Enable Hadoop

1. Build Hadoop

Apply the patch to hadoop-2.7.2 source code

git apply hadoop-2.7.2.patch

Build Hadoop

mvn package -Pdist,native -Dtar -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dcontainer-executor.conf.dir=/etc/hadoop/conf

Redeploy Hadoop

2. Distribute and configure Keytab files

a. Deploy krb5.conf and has-client.conf

b. Create and distribute keytab files to the corresponding nodes.

c. Set permission of keytab files, restrict access permissions for any keytab files you create.

3. Update hadoop configuration files

Update core-site.xml

add the following properties:


Update hdfs-site.xml

add the following properties:

<!-- General HDFS security config -->

<!-- NameNode security config -->
  <description>The maximum lifetime in milliseconds for which a delegation token is valid.</description>

<!-- Secondary NameNode security config -->

<!-- DataNode security config -->

<!-- HTTPS config -->

Configuration for HDFS HA

For normal configuration, please look at HDFS High Availability

add the following properties in hdfs-site.xml:


Update yarn-site.xml

add the following properties:

<!-- ResourceManager security config -->

<!-- NodeManager security config -->

<!-- HTTPS config -->

<!-- Container executor config -->

<!-- Timeline service config, if timeline service enabled -->





<!-- Proxy server config, if web proxy server enabled -->


Update mapred-site.xml

add the following properties:

<!-- MapReduce security config -->

Create and configure ssl-server.xml

cp etc/hadoop/ssl-server.xml.example etc/hadoop/ssl-server.xml

Configure ssl-server.xml: Please look at How to deploy https.

4. Configure container-executor

Create and configure container-executor.cfg

container-executor.cfg locates in the path specified in the mvn build command. According to the example mvn package -Pdist,native -Dtar -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dcontainer-executor.conf.dir=/etc/hadoop/conf build command in this document, the path is /etc/hadoop/conf/. Note that container-executor.cfg should be deployed to each node of cluster.

Example of container-executor.cfg:

#configured value of yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.group
#comma separated list of users who can not run applications
#Prevent other super-users
#comma separated list of system users who CAN run applications

Set permission:

mv container-executor.cfg /etc/hadoop/conf
// Container-executor.cfg should be read-only
chmod 400 container-executor.cfg

Set permission of container-executor:

chmod 6050 container-executor
// Test whether configuration is correct
container-executor --checksetup

Note that container-executor is in $HADOOP_HOME/bin.

5. Configure for Hadoop Client

There are two ways to enable HAS authentication for Hadoop client.

a. Use HAS Plugin (MySQL plugin as example)

Make sure the plugin type is MySQL

Check auth_type value of has-server.conf and has-client.conf.

Create has_user table in MySQL Database

On HAS sever, create a table named has_user. This table contains column named user_name and pass_word with type VARCHAR.

All the authenticate information of users stored in this table.

Configure environmental variables of HAS server

Add following environmental variables in the HAS sever:


Configure environmental variables of Hadoop client

Add following environmental variables in the Hadoop client:

userName=HAS Client Name in has_user table
pass_word=HAS Client Password in has_user table

b. Use legacy credential cache

Use kinit command to get credential cache.

knit -k -t path/to/any/keytab/file <pricipal_of_the_specified_keytab>

6. Setting up cross-realm for DistCp

Setup cross realm trust between realms

Please look at How to setup cross-realm.

Update core-site.xml

Set hadoop.security.auth_to_local parameter in both clusters, add the following properties:

<!-- Set up cross realm between A.HADOOP.COM and B.HADOOP.COM -->

Test the mapping:

hadoop org.apache.hadoop.security.HadoopKerberosName hdfs/localhost@A.HADOOP.COM

Update hdfs-site.xml

add the following properties in client-side:

<!-- Control allowed realms to authenticate with -->


Test trust is setup by running hdfs commands from A.HADOOP.COM to B.HADOOP.COM, run the following command on the node of A.HADOOP.COM cluster:

hdfs dfs –ls hdfs://<NameNode_FQDN_for_B.HADOOP.COM_Cluster>:8020/

Distcp between secure clusters

Run the distcp command:

hadoop distcp hdfs://<Cluster_A_URI> hdfs://<Cluster_B_URI>

Distcp between secure and insecure clusters

Add the following properties in core-site.xml:


Or run the distcp command with security setting:

hadoop distcp -D ipc.client.fallback-to-simple-auth-allowed=true hdfs://<Cluster_A_URI> hdfs://<Cluster_B_URI>