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Contains instructions to load test Apache Fortress using maven jmeter plugin.

Table of Contents

  1. Load the security policy
  2. Find the .jmx files
  3. Setting the jmeter parameters
  4. Run the tests
  5. Understanding the tests
  6. Troubleshooting

1. Load the security policy

mvn install -Dload.file=./ldap/setup/JmeterTestPolicy.xml

2. Find the .jmx files

A. Add User: src/test/jmeter/ftAddUser.jmx

B. Del User: src/test/jmeter/ftDelUser.jmx

C. Check User: src/test/jmeter/ftCheckUser.jmx

3. Setting the jmeter parameters

These settings affect the length, duration, and the number of threads:

  • LoopController.continue_forever: boolean value, if false, test duration is controlled by numbers of loops and threads.
  • LoopController.loops: integer value, contains the number of iterations each thread performs the test function.
  • ThreadGroup.num_threads: integer value, contains the number of threads to use in the test.
  • ThreadGroup.ramp_time: integer value, number of seconds for starting threads. A rule of thumb, set to same as num_threads.

For example:

<ThreadGroup guiclass="ThreadGroupGui" testclass="ThreadGroup" testname="Fortress CreateSession" enabled="true">
    <elementProp name="ThreadGroup.main_controller" ...>
        <boolProp name="LoopController.continue_forever">false</boolProp>
        <stringProp name="LoopController.loops">1000</stringProp>
    <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.num_threads">10</stringProp>
    <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.ramp_time">10</stringProp>

This test will start ten threads in ten seconds. Each thread executes the createSession function 1000 times before terminating.

4. Run the tests

From FORTRESS_HOME folder, enter the following command from a system prompt:

A. Add Users:

Will add user entry. Optionally will perform an update and/or role assignment.

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftAddUser -Dqualifier=A1 -Dverify=true -Dsleep=30 -Dupdate=true -Dou=loadtestu -Drole=jmeterrole

This test adds users. It uses runtime arguments to define behavior:

  • hostname=foo <-- optional field useful for distributing the load across servers in a multi-master env, it will override what's in

  • qualifier=A1 <-- this is used to construct userid: hostname + qualifier + counter

  • verify=true <-- will read after operation to verify success

  • update=true <-- will edit user's description if set to true

  • sleep=30 <-- sleep this many millisecones after each op

  • ou=loadtestu <-- this is a required attribute on user entry and must exist in user ou tree prior to test

  • role=jmeterrole <-- this is an optional attribute on user entry

  • All but hostname may also be set as properties in add config or del config files.

B. Delete Users:

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftDelUser -Dqualifier=A1 -Dverify=true -Dsleep=30
  • Same properties as add except for ‘ou’, which is not used for delete ops

C. Check Users:

Will perform a createSession. Optionally reads the entry and/or permission checks.

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftCheckUser -Dqualifier=A1 -Dverify=true -Dsize=20 -Dperm=jmeterobject.oper

This test performs createSession on users. It uses runtime arguments to define behavior:

  • size=20 <-- defines the number of users in the test set
  • Dperm=jmeterobject.oper <-- this is an optional property, will perform permission checks if set

5. Understanding the tests

A. Qualifier property.

The add test generates userids based on: hostname + qualifier + counter. The counter is global across all threads, so if you enable 20 threads * 100 loops, with a qualifier = ‘A1’, 2,000 users will be added:

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftAddUser -Dqualifier=A1

hostname-A1-1 hostname-A1-2 hostname-A1-3 ... hostname-A1-1000

If you run the test a second time (before a delete run) there will be duplicates because it tries to add users with same userids again. This is the idea of the ‘qualifier’. Change its value to ensure the uids remain unique across test runs.

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftAddUser -Dqualifier=A2

Or, you can run a delete before the next add:

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftDelUser -Dqualifier=A1

Just make sure the thread and loop counts in ftDelUser.jmx are the same as ftAddUser.jmx

B. Verify

If set to true, after every operation, a read of the entry will be performed.

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftAddUser -Dqualifier=A1 -Dverify=true

C. Update

If set to true, after every add, an update will be performed on user's description field.

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftAddUser -Dqualifier=A1 -Dupdate=true

D. Role

If ‘role’ set as property, it will be assigned after the user has been added. The role itself must already exist before being used in assignment to user.

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftAddUser -Dqualifier=A1 -Drole=jmeterrole

E. Perm

This applies only to the CheckUser test. If set, it will be used as permission in checkAccess call 10 times. For example:

mvn -Ploadtest jmeter:jmeter -Dtype=ftCheckUser -Dperm=jmeterobject.oper

Will call checkAccess:

obj: jmeterobject op oper1 obj: jmeterobject op oper2 obj: jmeterobject op oper3 ... obj: jmeterobject op oper10

These assignments must already exist before running this test.

6. Troubleshooting

A. View the results

  • target/jmeter/results/[DATE]-ftAddUser.jtl
  • target/jmeter/results/[DATE]ftDelUser.jmx.jtl
  • target/jmeter/results/[DATE]ftCheckUser.jtl

B. View the logs

  • target/jmeter/logs/ftAddUser.jmx.log
  • target/jmeter/logs/ftDelUser.jmx.log
  • target/jmeter/logs/ftCheckUser.jmx.log