| require 'rubygems' |
| require 'colored' |
| require 'progress_bar' |
| require 'rest-client' |
| require 'nokogiri' |
| require 'net/ssh' |
| require 'net/scp' |
| require 'optparse' |
| require 'socket' |
| require 'timeout' |
| |
| |
| |
| options = {} |
| optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| |
| opts.banner = <<BANNER |
| Usage: |
| cloudexec -f file [options] |
| |
| Options: |
| opts.on( '-f', '--file FILE', 'Script to execute in instance') { |script| ENV["DC_SCRIPT_NAME"] = script } |
| opts.on( '-d', '--deltacloud-url URL', 'Deltacloud API URL (default: http://localhost:3001/api)') { |script| ENV["DC_URL"] = script } |
| opts.on( '-i', '--image IMAGE', 'Image to use') { |p| ENV["DC_IMAGE"] = p } |
| opts.on( '-u', '--username USERNAME', 'Deltacloud username') { |p| ENV["DC_USERNAME"] = p } |
| opts.on( '-r', '--instance-user USERNAME', 'Instance user. (default: root)') { |p| ENV["DC_INSTANCE_USERNAME"] = p } |
| opts.on( '-p', '--password PASSWORD', 'Deltacloud password') { |p| ENV["DC_PASSWORD"] = p } |
| opts.on( '-s', '--profile HARDWARE_PROFILE', 'Hardware profile to use (default: t1.micro)') { |p| ENV["DC_PROFILE"] = p } |
| opts.on( '-h', '--help', '') { options[:help] = true } |
| end |
| |
| optparse.parse! |
| |
| if options[:help] |
| puts optparse |
| exit(0) |
| end |
| |
| unless ENV['DC_SCRIPT_NAME'] |
| puts "ERROR: You need to specify a script name to be executed on instance".red |
| exit 1 |
| end |
| |
| ENV['DC_INSTANCE_USERNAME'] ||= 'ec2-user' |
| ENV['DC_URL'] ||= 'http://localhost:5000/api' |
| |
| config = { |
| :username => ENV['DC_USERNAME'] || '', |
| :password => ENV['DC_PASSWORD'] || '', |
| :image_id => ENV['DC_IMAGE'] || 'ami-8e1fece7', |
| :profile => ENV['DC_PROFILE'] || 't1.micro', |
| :name => "inst-#{Time::now.to_i}" |
| } |
| |
| auth = { :authorization => "Basic " + ["#{config[:username]}:#{config[:password]}"].pack("m0").gsub(/\n/,'') } |
| client = RestClient::Resource.new(ENV['DC_URL']) |
| |
| puts "[INFO] Creating new #{config[:profile]} instance named '#{config[:name]}' using #{config[:image_id]} image...".green |
| bar = ProgressBar.new(100, :bar, :percentage) |
| |
| # Prepare SSH key for instance |
| # |
| |
| # Create SSH key |
| key = Nokogiri::XML(client['keys'].post({ |
| :name => "key-#{config[:name]}" |
| }, auth)) |
| |
| # Save SSH key to local storage |
| key_file = File::join("/var/tmp/deltacloud-exec/#{(key/'key/@id')}.pem") |
| FileUtils::mkdir_p(File::dirname(key_file)) |
| File::open(key_file, "w") do |f| |
| (key/'pem').text.split("\n").each do |line| |
| f.puts(line.strip) if line.strip.size > 0 |
| end |
| end |
| FileUtils.chmod 0600, key_file |
| bar.increment! 10 |
| |
| # |
| ######### |
| |
| # Create new firewall rule for the instance |
| # |
| |
| firewall = client['firewalls'].post({ |
| :name => "firewall-#{config[:name]}", |
| :description => "SSH permissive firewall" |
| }, auth) |
| bar.increment! 10 |
| |
| # Add rule to allow SSH to the firewall |
| client["firewalls/firewall-#{config[:name]}/rules"].post({ |
| :protocol => 'tcp', |
| :from_port => '22', |
| :to_port => '22', |
| :ip_address => '' |
| }, auth) |
| bar.increment! 10 |
| |
| # |
| ######## |
| |
| # Launch instance |
| # |
| |
| instance = client['instances'].post({ |
| :name => config[:name], |
| :image_id => config[:image_id], |
| :hwp_id => config[:profile], |
| :keyname => "key-#{config[:name]}", |
| :firewalls1 => "firewall-#{config[:name]}" |
| }, auth) |
| |
| bar.increment! 10 |
| |
| # |
| ######### |
| |
| # Pool until instance will be in running state |
| |
| incrementer = 20 |
| 20.times do |
| instance = client["instances/#{Nokogiri::XML(instance)/'instance/@id'}"].get(auth) |
| bar.increment! 1 |
| incrementer -= 1 |
| break if (Nokogiri::XML(instance)/'instance/state').first.text == 'RUNNING' |
| sleep(3) |
| end |
| bar.increment! incrementer |
| |
| # |
| ######## |
| |
| # Pool until SSH port is not open |
| # |
| instance_ip_address = (Nokogiri::XML(instance)/'instance/public_addresses/address').first.text |
| incrementer = 20 |
| 20.times do |
| begin |
| Timeout::timeout(1) do |
| begin |
| s = TCPSocket.new(instance_ip_address, 22) |
| s.close |
| break |
| sleep(2) |
| bar.increment! 1 |
| incrementer -= 1 |
| next |
| end |
| end |
| rescue Timeout::Error |
| sleep(2) |
| bar.increment! 1 |
| incrementer -= 1 |
| end |
| end |
| bar.increment! incrementer |
| |
| ######### |
| |
| # Copy script via SCP to the instance |
| # |
| |
| output = "" |
| |
| Net::SSH.start(instance_ip_address, ENV['DC_INSTANCE_USERNAME'], { :keys => [ key_file ]}) do |session| |
| session.scp.upload! File::expand_path(ENV['DC_SCRIPT_NAME']), "/tmp" |
| output = session.exec!("sh /tmp/#{File::basename(ENV['DC_SCRIPT_NAME'])}") |
| end |
| |
| bar.increment! 20 |
| |
| puts "\t====== OUTPUT ======\n\n#{output}\n\n====================\n" |
| puts "[INFO] Cleaning up instance...".green |
| |
| # Cleanup |
| |
| bar = ProgressBar.new(100, :bar, :percentage) |
| |
| result = client["instances/#{(Nokogiri::XML(instance)/'instance/@id').first.text}"].delete(auth) |
| if result.status != 204 |
| puts "Unable to remove instance #{config[:name]}. Please delete it manually." |
| exit |
| else |
| bar.increment! 30 |
| end |
| |
| result = client["keys/#{(Nokogiri::XML(key)/'key/@id').first.text}"].delete(auth) |
| if result.status != 204 |
| puts "Unable to remove key key-#{config[:name]}. Please delete it manually." |
| exit |
| else |
| FileUtils.rm key_file |
| bar.increment! 30 |
| end |
| |
| result = client["firewalls/#{(Nokogiri::XML(firewall)/'firewall/@id').first.text}"].delete(auth) |
| if result.status != 204 |
| puts "Unable to remove firewall firewall-#{config[:name]}. Please delete it manually." |
| exit |
| else |
| bar.increment! 40 |
| end |