| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| <project default="writeSchemaSqlToFile"
| name="DdlUtils"
| basedir=".">
| <!-- Allow values set at the commandline or in the environment to override the defaults -->
| <property environment="env"/>
| <!-- Load the jdbc properties as specified by the jdbc.properties.file variable-->
| <property file="${jdbc.properties.file}"/>
| <!-- Load the build properties -->
| <property file="build.properties"/>
| <!-- These properties can be overriden on the commandline using -D -->
| <property name="schemafiles" value="testmodel.xml"/>
| <property name="schemafile" value="testmodel.xml"/> |
| <property name="datafile" value="testdata.xml"/> |
| <property name="catalogpattern" value=""/>
| <property name="schemapattern" value=""/>
| <property name="sqloutputfile" value="schema.sql"/>
| <property name="platform" value=""/>
| <property name="alterdatabase" value="true"/>
| <property name="delimitedsqlidentifiers" value="false"/>
| <property name="verbosity" value="info"/> |
| <property name="useexplicitidentityvalues" value="false"/> |
| <!-- The classpath used for running the tasks -->
| <path id="project-classpath">
| <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
| <include name="**/*.jar"/>
| <include name="**/*.zip"/>
| </fileset>
| <pathelement path="${build.java.dir}"/>
| </path>
| <taskdef classname="org.apache.ddlutils.task.DdlToDatabaseTask"
| name="ddlToDatabase"
| classpathref="project-classpath"/>
| <taskdef classname="org.apache.ddlutils.task.DatabaseToDdlTask"
| name="databaseToDdl"
| classpathref="project-classpath"/>
| <target name="createDb">
| <ddlToDatabase usedelimitedsqlidentifiers="${delimitedsqlidentifiers}"
| catalogpattern="${catalogpattern}"
| schemapattern="${schemapattern}"
| databasetype="${platform}" |
| verbosity="${verbosity}">
| <database driverclassname="${datasource.driverClassName}"
| url="${datasource.url}"
| username="${datasource.username}"
| password="${datasource.password}"/>
| <createdatabase failonerror="false"/>
| </ddlToDatabase>
| </target>
| <target name="writeSchemaToDb">
| <ddlToDatabase validatexml="false"
| usedelimitedsqlidentifiers="${delimitedsqlidentifiers}"
| catalogpattern="${catalogpattern}"
| schemapattern="${schemapattern}"
| databasetype="${platform}" |
| verbosity="${verbosity}">
| <database driverclassname="${datasource.driverClassName}"
| url="${datasource.url}"
| username="${datasource.username}"
| password="${datasource.password}"/>
| <fileset dir=".">
| <include name="${schemafiles}"/>
| </fileset>
| <writeschematodatabase alterdatabase="${alterdatabase}"
| dodrops="true"
| failonerror="false"/>
| </ddlToDatabase>
| </target>
| <target name="readSchemaFromDb"> |
| <databaseToDdl usedelimitedsqlidentifiers="${delimitedsqlidentifiers}" |
| catalogpattern="${catalogpattern}" |
| schemapattern="${schemapattern}" |
| databasetype="${platform}" |
| verbosity="${verbosity}"> |
| <database driverclassname="${datasource.driverClassName}" |
| url="${datasource.url}" |
| username="${datasource.username}" |
| password="${datasource.password}"/> |
| |
| <writeschematofile outputfile="${schemafile}"/> |
| </databaseToDdl> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="writeSchemaSqlToFile">
| <ddlToDatabase validatexml="false"
| usedelimitedsqlidentifiers="${delimitedsqlidentifiers}"
| catalogpattern="${catalogpattern}"
| schemapattern="${schemapattern}"
| databasetype="${platform}" |
| verbosity="${verbosity}">
| <database driverclassname="${datasource.driverClassName}"
| url="${datasource.url}"
| username="${datasource.username}"
| password="${datasource.password}"/>
| <fileset dir=".">
| <include name="${schemafiles}"/>
| </fileset>
| <writeschemasqltofile alterdatabase="${alterdatabase}"
| dodrops="true"
| failonerror="false"
| outputfile="${sqloutputfile}"/>
| </ddlToDatabase>
| </target>
| <target name="writeDataToDb">
| <ddlToDatabase validatexml="false"
| usedelimitedsqlidentifiers="${delimitedsqlidentifiers}"
| catalogpattern="${catalogpattern}"
| schemapattern="${schemapattern}"
| databasetype="${platform}" |
| verbosity="${verbosity}">
| <database driverclassname="${datasource.driverClassName}"
| url="${datasource.url}"
| username="${datasource.username}"
| password="${datasource.password}"/>
| <fileset dir=".">
| <include name="${schemafiles}"/>
| </fileset>
| <writedatatodatabase datafile="${datafile}"
| usebatchmode="false" |
| useexplicitidentityvalues="${useexplicitidentityvalues}"/>
| </ddlToDatabase>
| </target>
| |
| <target name="readDataFromDb"> |
| <databaseToDdl usedelimitedsqlidentifiers="${delimitedsqlidentifiers}" |
| catalogpattern="${catalogpattern}" |
| schemapattern="${schemapattern}" |
| databasetype="${platform}" |
| verbosity="${verbosity}"> |
| <database driverclassname="${datasource.driverClassName}" |
| url="${datasource.url}" |
| username="${datasource.username}" |
| password="${datasource.password}"/> |
| |
| <writedatatofile outputfile="${datafile}"/> |
| </databaseToDdl> |
| </target> |
| </project>