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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.datasketches.tuple.aninteger;
import static java.lang.Math.exp;
import static java.lang.Math.log;
import static java.lang.Math.round;
import static org.apache.datasketches.tuple.aninteger.IntegerSummary.Mode.AlwaysOne;
import static org.apache.datasketches.tuple.aninteger.IntegerSummary.Mode.Sum;
import org.apache.datasketches.tuple.CompactSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.tuple.SketchIterator;
import org.apache.datasketches.tuple.Union;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* @author Lee Rhodes
public class EngagementTest {
public static final int numStdDev = 2;
public void computeEngagementHistogram() {
int lgK = 8; //Using a larger sketch >= 9 will produce exact results for this little example
int K = 1 << lgK;
int days = 30;
int v = 0;
IntegerSketch[] skArr = new IntegerSketch[days];
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) {
skArr[i] = new IntegerSketch(lgK, AlwaysOne);
for (int i = 0; i <= days; i++) { //31 generating indices for symmetry
int numIds = numIDs(days, i);
int numDays = numDays(days, i);
int myV = v++;
for (int d = 0; d < numDays; d++) {
for (int id = 0; id < numIds; id++) {
skArr[d].update(myV + id, 1);
v += numIds;
unionOps(K, Sum, skArr);
private static int numIDs(int totalDays, int index) {
double d = totalDays;
double i = index;
return (int)(round(exp((i * log(d)) / d)));
private static int numDays(int totalDays, int index) {
double d = totalDays;
double i = index;
return (int)(round(exp(((d - i) * log(d)) / d)));
private static void unionOps(int K, IntegerSummary.Mode mode, IntegerSketch ... sketches) {
IntegerSummarySetOperations setOps = new IntegerSummarySetOperations(mode, mode);
Union<IntegerSummary> union = new Union<>(K, setOps);
int len = sketches.length;
for (IntegerSketch isk : sketches) {
CompactSketch<IntegerSummary> result = union.getResult();
SketchIterator<IntegerSummary> itr = result.iterator();
int[] numDaysArr = new int[len + 1]; //zero index is ignored
while ( {
//For each unique visitor from the result sketch, get the # days visited
int numDaysVisited = itr.getSummary().getValue();
//increment the number of visitors that visited numDays
numDaysArr[numDaysVisited]++; //values range from 1 to 30
println("\nEngagement Histogram:");
println("Number of Unique Visitors by Number of Days Visited");
printf("%12s%12s%12s%12s\n","Days Visited", "Estimate", "LB", "UB");
int sumVisits = 0;
double theta = result.getTheta();
for (int i = 0; i < numDaysArr.length; i++) {
int visitorsAtDaysVisited = numDaysArr[i];
if (visitorsAtDaysVisited == 0) { continue; }
sumVisits += visitorsAtDaysVisited * i;
double estVisitorsAtDaysVisited = visitorsAtDaysVisited / theta;
double lbVisitorsAtDaysVisited = result.getLowerBound(numStdDev, visitorsAtDaysVisited);
double ubVisitorsAtDaysVisited = result.getUpperBound(numStdDev, visitorsAtDaysVisited);
i, estVisitorsAtDaysVisited, lbVisitorsAtDaysVisited, ubVisitorsAtDaysVisited);
//The estimate and bounds of the total number of visitors comes directly from the sketch.
double visitors = result.getEstimate();
double lbVisitors = result.getLowerBound(numStdDev);
double ubVisitors = result.getUpperBound(numStdDev);
printf("\n%12s%12s%12s%12s\n","Totals", "Estimate", "LB", "UB");
printf("%12s%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f\n", "Visitors", visitors, lbVisitors, ubVisitors);
//The total number of visits, however, is a scaled metric and takes advantage of the fact that
//the retained entries in the sketch is a uniform random sample of all unique visitors, and
//the the rest of the unique users will likely behave in the same way.
double estVisits = sumVisits / theta;
double lbVisits = (estVisits * lbVisitors) / visitors;
double ubVisits = (estVisits * ubVisitors) / visitors;
printf("%12s%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f\n\n", "Visits", estVisits, lbVisits, ubVisits);
* @param o object to print
private static void println(Object o) {
printf("%s\n", o.toString());
* @param fmt format
* @param args arguments
private static void printf(String fmt, Object ... args) {
//System.out.printf(fmt, args); //Enable/Disable printing here