We have weekly community calls that are open to anyone that is interested in Deltacloud - please contact us if you'd like to join the next call.
For now we‘re using an etherpad to keep track of the agenda and meeting times. Feel free to add items there that you’d like to see addressed in future calls. Calls and agenda are announced on the dev@deltacloud.apache.org mailing list.
Using the Create models in CIMI, Split CIMI models to Model/Service, deltacloud-client revamp
Regions support in the Deltacloud Openstack driver.
Working with patches revisited - basics of rebasing and how to contribute via patch review. The ‘white box’ unit tests revisited - updating vcr fixtures
An introduction/overview of sinatra-rabbit
How to use Deltacloud driver “features”
Demo of how to use CIMI $select and $expand parameters - Introduction/overview of a deltacloud driver
Deep dive into a Deltacloud API call, a look at the Deltacloud server gemspec - gems used as clients to cloud providers
The Deltacloud website - how it works, how to submit changes etc - Deltacloud exceptions and error handling introduction, how to catch provider errors and raise specific HTTP response codes.
How to file bug reports for Deltacloud - process, what to report, following up and CIMI resourceMetadata (implementation, why it is important?) - testing scenarios.
Debugging deltacloud - how to chase a bug - common steps, debugging tools. Mailing list questions: i) ovirt and the User Level API, ii) Plans for CIMI back-end driver?
Adding state to Deltacloud for the CIMI frontend - Datamapper
Networking API discussion, Writing Deltacloud API tests
Working with Deltacloud API clients, Contributing patches, review process, etc