describe the policy load files
diff --git a/ b/
index 0a17ca0..abb5bae 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
- b. The policy load file in this section Creates an Admin RBAC (ARBAC) Role named: *fortress-rest-admin*, and associates with (Test) Perm and User OU's:
+ b. The policy load file in this section Creates an ADMIN Role named: *fortress-rest-admin*, and associates with (Test) Perm and User OU's:
@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@
  c. Next, the ARBAC sample policy load script performs:
- * Create one ARBAC Permission for every Apache Fortress Rest service.
- * Grant every ARBAC Perm to the ARBAC Role *fortress-rest-admin*.
- * Assign the ARBAC Role *fortress-rest-admin* to test User *demoUser4*.
+ * Create one ADMIN Permission for every Apache Fortress Rest service.
+ * Grant every ADMIN Perm to the ADMIN Role *fortress-rest-admin*.
+ * Assign the ADMIN Role *fortress-rest-admin* to test User *demoUser4*.
  * Users who have been assigned *fortress-rest-admin*, like *demoUser4*, may...
    * call every Apache Fortress Rest service in this system and pass the ARBAC perm checks.
    * pass the ARBAC Org checks for (only) the data contained within the Apache Fortress core junit tests.
-   * pass *any/all* ARBAC Role range checks.
+   * pass *any/all* Role range checks.
  d. To load the [FortressRestArbacSamplePolicy](./src/main/resources/FortressRestArbacSamplePolicy.xml) into LDAP: