb5ConfPath = createKrb5ConfFile( request.getRealmName(), request.getKdcHost(),
request.getKdcPort() );
System.setProperty( KRB5_CONF, krb5ConfPath );
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapException( ioe );
// Using the system Kerberos configuration
System.clearProperty( KRB5_CONF );
// Login Module configuration
if ( request.getLoginModuleConfiguration() != null )
// Using the configuration provided by the user
Configuration.setConfiguration( request.getLoginModuleConfiguration() );
// Using the default configuration
Configuration.setConfiguration( new Krb5LoginConfiguration() );
System.setProperty( "", "true" );
LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext( request.getLoginContextName(),
new SaslCallbackHandler( request ) );
final SaslGssApiRequest requetFinal = request;
return ( BindFuture ) Subject.doAs( loginContext.getSubject(), new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>()
public Object run() throws Exception
return bindSasl( requetFinal );
} );
catch ( Exception e )
connectionCloseFuture.complete( 0 );
throw new LdapException( e );
* {@inheritDoc}
public EntryCursor search( Dn baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes )
throws LdapException
if ( baseDn == null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04138_NULL_DN_SEARCH ) );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04129_NULL_BASE_DN ) );
// Create a new SearchRequest object
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequestImpl();
searchRequest.setBase( baseDn );
searchRequest.setFilter( filter );
searchRequest.setScope( scope );
searchRequest.addAttributes( attributes );
searchRequest.setDerefAliases( AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS );
// Process the request in blocking mode
return new EntryCursorImpl( search( searchRequest ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public EntryCursor search( String baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes )
throws LdapException
return search( new Dn( baseDn ), filter, scope, attributes );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SearchFuture searchAsync( Dn baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes )
throws LdapException
// Create a new SearchRequest object
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequestImpl();
searchRequest.setBase( baseDn );
searchRequest.setFilter( filter );
searchRequest.setScope( scope );
searchRequest.addAttributes( attributes );
searchRequest.setDerefAliases( AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS );
// Process the request in blocking mode
return searchAsync( searchRequest );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SearchFuture searchAsync( String baseDn, String filter, SearchScope scope, String... attributes )
throws LdapException
return searchAsync( new Dn( baseDn ), filter, scope, attributes );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SearchFuture searchAsync( SearchRequest searchRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( searchRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04130_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_SEARCH_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( searchRequest.getBase() == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04131_CANNOT_PROCESS_SEARCH_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
// If the session has not been establish, or is closed, we get out immediately
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
searchRequest.setMessageId( newId );
if ( searchRequest.isIgnoreReferrals() )
// We want to ignore the referral, inject the ManageDSAIT control in the request
searchRequest.addControl( new ManageDsaITImpl() );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04104_SENDING_REQUEST, searchRequest ) );
SearchFuture searchFuture = new SearchFuture( this, searchRequest.getMessageId() );
addToFutureMap( searchRequest.getMessageId(), searchFuture );
// Send the request to the server
writeRequest( searchRequest );
// Check that the future hasn't be canceled
if ( searchFuture.isCancelled() )
// Throw an exception here
throw new LdapException( searchFuture.getCause() );
// Ok, done return the future
return searchFuture;
* {@inheritDoc}
public SearchCursor search( SearchRequest searchRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( searchRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04130_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_SEARCH_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
SearchFuture searchFuture = searchAsync( searchRequest );
long searchTimeout = getTimeout( timeout, searchRequest.getTimeLimit() );
return new SearchCursorImpl( searchFuture, searchTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
//------------------------ The LDAP operations ------------------------//
// Unbind operations //
* {@inheritDoc}
public void unBind() throws LdapException
// If the session has not been establish, or is closed, we get out immediately
// Creates the messageID and stores it into the
// initial message and the transmitted message.
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
// Create the UnbindRequest
UnbindRequest unbindRequest = new UnbindRequestImpl();
unbindRequest.setMessageId( newId );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04132_SENDING_UNBIND, unbindRequest ) );
// Send the request to the server
// Use this for logging instead: WriteFuture unbindFuture = ldapSession.write( unbindRequest )
WriteFuture unbindFuture = ioSession.write( unbindRequest );
unbindFuture.awaitUninterruptibly( timeout );
connectionCloseFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
catch ( TimeoutException | ExecutionException | InterruptedException e )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSH_04178_CLOSE_LATCH_ABORTED ) );
// And get out
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04133_UNBINDSUCCESSFUL ) );
* Set the connector to use.
* @param connector The connector to use
public void setConnector( IoConnector connector )
this.connector = connector;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setTimeOut( long timeout )
if ( timeout <= 0 )
// Set a date in the far future : 100 years
this.timeout = 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 365L * 100L;
this.timeout = timeout;
* Handle the exception we got.
* @param session The session we got the exception on
* @param cause The exception cause
* @throws Exception If we have had another exception
public void exceptionCaught( IoSession session, Throwable cause ) throws Exception
if ( LOG.isWarnEnabled() )
LOG.warn( cause.getMessage(), cause );
session.setAttribute( EXCEPTION_KEY, cause );
if ( cause instanceof ProtocolEncoderException )
Throwable realCause = ( ( ProtocolEncoderException ) cause ).getCause();
if ( realCause instanceof MessageEncoderException )
int messageId = ( ( MessageEncoderException ) realCause ).getMessageId();
ResponseFuture<?> response = futureMap.get( messageId );
response.cancel( true );
response.setCause( realCause );
* Check if the message is a NoticeOfDisconnect message
* @param message The message to check
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the message is a Notice of Disconnect
private boolean isNoticeOfDisconnect( Message message )
if ( message instanceof ExtendedResponse )
String responseName = ( ( ExtendedResponse ) message ).getResponseName();
if ( NoticeOfDisconnect.EXTENSION_OID.equals( responseName ) )
return true;
return false;
* Process the AddResponse received from the server
* @param addResponse The AddResponse to process
* @param addFuture The AddFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void addReceived( AddResponse addResponse, AddFuture addFuture, int responseId ) throws InterruptedException
// remove the listener from the listener map
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( addResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04108_ADD_SUCCESSFUL, addResponse ) );
// We have had an error
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04107_ADD_FAILED, addResponse ) );
// Store the response into the future
addFuture.set( addResponse );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the BindResponse received from the server
* @param bindResponse The BindResponse to process
* @param bindFuture The BindFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void bindReceived( BindResponse bindResponse, BindFuture bindFuture, int responseId )
throws InterruptedException
// remove the listener from the listener map
if ( bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
authenticated.set( true );
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04101_BIND_SUCCESSFUL, bindResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04100_BIND_FAIL, bindResponse ) );
// Store the response into the future
bindFuture.set( bindResponse );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the CompareResponse received from the server
* @param compareResponse The CompareResponse to process
* @param compareFuture The CompareFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void compareReceived( CompareResponse compareResponse, CompareFuture compareFuture, int responseId )
throws InterruptedException
// remove the listener from the listener map
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( compareResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04114_COMPARE_SUCCESSFUL, compareResponse ) );
// We have had an error
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04113_COMPARE_FAILED, compareResponse ) );
// Store the response into the future
compareFuture.set( compareResponse );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the DeleteResponse received from the server
* @param deleteResponse The DeleteResponse to process
* @param deleteFuture The DeleteFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void deleteReceived( DeleteResponse deleteResponse, DeleteFuture deleteFuture, int responseId )
throws InterruptedException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( deleteResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04116_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL, deleteResponse ) );
// We have had an error
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04115_DELETE_FAILED, deleteResponse ) );
// Store the response into the future
deleteFuture.set( deleteResponse );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the ExtendedResponse received from the server
* @param extendedResponse The ExtendedResponse to process
* @param extendedFuture The ExtendedFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
* @throws DecoderException If the response cannot be decoded
private void extendedReceived( ExtendedResponse extendedResponse, ExtendedFuture extendedFuture, int responseId )
throws InterruptedException, DecoderException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( extendedResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04118_EXTENDED_SUCCESSFUL, extendedResponse ) );
// We have had an error
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04117_EXTENDED_FAILED, extendedResponse ) );
extendedResponse = handleOpaqueResponse( extendedResponse, extendedFuture );
// Store the response into the future
extendedFuture.set( extendedResponse );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the IntermediateResponse received from the server
* @param intermediateResponse The IntermediateResponse to process
* @param responseFuture The ResponseFuture to feed
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void intermediateReceived( IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse, ResponseFuture<? extends Response> responseFuture )
throws InterruptedException
// Store the response into the future
if ( responseFuture instanceof SearchFuture )
( ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture ).set( intermediateResponse );
else if ( responseFuture instanceof ExtendedFuture )
( ( ExtendedFuture ) responseFuture ).set( intermediateResponse );
// currently we only support IR for search and extended operations
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04111_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_FUTURE_TYPE,
responseFuture.getClass().getName() ) );
// Do not remove the future from the map, that's done when receiving search result done
* Process the ModifyResponse received from the server
* @param modifyResponse The ModifyResponse to process
* @param modifyFuture The ModifyFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void modifyReceived( ModifyResponse modifyResponse, ModifyFuture modifyFuture, int responseId )
throws InterruptedException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( modifyResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04123_MODIFY_SUCCESSFUL, modifyResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04122_MODIFY_FAILED, modifyResponse ) );
// Store the response into the future
modifyFuture.set( modifyResponse );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the ModifyDnResponse received from the server
* @param modifyDnResponse The ModifyDnResponse to process
* @param modifyDnFuture The ModifyDnFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void modifyDnReceived( ModifyDnResponse modifyDnResponse, ModifyDnFuture modifyDnFuture, int responseId )
throws InterruptedException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( modifyDnResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04125_MODIFYDN_SUCCESSFUL, modifyDnResponse ) );
// We have had an error
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04124_MODIFYDN_FAILED, modifyDnResponse ) );
// Store the response into the future
modifyDnFuture.set( modifyDnResponse );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the SearchResultDone received from the server
* @param searchResultDone The SearchResultDone to process
* @param searchFuture The SearchFuture to feed
* @param responseId The associated request message ID
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void searchResultDoneReceived( SearchResultDone searchResultDone, SearchFuture searchFuture,
int responseId ) throws InterruptedException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
if ( searchResultDone.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04131_SEARCH_SUCCESSFUL, searchResultDone ) );
// We have had an error
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04129_SEARCH_FAILED, searchResultDone ) );
// Store the response into the future
searchFuture.set( searchResultDone );
// Remove the future from the map
removeFromFutureMaps( responseId );
* Process the SearchResultEntry received from the server
* @param searchResultEntry The SearchResultEntry to process
* @param searchFuture The SearchFuture to feed
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
* @throws LdapException If we weren't able to create a new Entry
private void searchResultEntryReceived( SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry, SearchFuture searchFuture )
throws InterruptedException, LdapException
if ( schemaManager != null )
searchResultEntry.setEntry( new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, searchResultEntry.getEntry() ) );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04128_SEARCH_ENTRY_FOUND, searchResultEntry ) );
// Store the response into the future
searchFuture.set( searchResultEntry );
* Process the SearchResultEntry received from the server
* @param searchResultReference The SearchResultReference to process
* @param searchFuture The SearchFuture to feed
* @throws InterruptedException If the Future is interrupted
private void searchResultReferenceReceived( SearchResultReference searchResultReference, SearchFuture searchFuture )
throws InterruptedException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04130_SEARCH_REFERENCE_FOUND, searchResultReference ) );
// Store the response into the future
searchFuture.set( searchResultReference );
* Handle the incoming LDAP messages. This is where we feed the cursor for search
* requests, or call the listener.
* @param session The session that received a message
* @param message The received message
* @throws Exception If there is some error while processing the message
public void messageReceived( IoSession session, Object message ) throws Exception
// Feed the response and store it into the session
Response response = ( Response ) message;
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04142_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, response ) );
int responseId = response.getMessageId();
// this check is necessary to prevent adding an abandoned operation's
// result(s) to corresponding queue
ResponseFuture<? extends Response> responseFuture = peekFromFutureMap( responseId );
boolean isNoD = isNoticeOfDisconnect( response );
if ( ( responseFuture == null ) && !isNoD )
if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() )
{ I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04166_NO_FUTURE_ASSOCIATED_TO_MSG_ID_IGNORING, responseId ) );
if ( isNoD )
// close the session
switch ( response.getType() )
addReceived( ( AddResponse ) response, ( AddFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
bindReceived( ( BindResponse ) response, ( BindFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
compareReceived( ( CompareResponse ) response, ( CompareFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
deleteReceived( ( DeleteResponse ) response, ( DeleteFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
extendedReceived( ( ExtendedResponse ) response, ( ExtendedFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
intermediateReceived( ( IntermediateResponse ) response, responseFuture );
modifyReceived( ( ModifyResponse ) response, ( ModifyFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
modifyDnReceived( ( ModifyDnResponse ) response, ( ModifyDnFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
searchResultDoneReceived( ( SearchResultDone ) response, ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture, responseId );
searchResultEntryReceived( ( SearchResultEntry ) response, ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture );
searchResultReferenceReceived( ( SearchResultReference ) response, ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture );
throw new IllegalStateException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04132_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE_TYPE, response.getType() ) );
private ExtendedResponse handleOpaqueResponse( ExtendedResponse extendedResponse, ExtendedFuture extendedFuture )
throws DecoderException
if ( ( extendedResponse instanceof OpaqueExtendedResponse )
&& ( Strings.isEmpty( extendedResponse.getResponseName() ) ) )
ExtendedOperationFactory factory = codec.getExtendedResponseFactories().
get( extendedFuture.getExtendedRequest().getRequestName() );
byte[] responseValue = ( ( OpaqueExtendedResponse ) extendedResponse ).getResponseValue();
ExtendedResponse response;
if ( responseValue != null )
response = factory.newResponse( responseValue );
response = factory.newResponse();
// Copy the controls
for ( Control control : extendedResponse.getControls().values() )
response.addControl( control );
// copy the LDAPResult
response.getLdapResult().setDiagnosticMessage( extendedResponse.getLdapResult().getDiagnosticMessage() );
response.getLdapResult().setMatchedDn( extendedResponse.getLdapResult().getMatchedDn() );
response.getLdapResult().setReferral( extendedResponse.getLdapResult().getReferral() );
response.getLdapResult().setResultCode( extendedResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() );
return response;
return extendedResponse;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void modify( Entry entry, ModificationOperation modOp ) throws LdapException
if ( entry == null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04140_NULL_ENTRY_MODIFY ) );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04133_NULL_MODIFIED_ENTRY ) );
ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
modReq.setName( entry.getDn() );
Iterator<Attribute> itr = entry.iterator();
while ( itr.hasNext() )
modReq.addModification(, modOp );
ModifyResponse modifyResponse = modify( modReq );
processResponse( modifyResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void modify( Dn dn, Modification... modifications ) throws LdapException
if ( dn == null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04139_NULL_DN_MODIFY ) );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04134_NULL_MODIFIED_DN ) );
if ( ( modifications == null ) || ( modifications.length == 0 ) )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04135_CANNOT_PROCESS_NO_MODIFICATION_MOD );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
modReq.setName( dn );
for ( Modification modification : modifications )
modReq.addModification( modification );
ModifyResponse modifyResponse = modify( modReq );
processResponse( modifyResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void modify( String dn, Modification... modifications ) throws LdapException
modify( new Dn( dn ), modifications );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ModifyResponse modify( ModifyRequest modRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( modRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04136_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_MOD_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
ModifyFuture modifyFuture = modifyAsync( modRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
ModifyResponse modifyResponse = modifyFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( modifyResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Modify" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( modifyResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04123_MODIFY_SUCCESSFUL, modifyResponse ) );
if ( modifyResponse instanceof ModifyNoDResponse )
// A NoticeOfDisconnect : deserves a special treatment
throw new LdapException( modifyResponse.getLdapResult().getDiagnosticMessage() );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04122_MODIFY_FAILED, modifyResponse ) );
return modifyResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
// Send an abandon request
if ( !modifyFuture.isCancelled() )
abandon( modRequest.getMessageId() );
throw new LdapException( ie.getMessage(), ie );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ModifyFuture modifyAsync( ModifyRequest modRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( modRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04136_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_MOD_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( modRequest.getName() == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04137_CANNOT_PROCESS_MOD_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
modRequest.setMessageId( newId );
ModifyFuture modifyFuture = new ModifyFuture( this, newId );
addToFutureMap( newId, modifyFuture );
// Send the request to the server
writeRequest( modRequest );
// Ok, done return the future
return modifyFuture;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void rename( String entryDn, String newRdn ) throws LdapException
rename( entryDn, newRdn, true );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void rename( Dn entryDn, Rdn newRdn ) throws LdapException
rename( entryDn, newRdn, true );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void rename( String entryDn, String newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn ) throws LdapException
if ( entryDn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04138_CANNOT_PROCESS_RENAME_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( newRdn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04139_CANNOT_PROCESS_RENAME_NULL_RDN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
rename( new Dn( entryDn ), new Rdn( newRdn ), deleteOldRdn );
catch ( LdapInvalidDnException e )
LOG.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new LdapException( e.getMessage(), e );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void rename( Dn entryDn, Rdn newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn ) throws LdapException
if ( entryDn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04138_CANNOT_PROCESS_RENAME_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( newRdn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04139_CANNOT_PROCESS_RENAME_NULL_RDN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
ModifyDnRequest modDnRequest = new ModifyDnRequestImpl();
modDnRequest.setName( entryDn );
modDnRequest.setNewRdn( newRdn );
modDnRequest.setDeleteOldRdn( deleteOldRdn );
ModifyDnResponse modifyDnResponse = modifyDn( modDnRequest );
processResponse( modifyDnResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void move( String entryDn, String newSuperiorDn ) throws LdapException
if ( entryDn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04140_CANNOT_PROCESS_MOVE_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( newSuperiorDn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04141_CANNOT_PROCESS_MOVE_NULL_SUPERIOR );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
move( new Dn( entryDn ), new Dn( newSuperiorDn ) );
catch ( LdapInvalidDnException e )
LOG.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new LdapException( e.getMessage(), e );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void move( Dn entryDn, Dn newSuperiorDn ) throws LdapException
if ( entryDn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04140_CANNOT_PROCESS_MOVE_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( newSuperiorDn == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04141_CANNOT_PROCESS_MOVE_NULL_SUPERIOR );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
ModifyDnRequest modDnRequest = new ModifyDnRequestImpl();
modDnRequest.setName( entryDn );
modDnRequest.setNewSuperior( newSuperiorDn );
modDnRequest.setNewRdn( entryDn.getRdn() );
ModifyDnResponse modifyDnResponse = modifyDn( modDnRequest );
processResponse( modifyDnResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void moveAndRename( Dn entryDn, Dn newDn ) throws LdapException
moveAndRename( entryDn, newDn, true );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void moveAndRename( String entryDn, String newDn ) throws LdapException
moveAndRename( new Dn( entryDn ), new Dn( newDn ), true );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void moveAndRename( Dn entryDn, Dn newDn, boolean deleteOldRdn ) throws LdapException
// Check the parameters first
if ( entryDn == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04142_NULL_ENTRY_DN ) );
if ( entryDn.isRootDse() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04143_CANNOT_MOVE_ROOT_DSE ) );
if ( newDn == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04144_NULL_NEW_DN ) );
if ( newDn.isRootDse() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04145_ROOT_DSE_CANNOT_BE_TARGET ) );
// Create the request
ModifyDnRequest modDnRequest = new ModifyDnRequestImpl();
modDnRequest.setName( entryDn );
modDnRequest.setNewRdn( newDn.getRdn() );
// Check if we really need to specify newSuperior.
// newSuperior is optional [RFC4511, section 4.9]
// Some servers (e.g. OpenDJ 2.6) require a special privilege if
// newSuperior is specified even if it is the same as the old one. Therefore let's not
// specify it if we do not need it. This is better interoperability.
Dn newDnParent = newDn.getParent();
if ( newDnParent != null && !newDnParent.equals( entryDn.getParent() ) )
modDnRequest.setNewSuperior( newDnParent );
modDnRequest.setDeleteOldRdn( deleteOldRdn );
ModifyDnResponse modifyDnResponse = modifyDn( modDnRequest );
processResponse( modifyDnResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void moveAndRename( String entryDn, String newDn, boolean deleteOldRdn ) throws LdapException
moveAndRename( new Dn( entryDn ), new Dn( newDn ), true );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ModifyDnResponse modifyDn( ModifyDnRequest modDnRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( modDnRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04145_ROOT_DSE_CANNOT_BE_TARGET );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
ModifyDnFuture modifyDnFuture = modifyDnAsync( modDnRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
ModifyDnResponse modifyDnResponse = modifyDnFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( modifyDnResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "ModifyDn" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( modifyDnResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04125_MODIFYDN_SUCCESSFUL, modifyDnResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04124_MODIFYDN_FAILED, modifyDnResponse ) );
return modifyDnResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
// Send an abandon request
if ( !modifyDnFuture.isCancelled() )
abandon( modDnRequest.getMessageId() );
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ModifyDnFuture modifyDnAsync( ModifyDnRequest modDnRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( modDnRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04145_ROOT_DSE_CANNOT_BE_TARGET );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( modDnRequest.getName() == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04137_CANNOT_PROCESS_MOD_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( ( modDnRequest.getNewSuperior() == null ) && ( modDnRequest.getNewRdn() == null ) )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04147_CANNOT_PROCESS_MOD_NULL_DN_SUP );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
modDnRequest.setMessageId( newId );
ModifyDnFuture modifyDnFuture = new ModifyDnFuture( this, newId );
addToFutureMap( newId, modifyDnFuture );
// Send the request to the server
writeRequest( modDnRequest );
// Ok, done return the future
return modifyDnFuture;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void delete( String dn ) throws LdapException
delete( new Dn( dn ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void delete( Dn dn ) throws LdapException
DeleteRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteRequestImpl();
deleteRequest.setName( dn );
DeleteResponse deleteResponse = delete( deleteRequest );
processResponse( deleteResponse );
* deletes the entry with the given Dn, and all its children
* @param dn the target entry's Dn
* @throws LdapException If the Dn is not valid or if the deletion failed
public void deleteTree( Dn dn ) throws LdapException
if ( isControlSupported( TreeDelete.OID ) )
DeleteRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteRequestImpl();
deleteRequest.setName( dn );
deleteRequest.addControl( new TreeDeleteImpl() );
DeleteResponse deleteResponse = delete( deleteRequest );
processResponse( deleteResponse );
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04148_SUBTREE_CONTROL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
LOG.error( msg );
throw new LdapException( msg );
* deletes the entry with the given Dn, and all its children
* @param dn the target entry's Dn as a String
* @throws LdapException If the Dn is not valid or if the deletion failed
public void deleteTree( String dn ) throws LdapException
String treeDeleteOid = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805";
Dn newDn = new Dn( dn );
if ( isControlSupported( treeDeleteOid ) )
DeleteRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteRequestImpl();
deleteRequest.setName( newDn );
deleteRequest.addControl( new OpaqueControl( treeDeleteOid ) );
DeleteResponse deleteResponse = delete( deleteRequest );
processResponse( deleteResponse );
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04148_SUBTREE_CONTROL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
LOG.error( msg );
throw new LdapException( msg );
catch ( LdapInvalidDnException e )
LOG.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new LdapException( e.getMessage(), e );
* {@inheritDoc}
public DeleteResponse delete( DeleteRequest deleteRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( deleteRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04149_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_DEL_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
DeleteFuture deleteFuture = deleteAsync( deleteRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
DeleteResponse delResponse = deleteFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( delResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Delete" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( delResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04116_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL, delResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04115_DELETE_FAILED, delResponse ) );
return delResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
// Send an abandon request
if ( !deleteFuture.isCancelled() )
abandon( deleteRequest.getMessageId() );
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* {@inheritDoc}
public DeleteFuture deleteAsync( DeleteRequest deleteRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( deleteRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04149_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_DEL_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( deleteRequest.getName() == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04150_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_DEL_NULL_DN );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
deleteRequest.setMessageId( newId );
DeleteFuture deleteFuture = new DeleteFuture( this, newId );
addToFutureMap( newId, deleteFuture );
// Send the request to the server
writeRequest( deleteRequest );
// Ok, done return the future
return deleteFuture;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean compare( String dn, String attributeName, String value ) throws LdapException
return compare( new Dn( dn ), attributeName, value );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean compare( String dn, String attributeName, byte[] value ) throws LdapException
return compare( new Dn( dn ), attributeName, value );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean compare( String dn, String attributeName, Value value ) throws LdapException
return compare( new Dn( dn ), attributeName, value );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean compare( Dn dn, String attributeName, String value ) throws LdapException
CompareRequest compareRequest = new CompareRequestImpl();
compareRequest.setName( dn );
compareRequest.setAttributeId( attributeName );
compareRequest.setAssertionValue( value );
CompareResponse compareResponse = compare( compareRequest );
return processResponse( compareResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean compare( Dn dn, String attributeName, byte[] value ) throws LdapException
CompareRequest compareRequest = new CompareRequestImpl();
compareRequest.setName( dn );
compareRequest.setAttributeId( attributeName );
compareRequest.setAssertionValue( value );
CompareResponse compareResponse = compare( compareRequest );
return processResponse( compareResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean compare( Dn dn, String attributeName, Value value ) throws LdapException
CompareRequest compareRequest = new CompareRequestImpl();
compareRequest.setName( dn );
compareRequest.setAttributeId( attributeName );
if ( value.isHumanReadable() )
compareRequest.setAssertionValue( value.getString() );
compareRequest.setAssertionValue( value.getBytes() );
CompareResponse compareResponse = compare( compareRequest );
return processResponse( compareResponse );
* {@inheritDoc}
public CompareResponse compare( CompareRequest compareRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( compareRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04151_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_COMP_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
CompareFuture compareFuture = compareAsync( compareRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
CompareResponse compareResponse = compareFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( compareResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Compare" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( compareResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04114_COMPARE_SUCCESSFUL, compareResponse ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04113_COMPARE_FAILED, compareResponse ) );
return compareResponse;
catch ( Exception ie )
// Catch all other exceptions
// Send an abandon request
if ( !compareFuture.isCancelled() )
abandon( compareRequest.getMessageId() );
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* {@inheritDoc}
public CompareFuture compareAsync( CompareRequest compareRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( compareRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04151_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_COMP_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
if ( compareRequest.getName() == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04152_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_DN_COMP_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
compareRequest.setMessageId( newId );
CompareFuture compareFuture = new CompareFuture( this, newId );
addToFutureMap( newId, compareFuture );
// Send the request to the server
writeRequest( compareRequest );
// Ok, done return the future
return compareFuture;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ExtendedResponse extended( String oid ) throws LdapException
return extended( oid, null );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ExtendedResponse extended( String oid, byte[] value ) throws LdapException
return extended( Oid.fromString( oid ), value );
catch ( DecoderException e )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04153_OID_DECODING_FAILURE, oid );
LOG.error( msg );
throw new LdapException( msg, e );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ExtendedResponse extended( Oid oid ) throws LdapException
return extended( oid, null );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ExtendedResponse extended( Oid oid, byte[] value ) throws LdapException
Map<String, ExtendedOperationFactory> factories = LdapApiServiceFactory.getSingleton().getExtendedRequestFactories();
String oidStr = oid.toString();
ExtendedOperationFactory factory = factories.get( oidStr );
if ( factory != null )
if ( value == null )
return extended( factory.newRequest() );
return extended( factory.newRequest( value ) );
catch ( DecoderException de )
throw new LdapNoSuchObjectException( de.getMessage() );
return extended( new OpaqueExtendedRequest( oidStr, value ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ExtendedResponse extended( ExtendedRequest extendedRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( extendedRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04154_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_EXT_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
ExtendedFuture extendedFuture = extendedAsync( extendedRequest );
// Get the result from the future
// Read the response, waiting for it if not available immediately
// Get the response, blocking
ExtendedResponse response = ( ExtendedResponse ) extendedFuture
.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( response == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Extended" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
if ( response.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
// Everything is fine, return the response
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04118_EXTENDED_SUCCESSFUL, response ) );
// We have had an error
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04117_EXTENDED_FAILED, response ) );
// Get back the response. It's still an opaque response
if ( Strings.isEmpty( response.getResponseName() ) )
response.setResponseName( extendedRequest.getRequestName() );
// Decode the payload now
return response;
catch ( Exception ie )
if ( ie instanceof LdapException )
throw ( LdapException ) ie;
// Catch all other exceptions
// Send an abandon request
if ( !extendedFuture.isCancelled() )
abandon( extendedRequest.getMessageId() );
throw new LdapException( NO_RESPONSE_ERROR, ie );
* {@inheritDoc}
public ExtendedFuture extendedAsync( ExtendedRequest extendedRequest ) throws LdapException
if ( extendedRequest == null )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04154_CANNOT_PROCESS_NULL_EXT_REQ );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( msg );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
extendedRequest.setMessageId( newId );
ExtendedFuture extendedFuture = new ExtendedFuture( this, newId );
extendedFuture.setExtendedRequest( extendedRequest );
addToFutureMap( newId, extendedFuture );
// Send the request to the server
writeRequest( extendedRequest );
// Ok, done return the future
return extendedFuture;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean exists( String dn ) throws LdapException
return exists( new Dn( dn ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean exists( Dn dn ) throws LdapException
Entry entry = lookup( dn, SchemaConstants.NO_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY );
return entry != null;
catch ( LdapNoPermissionException lnpe )
// Special case to deal with insufficient permissions
return false;
catch ( LdapException le )
throw le;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry getRootDse() throws LdapException
return lookup( Dn.ROOT_DSE, SchemaConstants.ALL_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry getRootDse( String... attributes ) throws LdapException
return lookup( Dn.ROOT_DSE, attributes );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry lookup( Dn dn ) throws LdapException
return lookup( dn, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry lookup( String dn ) throws LdapException
return lookup( dn, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry lookup( Dn dn, String... attributes ) throws LdapException
return lookup( dn, null, attributes );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry lookup( Dn dn, Control[] controls, String... attributes ) throws LdapException
Entry entry = null;
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequestImpl();
searchRequest.setBase( dn );
searchRequest.setFilter( LdapConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_STAR );
searchRequest.setScope( SearchScope.OBJECT );
searchRequest.addAttributes( attributes );
searchRequest.setDerefAliases( AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS );
if ( ( controls != null ) && ( controls.length > 0 ) )
searchRequest.addAllControls( controls );
try ( Cursor<Response> cursor = search( searchRequest ) )
// Read the response
if ( )
// cursor will always hold SearchResultEntry objects cause there is no ManageDsaITControl passed with search request
entry = ( ( SearchResultEntry ) cursor.get() ).getEntry();
// Pass through the SaerchResultDone, or stop
// if we have other responses;
catch ( CursorException e )
throw new LdapException( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapException( ioe.getMessage(), ioe );
return entry;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry lookup( String dn, String... attributes ) throws LdapException
return lookup( new Dn( dn ), null, attributes );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Entry lookup( String dn, Control[] controls, String... attributes ) throws LdapException
return lookup( new Dn( dn ), controls, attributes );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isControlSupported( String controlOID ) throws LdapException
return getSupportedControls().contains( controlOID );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<String> getSupportedControls() throws LdapException
if ( supportedControls != null )
return supportedControls;
if ( rootDse == null )
supportedControls = new ArrayList<>();
Attribute attr = rootDse.get( SchemaConstants.SUPPORTED_CONTROL_AT );
if ( attr == null )
// Unlikely. Perhaps the server does not respond properly to "+" attribute query
// (such as 389ds server). So let's try again and let's be more explicit.
fetchRootDSE( SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES,
attr = rootDse.get( SchemaConstants.SUPPORTED_CONTROL_AT );
if ( attr == null )
return supportedControls;
for ( Value value : attr )
supportedControls.add( value.getString() );
return supportedControls;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void loadSchema() throws LdapException
loadSchema( new DefaultSchemaLoader( this ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void loadSchemaRelaxed() throws LdapException
loadSchema( new DefaultSchemaLoader( this, true ) );
* loads schema using the specified schema loader
* @param loader the {@link SchemaLoader} to be used to load schema
* @throws LdapException If the schema loading failed
public void loadSchema( SchemaLoader loader ) throws LdapException
SchemaManager tmp = new DefaultSchemaManager( loader );
if ( !tmp.getErrors().isEmpty() && loader.isStrict() )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04115_ERROR_LOADING_SCHEMA );
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_05114_ERROR_MESSAGE, msg, Strings.listToString( tmp.getErrors() ) ) );
throw new LdapException( msg );
schemaManager = tmp;
// Change the container's BinaryDetector
ioSession.setAttribute( LdapDecoder.MESSAGE_CONTAINER_ATTR,
new LdapMessageContainer<>( codec,
new SchemaBinaryAttributeDetector( schemaManager ) ) );
catch ( LdapException le )
throw le;
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04116_FAIL_LOAD_SCHEMA ), e );
throw new LdapException( e );
* parses the given schema file present in OpenLDAP schema format
* and adds all the SchemaObjects present in it to the SchemaManager
* @param schemaFile the schema file in OpenLDAP schema format
* @throws LdapException in case of any errors while parsing
public void addSchema( File schemaFile ) throws LdapException
if ( schemaManager == null )
if ( schemaManager == null )
throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04116_FAIL_LOAD_SCHEMA ) );
OpenLdapSchemaParser olsp = new OpenLdapSchemaParser();
olsp.setQuirksMode( true );
olsp.parse( schemaFile );
Registries registries = schemaManager.getRegistries();
for ( AttributeType atType : olsp.getAttributeTypes() )
registries.buildReference( atType );
registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().register( atType );
for ( ObjectClass oc : olsp.getObjectClasses() )
registries.buildReference( oc );
registries.getObjectClassRegistry().register( oc );
if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() )
{ I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04167_SCHEMA_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY, schemaFile.getAbsolutePath() ) );
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04117_FAIL_LOAD_SCHEMA_FILE, schemaFile.getAbsolutePath() ) );
throw new LdapException( e );
* @see #addSchema(File)
* @param schemaFileName The schema file name to add
* @throws LdapException If the schema addition failed
public void addSchema( String schemaFileName ) throws LdapException
addSchema( new File( schemaFileName ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public LdapApiService getCodecService()
return codec;
* {@inheritDoc}
public SchemaManager getSchemaManager()
return schemaManager;
* fetches the rootDSE from the server
* @param explicitAttributes The list of requested attributes
* @throws LdapException If we weren't bale to fetch the RootDSE
private void fetchRootDSE( String... explicitAttributes ) throws LdapException
EntryCursor cursor = null;
String[] attributes = explicitAttributes;
if ( attributes.length == 0 )
attributes = new String[]
cursor = search( "", LdapConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_STAR, SearchScope.OBJECT, attributes );
if ( )
rootDse = cursor.get();
// We have to call here, as we need to make sure that the "done" status of the cursor
// is properly updated. Otherwise the subsequent cursor.close() initiates an ABANDON operation to
// stop the search, which is in fact finished already.;
throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04155_ROOT_DSE_SEARCH_FAILED ) );
catch ( Exception e )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04156_FAILED_FETCHING_ROOT_DSE );
LOG.error( msg );
throw new LdapException( msg, e );
if ( cursor != null )
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04114_CURSOR_CLOSE_FAIL ), e );
* gives the configuration information of the connection
* @return the configuration of the connection
public LdapConnectionConfig getConfig()
return config;
* removes the Objects associated with the given message ID
* from future and response queue maps
* @param msgId id of the message
private void removeFromFutureMaps( int msgId )
getFromFutureMap( msgId );
* clears the async listener, responseQueue and future mapppings to the corresponding request IDs
private void clearMaps()
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isRequestCompleted( int messageId )
ResponseFuture<?> responseFuture = futureMap.get( messageId );
return responseFuture == null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean doesFutureExistFor( int messageId )
ResponseFuture<?> responseFuture = futureMap.get( messageId );
return responseFuture != null;
* Adds the connection closed event listener.
* @param ccListener the connection closed listener
public void addConnectionClosedEventListener( ConnectionClosedEventListener ccListener )
if ( conCloseListeners == null )
conCloseListeners = new ArrayList<>();
conCloseListeners.add( ccListener );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void inputClosed( IoSession session ) throws Exception
* This method is called when a new session is created. We will store some
* informations that the session will need to process incoming requests.
* @param session the newly created session
public void sessionCreated( IoSession session ) throws Exception
// Last, store the message container
LdapMessageContainer<Message> ldapMessageContainer =
new LdapMessageContainer<>(
codec, config.getBinaryAttributeDetector() );
session.setAttribute( LdapDecoder.MESSAGE_CONTAINER_ATTR, ldapMessageContainer );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void sessionClosed( IoSession session ) throws Exception
authenticated.set( false );
// Close all the Future for this session
for ( ResponseFuture<? extends Response> responseFuture : futureMap.values() )
// clear the mappings
// Last, not least, reset the MessageId value
messageId.set( 0 );
if ( connector != null )
connector = null;
if ( conCloseListeners != null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04136_NOTIFYING_CLOSE_LISTENERS ) );
for ( ConnectionClosedEventListener listener : conCloseListeners )
connectionCloseFuture.complete( 0 );
* Sends the StartTLS extended request to server and adds a security layer
* upon receiving a response with successful result. Note that we will use
* the default LDAP connection.
* @throws LdapException If the StartTLS operation failed
public void startTls() throws LdapException
if ( config.isUseSsl() )
throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04157_CANNOT_USE_TLS_WITH_SSL_FLAG ) );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
if ( ioSession.isSecured() )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04121_LDAP_ALREADY_USING_START_TLS ) );
ExtendedResponse resp = extended( new StartTlsRequestImpl() );
LdapResult result = resp.getLdapResult();
if ( result.getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
throw new LdapOperationException( result.getResultCode(), result.getDiagnosticMessage() );
catch ( LdapException e )
throw e;
catch ( Exception e )
throw new LdapException( e );
* Adds {@link SslFilter} to the IOConnector or IOSession's filter chain
* @throws LdapException If the SSL filter addition failed
private void addSslFilter() throws LdapException
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance( config.getSslProtocol() );
sslContext.init( config.getKeyManagers(), config.getTrustManagers(), config.getSecureRandom() );
SslFilter sslFilter = new SslFilter( sslContext );
sslFilter.setUseClientMode( true );
// Configure the enabled cipher lists
String[] enabledCipherSuite = config.getEnabledCipherSuites();
if ( ( enabledCipherSuite != null ) && ( enabledCipherSuite.length != 0 ) )
sslFilter.setEnabledCipherSuites( enabledCipherSuite );
// Be sure we disable SSLV3
String[] enabledProtocols = config.getEnabledProtocols();
if ( ( enabledProtocols != null ) && ( enabledProtocols.length != 0 ) )
sslFilter.setEnabledProtocols( enabledProtocols );
// Default to TLS
sslFilter.setEnabledProtocols( new String[]
{ "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2" } );
// for LDAPS/TLS
handshakeFuture = new HandshakeFuture();
if ( ( ioSession == null ) || !isConnected() )
connector.getFilterChain().addFirst( SSL_FILTER_KEY, sslFilter );
// for StartTLS
ioSession.getFilterChain().addFirst( SSL_FILTER_KEY, sslFilter );
boolean isSecured = handshakeFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( !isSecured )
Throwable cause = ( Throwable ) ioSession.getAttribute( EXCEPTION_KEY );
throw new LdapTlsHandshakeException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04120_TLS_HANDSHAKE_ERROR ), cause );
catch ( Exception e )
if ( e instanceof LdapException )
throw ( LdapException ) e;
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04122_SSL_CONTEXT_INIT_FAILURE );
LOG.error( msg, e );
throw new LdapException( msg, e );
* Process the SASL Bind. It's a dialog with the server, we will send a first BindRequest, receive
* a response and the, if this response is a challenge, continue by sending a new BindRequest with
* the requested informations.
* @param saslRequest The SASL request object containing all the needed parameters
* @return A {@link BindResponse} containing the result
* @throws LdapException if some error occurred
public BindFuture bindSasl( SaslRequest saslRequest ) throws LdapException
// First switch to anonymous state
authenticated.set( false );
// try to connect, if we aren't already connected.
// If the session has not been establish, or is closed, we get out immediately
BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( ( String ) null, null,
saslRequest.getSaslMechanism(), saslRequest.getControls() );
// Update the messageId
int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
bindRequest.setMessageId( newId );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04104_SENDING_REQUEST, bindRequest ) );
// Create a future for this Bind operation
BindFuture bindFuture = new BindFuture( this, newId );
// Store it in the future Map
addToFutureMap( newId, bindFuture );
BindResponse bindResponse;
byte[] response;
ResultCodeEnum result;
// Creating a map for SASL properties
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
// Quality of Protection SASL property
if ( saslRequest.getQualityOfProtection() != null )
properties.put( Sasl.QOP, saslRequest.getQualityOfProtection().getValue() );
// Security Strength SASL property
if ( saslRequest.getSecurityStrength() != null )
properties.put( Sasl.STRENGTH, saslRequest.getSecurityStrength().getValue() );
// Mutual Authentication SASL property
if ( saslRequest.isMutualAuthentication() )
properties.put( Sasl.SERVER_AUTH, "true" );
// Creating a SASL Client
SaslClient sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(
new String[]
{ bindRequest.getSaslMechanism() },
new SaslCallbackHandler( saslRequest ) );
// If the SaslClient wasn't created, that means we can't create the SASL client
// for the requested mechanism. We then produce an Exception
if ( sc == null )
String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04158_CANNOT_FIND_SASL_FACTORY_FOR_MECH, bindRequest.getSaslMechanism() );
LOG.error( message );
throw new LdapException( message );
// Corner case : the SASL mech might send an initial challenge, and we have to
// deal with it immediately.
if ( sc.hasInitialResponse() )
byte[] challengeResponse = sc.evaluateChallenge( Strings.EMPTY_BYTES );
// Stores the challenge's response, and send it to the server
bindRequest.setCredentials( challengeResponse );
writeRequest( bindRequest );
// Get the server's response, blocking
bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
result = bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode();
// Copy the bindRequest without setting the credentials
BindRequest bindRequestCopy = new BindRequestImpl();
bindRequestCopy.setMessageId( newId );
bindRequestCopy.setName( bindRequest.getName() );
bindRequestCopy.setSaslMechanism( bindRequest.getSaslMechanism() );
bindRequestCopy.setSimple( bindRequest.isSimple() );
bindRequestCopy.setVersion3( bindRequest.getVersion3() );
bindRequestCopy.addAllControls( bindRequest.getControls().values().toArray( new Control[0] ) );
writeRequest( bindRequestCopy );
bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
result = bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode();
while ( !sc.isComplete()
&& ( ( result == ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS ) || ( result == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS ) ) )
response = sc.evaluateChallenge( bindResponse.getServerSaslCreds() );
if ( result == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
if ( response != null )
throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04159_PROTOCOL_ERROR ) );
newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();
bindRequest.setMessageId( newId );
bindRequest.setCredentials( response );
addToFutureMap( newId, bindFuture );
writeRequest( bindRequest );
bindResponse = bindFuture.get( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
if ( bindResponse == null )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04112_OP_FAILED_TIMEOUT, "Bind" ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
result = bindResponse.getLdapResult().getResultCode();
bindFuture.set( bindResponse );
return bindFuture;
catch ( LdapException e )
throw e;
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( e.getMessage() );
throw new LdapException( e );
* A reusable code block to be used in various bind methods
* @param request The request to send
* @throws LdapException If the request was ot properly sent
private void writeRequest( Request request ) throws LdapException
// Send the request to the server
WriteFuture writeFuture = ioSession.write( request );
long localTimeout = timeout;
while ( localTimeout > 0 )
// Wait only 100 ms
boolean done = writeFuture.awaitUninterruptibly( 100 );
if ( done )
// Wait for the message to be sent to the server
if ( !ioSession.isConnected() )
// We didn't received anything : this is an error
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04118_SOMETHING_WRONG_HAPPENED ) );
Exception exception = ( Exception ) ioSession.removeAttribute( EXCEPTION_KEY );
if ( exception instanceof LdapException )
throw ( LdapException ) exception;
else if ( exception != null )
throw new InvalidConnectionException( exception.getMessage(), exception );
throw new InvalidConnectionException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04160_SESSION_HAS_BEEN_CLOSED ) );
localTimeout -= 100;
if ( LOG.isErrorEnabled() )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04119_TIMEOUT ) );
throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );
* method to write the kerberos config in the standard MIT kerberos format
* This is required cause the JGSS api is not able to recognize the port value set
* in the system property this issue makes it impossible
* to set a kdc running non standard ports (other than 88)
* e.g localhost:6088
* <pre>
* [libdefaults]
* default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
* [realms]
* kdc = localhost:6088
* }
* </pre>
* @param realmName The realm name
* @param kdcHost The Kerberos server host
* @param kdcPort The Kerberos server port
* @return the full path of the config file
* @throws IOException If the config file cannot be created
private String createKrb5ConfFile( String realmName, String kdcHost, int kdcPort ) throws IOException
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( "[libdefaults]" )
.append( "\n\t" );
sb.append( "default_realm = " )
.append( realmName )
.append( "\n" );
sb.append( "[realms]" )
.append( "\n\t" );
sb.append( realmName )
.append( " = {" )
.append( "\n\t\t" );
sb.append( "kdc = " )
.append( kdcHost )
.append( ":" )
.append( kdcPort )
.append( "\n\t}\n" );
File krb5Conf = Files.createTempFile( "client-api-krb5", ".conf" ).toFile();
try ( Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter( Files.newOutputStream( Paths.get( krb5Conf.getPath() ) ),
Charset.defaultCharset() ) )
writer.write( sb.toString() );
String krb5ConfPath = krb5Conf.getAbsolutePath();
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( I18n.msg( I18n.MSG_04135_KRB5_FILE_CREATED, krb5ConfPath ) );
return krb5ConfPath;
* {@inheritDoc}
public BinaryAttributeDetector getBinaryAttributeDetector()
if ( config != null )
return config.getBinaryAttributeDetector();
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setBinaryAttributeDetector( BinaryAttributeDetector binaryAttributeDetector )
if ( config != null )
config.setBinaryAttributeDetector( binaryAttributeDetector );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setSchemaManager( SchemaManager schemaManager )
this.schemaManager = schemaManager;
* @return the socketSessionConfig
public SocketSessionConfig getSocketSessionConfig()
return socketSessionConfig;
* @param socketSessionConfig the socketSessionConfig to set
public void setSocketSessionConfig( SocketSessionConfig socketSessionConfig )
this.socketSessionConfig = socketSessionConfig;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void event( IoSession session, FilterEvent event ) throws Exception
// Check if it's a SSLevent
if ( ( event instanceof SslEvent ) && ( ( SslEvent ) event == SslEvent.SECURED ) )