Usage Examples

You may need to supply additional runtime arguments to the JVM depending on how you are using the Datasketches Memory library. For more information regarding required JPMS arguments and when they are applicable, see the README. This document provides examples for the following scenarios:

  1. Using the library from a Java 8 application
  2. Using the library with on-heap memory only
  3. Using off-heap memory in a non-modularized Java 9+ application
  4. Using off-heap memory in a modularized Java 9+ application

1) Using the library from a Java 8 application

No additional runtime arguments are required.

As an example, consider the following launch script that compiles and runs a simple Java 8 application:

  cd $patha
  echo PWD:$(pwd)
  echo $JAVA_HOME
  echo "--- CLEAN & COMPILE ---"
  rm -rf target
  mkdir -p target/test-classes
    -d target/test-classes/\
    -cp libs/*\
    $(find . -name '*.java')
  echo "---- RUN ----"
    -cp libs/*:target/test-classes:src/test/resources/\

2) Using the library with on-heap memory only

Similarly, no additional runtime arguments are required in this scenario - regardless of whether the library is used from a Java 8 or Java 9+ application.

As an example, consider the following launch script that compiles and runs a simple Java 9 application that only exclusively uses on-heap memory:

  cd $patha
  echo "--- CLEAN & COMPILE ---"
  rm -rf target
  mkdir -p target/test-classes
    -d target/test-classes/\
    -cp "mods/*":"libs/*"
    -p mods
    $(find . -name '*.java')
  echo "---- RUN ----"
    -cp target/test-classes:"mods/*":"libs/*":src/test/resources\

3) Using off-heap memory in a non-modularized Java 9+ application

The following section applies to applications that are not modularized JPMS applications.

In order to allocate off-heap memory using the WritableMemory.allocateDirect(...) method in Java 9 and above, you must provide the following runtime arguments to the JVM:

    --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED\
    --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED\
    --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED\
    --add-opens java.base/\

These arguments expose encapsulated packages in the java.base package to the org.apache.datasketches.memory module, which runs as an UNNAMED module in a non-JPMS (non-modularized) application.

The following launch script compiles and runs a non-modularized Java 9 application:


  cd $patha
  echo "--- CLEAN & COMPILE ---"
  rm -rf target
  mkdir -p target/test-classes
    -d target/test-classes/\
    -cp "mods/*":"libs/*"
    -p mods
    $(find . -name '*.java')
  echo "---- RUN ----"
    --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED\
    --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED\
    --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED\
    --add-opens java.base/\
    -cp target/test-classes:"mods/*":"libs/*":src/test/resources\

where the traditional classpath (-cp) argument contains all modules, libraries and resources.

Note: mods is a local directory containing external modules, and libs is a local directory for external library dependencies. No distinction is made between modules and libraries since they are both appended to the classpath.

4) Using off-heap memory in a modularized Java 9+ application

The following section applies to modularized JPMS applications.

In order to allocate off-heap memory using the WritableMemory.allocateDirect(...) method in Java 9 and above, you must provide the following runtime arguments to the JVM:

    --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=org.apache.datasketches.memory\
    --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=org.apache.datasketches.memory\
    --add-opens java.base/java.nio=org.apache.datasketches.memory\
    --add-opens java.base/\

These arguments expose encapsulated packages in the java.base package to the org.apache.datasketches.memory module.

The following launch script compiles and runs a modularized Java 9 application:

  cd $patha
  echo PWD:$(pwd)
  echo $JAVA_HOME
  echo "--- CLEAN & COMPILE ---"
  rm -rf target
  mkdir -p target/test-classes
    -d target/test-classes/\
    -cp "mods/*":"libs/*"
    -p mods
    $(find . -name '*.java')
  echo "---- RUN ----"
  echo PWD:$(pwd)
    --add-opens java.base/java.nio=org.apache.datasketches.memory\
    --add-opens java.base/\
    -cp "/libs/*":src/test/resources\
    -p target/test-classes:mods\

where the traditional classpath (-cp) argument contains libraries and resources, and the module-path argument (-p) references all external modules and compiled classes for the current user application, which is itself a module.