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README for Apache Fortress Realm Context Setup

  • Version 2.0.8
  • Apache Fortress Realm Context System Architecture Diagram Apache Fortress Realm Context System Architecture

Table of Contents

  • Document Overview
  • Tips for first-time users.
  • SECTION 1. Prerequisites.
  • SECTION 2. Prepare Tomcat for the Context Realm.
  • SECTION 3. Enable Web App to use the Context Realm.
  • More on the Realm Proxy

Document Overview

This document contains instructions to enable Apache Fortress Realm for a single Web app context running under Apache Tomcat. To enable for all apps running, using Tomcat global security option, follow these steps REALM-HOST-SETUP instead.

Tips for first-time users

  • For a tutorial on how to use Apache Fortress check out the quickstarts in directory-fortress-core package.
  • For a tutorial on how to enable a Web application to use Fortress, check out the: README-ENABLE-FORTRESS.
  • If you see FORTRESS_CORE_HOME, refer to the base package of [directory-fortress-core].
  • If you see FORTRESS_REALM_HOME, refer to this packages base folder.
  • If you see TOMCAT_HOME, refer to the location of that package's base folder.
  • Questions about this software package should be directed to its mailing list:

SECTION 1. Prerequisites

Minimum hardware requirements:

  • 2 Cores
  • 4GB RAM

Minimum software requirements:

  • Java SDK 8++
  • Apache Tomcat7++
  • git
  • Apache Maven3++
  • Apache Fortress Core Download & Install in FORTRESS_CORE_HOME package
  • Apache Fortress Core Options for using Apache Fortress and LDAP server in FORTRESS_CORE_HOME package
  • Apache Fortress Realm Download & Install in this package's README.

Everything else covered in steps that follow. Tested on Debian, Centos & Windows machines.

SECTION 2. Prepare Tomcat for the Context Realm

  1. copy FORTRESS_REALM_HOME proxy jar to TOMCAT_HOME/lib/
cp $FORTRESS_REALM_HOME/proxy/target/fortress-realm-proxy-[version].jar $TOMCAT_HOME/lib
  1. Restart Tomcat server for changes to take effect.

SECTION 3. Enable Web App to use the Context Realm

  1. Add a context.xml file to the META-INF folder of target web app.
vi $MY_APP_HOME/src/main/resources/META-INF/conf/context.xml
  1. Add to the file:
<Context reloadable="true">
   <Realm className=""
  • defaultRoles contains the comma-separated list of allowed role names for this web app. If left empty, it will default to the user's assigned roles.
  • containerType for realm context setups, this will always be ‘TomcatContext’.
  • contextId contains the tenant ID. This should be ‘HOME’ if not using fortress multitenancy features. See README-MULTITENANCY.
  • realmClasspath should always be empty, for realm context setups. It will use the web app's classpath.
  1. Edit the web app's deployment descriptor:
vi $MY_APP_HOME/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
  1. Add Java EE security constraint declarations to the file:
     <display-name>Commander Security Constraint</display-name>
         <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
         <!-- Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected -->
         <!-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area -->

 <!-- Example of HTTP Basic Authentication Setup. -->

 <!-- Security roles referenced by this web application -->

Fortress Realm follows standard Java EE security semantics.

  1. Add this dependency to the Web app's pom.xml file.

Where project.version contains target version, e.g. 1.0-RC41

  1. Add the file to the classpath of the web app.

Copy the, created during FORTRESS_CORE_HOME setup, to app resource folder.

cp $FORTRESS_CORE_HOME/config/ $MY_APP_HOME/src/main/resources
  1. Verify a match for target LDAP server coordinates.
# This param tells fortress what type of ldap server in use:

# ldap host name

# if ApacheDS is listening on

# If ApacheDS, these credentials are used for read/write to fortress DIT

# This is min/max settings for admin pool connections:

# This node contains more fortress properties stored on behalf of connecting LDAP clients:

# Used by application security components:

# Fortress uses a cache:

# Default for pool reconnect flag is false:
  1. Add two other files, ehcache.xml and log4j2.xml to classpath of the web app.
cp $FORTRESS_REALM_HOME/conf/echcache.xml $MY_APP_HOME/src/main/resources
cp $FORTRESS_REALM_HOME/conf/log4j2.xml $MY_APP_HOME/src/main/resources
  1. Verify these configuration artifacts are properly staged to your app resource folder:
x@machine:~/MY_APP_HOME/src/main/resources$ ls -l
-rwxrwxr-x 1 x y 5905 Jan 23 12:41 ehcache.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 x y 1161 Jan 23 12:41
-rw-rw-r-- 1 x y 1235 Jan 23 12:41 log4j2.xml

Fortress needs all three files in its classpath.

  1. Redeploy web application to Tomcat.

  2. Login to the web app. Users that successfully authenticate and have role(s) listed in auth-constraint of web deployment descriptor may access matching resources under the url-pattern.

  3. Verify that realm is operating properly per Tomcat server log:

tail -f -n10000 $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out
... J2EE Tomcat7 policy agent initialization successful

Realm Usage Notes:

  • This automatically enforces authentication and coarse-gained authorization (isUserInRole) checking for a single web app.
  • Repeat steps in this section for each additional app using the Fortress Realm.

More on the Realm Proxy

The fortress realm proxy jar contains a shim that uses a URLClassLoader to reach its implementation libs. It prevents the realm impl libs, pulled in as dependency to your web app, from interfering with Tomcat's system classpath thus providing an error free deployment process w/out classloader issues. This satisfies requirements related to web hosting and multitenancy.