blob: b803c07767d262fa8398f2520b9a14a4b7adb582 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes - Apache DeltaSpike - Version 1.0.2
[DELTASPIKE-637] - duplicated handling of AccessDeniedException
[DELTASPIKE-672] - Wrong Bean Validation artifactId on documentation
[DELTASPIKE-679] - NPE in BeanManagerProvider if parentClassLoader is null
[DELTASPIKE-681] - Handling AccessDeniedException will run the secured method
[DELTASPIKE-684] - No OSGi headers in deltaspike-partial-bean-module-api
[DELTASPIKE-685] - Guard against null FacesContext in Exception Handler Bridge
[DELTASPIKE-506] - [perf] use a shared StringBuilder
[DELTASPIKE-509] - [perf] cache map in DefaultClientWindow#getQueryURLParameters
[DELTASPIKE-653] - Provide a platform inspecific servlet listener
[DELTASPIKE-665] - Add utility method to always get new context control.
[DELTASPIKE-666] - Improve BeanManager consistency
[DELTASPIKE-669] - Try to shutdown contexts when shutting down container
[DELTASPIKE-676] - ServletContext is available for injection before EventBridgeContextListener
[DELTASPIKE-641] - Document prevent double submit feature
[DELTASPIKE-689] - release notes for v1.0.1