2.0.4 release preps
5 files changed
tree: dc219c881e651b375946e080126d8929beedc78d
  1. images/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  6. pom.xml
  9. README.md

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

README for Apache Fortress Web

  • Version 2.0.4
  • Apache Fortress Web System Architecture Diagram Apache Fortress Web System Architecture

Table of Contents

  • Document Overview
  • Tips for first-time users.
  • SECTION 1. Prerequisites
  • SECTION 2. Download & Install
  • SECTION 3. Get the fortress.properties
  • SECTION 4. Load Sample Security Policy
  • SECTION 5. Deploy to Tomcat Server
  • SECTION 6. Test with Selenium
  • SECTION 7. Fortress Web properties

Document Overview

This document contains instructions to download, build, and test operations using Apache Fortress Web component.

Tips for first-time users

  • For a tutorial on how to use Apache Fortress check out the: 10 Minute Guide.
  • If you see FORTRESS_CORE_HOME, refer to the base package of [directory-fortress-core].
  • If you see FORTRESS_REALM_HOME, refer to the base package of [directory-fortress-realm].
  • If you see FORTRESS_WEB_HOME, refer to this packages base folder.
  • If you see TOMCAT_HOME, refer to the location of that package's base folder.
  • Questions about this software package should be directed to its mailing list:

SECTION 1. Prerequisites

Minimum hardware requirements:

  • 2 Cores
  • 4GB RAM

Minimum software requirements:

  • Java SDK 8++
  • git
  • Apache Maven3++
  • Apache Tomcat8++
  • Apache Fortress Core Download & Install in FORTRESS_CORE_HOME package README.md.
  • Apache Fortress Core Options for using Apache Fortress and LDAP server in FORTRESS_CORE_HOME package README.md.
  • Apache Fortress Realm Download & Install in FORTRESS_REALM_HOME package README.md.

Everything else covered in steps that follow. Tested on Debian, Centos & Windows systems.

SECTION 2. Download & Install

  1. Download the source.

a. from git:

git clone --branch 2.0.4  https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/directory-fortress-commander.git/
cd directory-fortress-commander

b. or download package:

wget http://www.apache.org/dist/directory/fortress/dist/2.0.4/fortress-web-2.0.4-source-release.zip
unzip fortress-web-2.0.4-source-release.zip
cd fortress-web-2.0.4
  1. Build the source.

a. Java 8 target

mvn clean install

-- OR --

b. Java 11 target

mvn clean install -Djava.version=11

SECTION 3. Get the fortress.properties

These contain the coordinates to the target LDAP server.

  1. Copy the fortress.properties, created during FORTRESS_CORE_HOME README.md, to this package's resource folder.
cp $FORTRESS_CORE_HOME/config/fortress.properties $FORTRESS_WEB_HOME/src/main/resources
  1. Verify they match your target LDAP server.
# This param tells fortress what type of ldap server in use:

# ldap host name

# if ApacheDS is listening on

# If ApacheDS, these credentials are used for read/write to fortress DIT

# This is min/max settings for admin pool connections:

# This node contains more fortress properties stored on behalf of connecting LDAP clients:

# Used by application security components:

# Fortress uses a cache:

# Default for pool reconnect flag is false:

SECTION 4. Load Sample Security Policy

Run maven install with load file:

mvn install -Dload.file=./src/main/resources/FortressWebDemoUsers.xml


  • This step must be completed before tests can be successfully run.
  • The DelegatedAdminManagerLoad must also be loaded into LDAP, for base policy req's.

SECTION 5. Deploy to Tomcat Server

  1. If Tomcat has global security enabled you must add credentials to pom.xml:
         <!-- Warning the tomcat manager creds here are for deploying into a demo environment only. -->
  1. copy FORTRESS_REALM_HOME proxy jar to TOMCAT_HOME/lib/
cp $FORTRESS_REALM_HOME/proxy/target/fortress-realm-proxy-[version].jar $TOMCAT_HOME/lib
  1. Restart Tomcat server.

  2. Enter maven command to deploy to Tomcat:

mvn tomcat:deploy
  1. To redeploy:
mvn tomcat:redeploy
  1. Open browser and test (creds: test/password):

where hostname is host or ip for your machine

SECTION 6. Test with Selenium

  1. There version of Webdriver being used for Selenium now requires downloading and installing the gecko (firefox) and/or chrome drivers as separate binary packages. For more info: https://github.com/bonigarcia/webdrivermanager

  2. Once that download has been completed, you will need to set the location of the driver as a system.property. For example, these lines may need to be added to the FortressWebSeleniumITCase test class, or set via other means:

    public static void setupClass()
        System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "/home/user/drivers/geckodriver");
        System.setProperty( "webdriver.chrome.driver", "/home/user/drivers/chromedriver");
  1. Run the Selenium Web driver integration tests with Firefox (default):
mvn test -Dtest=FortressWebSeleniumITCase
  1. Run the tests using Chrome:
mvn test -Dtest=FortressWebSeleniumITCase -Dweb.driver=chrome

Note: These automated tests require that:

  • Either Firefox or Chrome installed to target machine.
  • FORTRESS_CORE_HOME/FortressJUnitTest successfully run. This will load some test data to grind on.
  • FORTRESS_CORE_HOME/./setup/ldap/FortressJUnitTest successfully run. This will load some test data to grind on.
  • FortressWebDemoUsers policy loaded into target LDAP server.

SECTION 7. Fortress Web properties

This section describes the properties needed to control fortress web.

  1. LDAP Hostname coordinates. The host name can be specified as a fully qualified domain name or IP address.
# Host name and port of LDAP DIT:
  1. LDAP Server type. Each LDAP server impl has different behavior on operations like password policies and audit. If using a 3rd type of server that isn't formally supported, leave blank or type is other.
# If ApacheDS server:
# Else if OpenLDAP server:
# Else leave blank:
  1. Set the credentials of service account. Must have read/write privileges over the Fortress LDAP DIT:
# If ApacheDS it will look something like this:
# Else If OpenLDAP it will look something like this:
  1. Define the number of LDAP connections to use in the pool This setting will be proportional to the number of concurrent users but won't be one-to-one. The number of required ldap connections will be much lower than concurrent users:
# This is min/max settings for LDAP connections.  For testing and low-volume instances this will work:
  1. Give coordinates to the Config node that contains all of the other Fortress properties. This will match your LDAP‘s server’s config node per Fortress Core setup.
# This node contains fortress properties stored on behalf of connecting LDAP clients:
  1. If using LDAPS.
# Used for SSL Connection to LDAP Server:
  1. To use REST instead of LDAP. Points to fortress-rest instance.
# This will override default LDAP manager implementations for the RESTful ones:
  1. If using REST, provide the credentials of user that has access to fortress-rest.
# Optional parameters needed when Fortress client is connecting with the En Masse (rather than LDAP) server:
  1. To reenable the nav panel on startup.
# The default is 'false':
  1. If using ApacheDS and setting password policies, point to the correction location.
# ApacheDS stores its password policies objects here by default:
  1. The fortress web runtime will cache user's permissions in their session if set to true.
# Used by application security components:
  1. Each instance of a fortress web can be scoped to one and only one tenant. The default tenant is called HOME.
# This is the default tenant or home context
# If you need to scope to a different tenant, supply its ID here: