tree: 858aa78a03e42200b0ce800ea308751508f2cdbd [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. tools/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .travis.yml
  5. build.xml
  9. pom.xml

Build Status Maven Central Language grade: Java Total alerts Coverage Status


DataSketches UDF/UDAF Adaptors for Apache Pig

Please refer to our website for more comprehensive information about the various sketching algorithms and how to use them.


DataSketches Library Website

Java Core Overview

Java Core Javadocs

Hadoop Pig UDFs

See relevant sections under the different sketch types in Java Core Overview

Downloading Latest Release

NOTE: This component accesses resource files for testing. As a result, the directory elements of the full absolute path of the target installation directory must qualify as Java identifiers. In other words, the directory elements must not have any space characters (or non-Java identifier characters) in any of the path elements.

This is required by the Oracle Java Specification in order to ensure location-independent access to resources: See Oracle Location-Independent Access to Resources

Zip File from Apache Archive

Jar Files from Maven Central


Build Instructions

JDK8 is Required Compiler

This DataSketches component is pure Java and you must compile using JDK 8.

Recommended Build Tool

This DataSketches component is structured as a Maven project and Maven is the recommended Build Tool.

There are two types of tests: normal unit tests and tests run by the strict profile.

To run normal unit tests:

$ mvn clean test

To run the strict profile tests:

$ mvn clean test -P strict

To install jars built from the downloaded source:

$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

This will create the following jars:

  • datasketches-pig-X.Y.Z-incubating.jar The compiled main class files.
  • datasketches-pig-X.Y.Z-incubating-tests.jar The compiled test class files.
  • datasketches-pig-X.Y.Z-incubating-sources.jar The main source files.
  • datasketches-pig-X.Y.Z-incubating-test-sources.jar The test source files
  • datasketches-pig-X.Y.Z-incubating-javadoc.jar The compressed Javadocs.



This has the following top-level dependencies:

  • org.apache.datasketches : datasketches-java
  • org.apache.pig : pig
  • org.apache.hadoop : hadoop-common
  • org.apache.hadoop : hadoop-mapreduce-client-core
  • org.apache.hadoop : hadoop-mapreduce-client-common
  • org.apache.commons : commons-math3


See the pom.xml file for test dependencies.


Issues for datasketches-pig


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