blob: aacc381055f067cab56fccd94c4d7f8ff02fefb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019, Verizon Media.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc;
* Class used to calculate the final pass of an <i>Algebraic</i> sketch
* operation. It will receive a bag of values returned by either the <i>Intermediate</i>
* stage or the <i>Initial</i> stages, so it needs to be able to differentiate between and
* interpret both types.
* @author Alexander Saydakov
abstract class AlgebraicFinal extends EvalFunc<DataByteArray> {
private final int lgK_;
private final long seed_;
private DataByteArray emptySketch_; // this is to cash an empty sketch tuple
private boolean isFirstCall_ = true; // for logging
* Constructor with primitives for the final passes of an Algebraic function.
* @param lgK parameter controlling the sketch size and accuracy
* @param seed for the hash function
public AlgebraicFinal(final int lgK, final long seed) {
lgK_ = lgK;
seed_ = seed;
public DataByteArray exec(final Tuple inputTuple) throws IOException {
if (isFirstCall_) {
Logger.getLogger(getClass()).info("Algebraic was used");
isFirstCall_ = false;
final DataByteArray dba = process(inputTuple, lgK_, seed_, isInputRaw());
if (dba == null) {
return getEmptySketch();
return dba;
static DataByteArray process(final Tuple inputTuple, final int lgK, final long seed, boolean isInputRaw) throws IOException {
if (inputTuple == null || inputTuple.size() == 0) {
return null;
CpcSketch sketch = null;
CpcUnion union = null;
final DataBag outerBag = (DataBag) inputTuple.get(0);
if (outerBag == null) {
return null;
for (final Tuple dataTuple: outerBag) {
final Object f0 = dataTuple.get(0); // inputTuple.bag0.dataTupleN.f0
if (f0 == null) {
if (f0 instanceof DataBag) {
final DataBag innerBag = (DataBag) f0; // inputTuple.bag0.dataTupleN.f0:bag
if (innerBag.size() == 0) { continue; }
// If field 0 of a dataTuple is a Bag, all innerTuples of this inner bag
// will be passed into the union.
// It is due to system bagged outputs from multiple mapper Initial functions.
// The Intermediate stage was bypassed.
if (isInputRaw) {
if (sketch == null) {
sketch = new CpcSketch(lgK, seed);
DataToSketch.updateSketch(innerBag, sketch);
} else {
if (union == null) {
union = new CpcUnion(lgK, seed);
UnionSketch.updateUnion(innerBag, union, seed);
} else if (f0 instanceof DataByteArray) { // inputTuple.bag0.dataTupleN.f0:DBA
// If field 0 of a dataTuple is a DataByteArray, we assume it is a sketch
// due to system bagged outputs from multiple mapper Intermediate functions.
// Each dataTuple.DBA:sketch will merged into the union.
final DataByteArray dba = (DataByteArray) f0;
if (union == null) {
union = new CpcUnion(lgK, seed);
union.update(CpcSketch.heapify(dba.get(), seed));
} else { // we should never get here
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataTuple.Field0 is not a DataBag or DataByteArray: "
+ f0.getClass().getName());
if (sketch != null && union != null) {
sketch = null;
if (sketch != null) {
return new DataByteArray(sketch.toByteArray());
} else if (union != null) {
return new DataByteArray(union.getResult().toByteArray());
return null;
abstract boolean isInputRaw();
private DataByteArray getEmptySketch() {
if (emptySketch_ == null) {
emptySketch_ = new DataByteArray(new CpcSketch(lgK_, seed_).toByteArray());
return emptySketch_;