High Availability Using MySQL Backend

The HAS High Availability feature implemented by providing the option of running two redundant HAS servers.


1. Configure has-server.conf

The two redundant HAS servers must have same https ports. Below are examples:

  • has-server.conf of HAS server on emr-header-1:
  https_host = emr-header-1
  https_port = 8092
  filter_auth_type = kerberos
  enable_conf = true

  auth_type = RAM
  • has-server.conf of HAS server on emr-worker-1:
  https_host = emr-worker-1
  https_port = 8092
  filter_auth_type = kerberos
  enable_conf = true

  auth_type = RAM

2. Start HAS servers

3. Configure HAS backend

The two redundant HAS servers must use mysql backend, and have same mysql_url, mysql_user and mysql_password.

Please look at How to use mysql backend for mysql backend configuration.

4. Configure HAS KDC

The two redundant HAS servers must have same ports and realms.

5. Start and init HAS KDC servers

After doing init on either HAS server, the other one has been initialized too.

Please keep the shared admin.keytab safely.

6. Reexport has-client.conf for HAS web server HA

cd HAS/has-dist
// Start KDC init tool
sh bin/kdcinit.sh <conf_dir>
// Get has-client.conf, and put it to /etc/has:
KdcInitTool: gethas -p /etc/has
KdcInitTool: exit

You will get has-client.conf like the following:

  https_host = emr-header-1,emr-worker-1
  https_port = 8092
  filter_auth_type = kerberos
  enable_conf = true

  auth_type = RAM

Hadoop user can use HAS HA feature by updating core-site.xml without Reexport has-client.conf. add the following properties:


7. Reexport krb5.conf for HAS KDC HA

cd HAS/has-dist
// Start KDC init tool:
sh bin/kdcinit.sh <conf_dir>
// Get krb5.conf, and put it to /etc:
KdcInitTool: getkrb5 -p /etc
KdcInitTool: exit

You will get krb5.conf like the following:

    kdc_realm = HADOOP.COM
    default_realm = HADOOP.COM
    udp_preference_limit = 4096
    kdc_tcp_port = 88
    kdc_udp_port = 88

    HADOOP.COM = {
        kdc = localhost:88
        kdc = localhost:88


You can use login-test tool to verify:

1. Update hadmin.conf in <conf_dir>

2. Run login-test tool

cd HAS/has-dist
// Use tgt to login
sh bin/login-test.sh tgt <conf_dir> MySQL