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README for Apache Fortress Configuration Subsystem

Table of Contents

  • SECTION 1. Fortress Configuration Subsystem Overview.
  • SECTION 2. Fortress Ant Property Files.
  • SECTION 3. Fortress Configuration Artifacts.
  • SECTION 4. Fortress Configuration Overrides.
  • SECTION 5. Order Artifacts found in the Fortress Configuration Subsystem.
  • SECTION 6. Configuration Subsystem Usage.

SECTION 1. Fortress Configuration Subsystem Overview

Fortress uses interpolation to weave values located in source property files into target configuration files.

A. Option files containing environment specific values:

B. Source files containing substitution expressions :

C. Target files generated by Fortress:

D. Apache Ant script with the mapping rules: A -> B = C:

The substitution parameters found in B, as @name@, are placeholders for the actual values found in A.
These are used by an Ant config task (D) to replace values into the actual files (C) needed by Fortress runtime. This interpolation process seeds implementation specific variables into configuration targets. For example, host names, ports, pw's (ldap server coordinates) are loaded into the target,

For Example:

A. Snip from

# Host name and port of LDAP DIT:

# Options are openldap or apacheds (default):

B. Snip from

# These parameters point fortress to LDAP host:

# This is default, tells fortress what type of ldap server in use:

C. Becomes snip from

# Host name and port of LDAP DIT:

# Options are openldap or apacheds (default):

Note: Files from category C are generated during Fortress build and not checked into source.

SECTION 2. Fortress Ant Property Files

Fortress configuration artifacts are seeded using Ant property files.

  • - optional, when found, located in user's home directory. Properties found here take precedence over those following.
  • - optional, when found, located in root folder of the package. These props override those found in the file.
  • - this file is required and must be located in the root folder of the package.

SECTION 3. Fortress Configuration Artifacts

The ant config task, init-fortress-config, uses the values found within the Ant property files to seed into the following targets:.

  • - contains name/value pairs inside of a property file.
  • refreshLDAPData.xml - load script to shape DIT and add fortress properties to a remote ldap entry.
  • slapd.conf files - (optional) used to bind fortress to openldap.

SECTION 4. Fortress Configuration Overrides

Optional - Used to override fortress properties at runtime.

These fortress properties may be overridden at runtime by setting as Java System Properties:

  • fortress.port
  • fortress.admin.user
  • fortress.min.admin.conn
  • fortress.max.admin.conn
  • fortress.enable.ldap.ssl
  • fortress.enable.ldap.ssl.debug
  • fortress.config.realm
  • fortress.config.root
  • fortress.ldap.server.type

The minimum to enable fortress apis to work (without a config file):

  • fortress.admin.user
  • fortress.config.root=ou=Config,dc=example,dc=com

If the ldap host and port are not the default (localhost:389) set these two:

  • fortress.port

SECTION 5. Order Artifacts found in the Fortress Configuration Subsystem

This subsystem has been hard wired to the following order:

  1. file - found on the classpath of that name.
  2. Java system properties - to override any of the 14 properties listed above.
  3. LDAP configuration node - found by config coordinates set in the file itself.

Properties found in LDAP config node will override Java system properties which will override

SECTION 6. Configuration Subsystem Usage

The general flow is the provide the coordinates to locate an ldap entry on a remote server. That file is found on the runtime classpath during startup. Some of its props may be overridden as Java system properties. The combination of Fortress and Java system properties are used to connect to remote ldap server and read its configuration entry where the remainder of Fortress' properties are stored.

The remote server node's dn is constructed from values:


The above would be combined to create the dn: cn=Default, ou=Config, [whatever the @SUFFIX@ is]

When reinitialization of properties is needed, to the ldap config node or the DIT itself, re-run this command:

# mvn install

Followed by A:

mvn install -Dload.file=./ldap/setup/refreshLDAPData.xml

Or B:

mvn install -Dload.file=./ldap/setup/ConfigNodeUpdate.xml

A refreshes the entire LDAP server DIT, deletes of all entries under the suffix, recreating the DIT node structure, and re-adding of the config node. B just updates the config node with the new values, preserving the other data.

More notes:

  • Use caution when running the refreshLDAPData.xml script. It deletes all nodes below the suffix before readding.
  • To change values in a config node, use a general purpose ldapbrowser. Fortress has config apis for this (ConfigMgr) to perform CRUD on config data.
  • Another option is to use a script like ConfigNodeUpdate.xml to perform the CRUD ops.
  • You can also simply place the properties inside the file (only). The idea is to minimize the number of locations where the same data must be stored. Imagine a network with hundreds, even thousands of fortress agents running. We don't need to replicate the same data everywhere which is where remote config nodes help.
  • For more info on which parameters are used where, look at the init-fortress-config target located inside the build-config.xml file.