blob: 67bd5ff3f631f244d20974384033a9787b8f0e9b [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<project basedir="." default="all" name="Fortress Rest Server Role Policy">
<taskdef classname="" name="FortressAdmin" >
<classpath path="${java.class.path}"/>
<target name="all">
<!-- Begin RBAC Admin Data: -->
<user userId="demoUser4" password="password" description="Demo Test User 4" ou="demousrs1" cn="JoeUser4" sn="User4" beginTime="0000" endTime="0000" beginDate="20090101" endDate="20990101" beginLockDate="" endLockDate="" dayMask="1234567" timeout="60" photo="p4.jpeg"/>
<userrole userId="demoUser4" name="fortress-rest-user" beginTime="0000" endTime="0000" beginDate="" endDate="" beginLockDate="" endLockDate="" dayMask="" timeout="0"/>
<userrole userId="demoUser4" name="fortress-rest-super-user" beginTime="0000" endTime="0000" beginDate="" endDate="" beginLockDate="" endLockDate="" dayMask="" timeout="0"/>
<!-- This role is checked by the servlet container using JavaEE security. All callers must be assigned this role
plus at least one more of the interceptor roles from below -->
<role name="fortress-rest-user" description="This is JavaEE role required to call Fortress Rest server"/>
<!-- These roles are checked by the FortressInterceptor authorization annotation inside FortressServiceImpl class. -->
<!-- Users assigned the fortress-rest-super-user role will gain access to services.
This is hard-wired in the FortressServiceImpl policy-->
<role name="fortress-rest-super-user" description="This role is accepted by all of the Fortress Rest services"/>
<!-- Users assigned to the fortress-power-user role will gain access to all services.
This is via inheritance relationship with all of the other service roles-->
<role name="fortress-rest-power-user" description="This role inherits all of the other Fortress Rest services roles"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-access-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Access Mgr services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-admin-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Admin Mgr services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-review-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Delegated Access services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-delaccess-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Delegatged Admin services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-deladmin-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Delegated Admin services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-delreview-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Delegated Review services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-pwmgr-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Password Policy Mgr services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-audit-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Audit Mgr services"/>
<role name="fortress-rest-config-user" description="This role gains access to the Fortress Rest Config Mgr services"/>
<!-- Users assigned fortress-web-power-user role will inherit each of the following roles. -->
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-access-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-admin-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-review-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-delaccess-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-deladmin-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-delreview-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-pwmgr-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-audit-user"/>
<relationship child="fortress-rest-power-user" parent="fortress-rest-config-user"/>
<!-- Begin ARBAC Delegated Admin Data: -->
<orgunit name="demousrs1" typeName="USER" description="Test User Org 1 for User on Tomcat Calendar App"/>