blob: ed905a11bfb1a676ee86b36969c6dcb4cc5d4413 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.tuple;
import static java.lang.Math.ceil;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static org.apache.datasketches.HashOperations.hashInsertOnly;
import static org.apache.datasketches.HashOperations.hashSearch;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.MIN_LG_NOM_LONGS;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.ceilingPowerOf2;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
class HashTables<S extends Summary> {
long[] hashTable_ = null;
S[] summaryTable_ = null;
int lgTableSize_ = 0;
int count_ = 0;
HashTables() { }
//must have valid entries
void fromSketch(final Sketch<S> sketch) {
count_ = sketch.getRetainedEntries();
lgTableSize_ = getLgTableSize(count_);
hashTable_ = new long[1 << lgTableSize_];
final SketchIterator<S> it = sketch.iterator();
while ( {
final long hash = it.getHash();
final int index = hashInsertOnly(hashTable_, lgTableSize_, hash);
final S mySummary = (S)it.getSummary().copy();
if (summaryTable_ == null) {
summaryTable_ = (S[]) Array.newInstance(mySummary.getClass(), 1 << lgTableSize_);
summaryTable_[index] = mySummary;
//must have valid entries
void fromSketch(final org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch sketch, final S summary) {
count_ = sketch.getRetainedEntries(true);
lgTableSize_ = getLgTableSize(count_);
hashTable_ = new long[1 << lgTableSize_];
final org.apache.datasketches.theta.HashIterator it = sketch.iterator();
while ( {
final long hash = it.get();
final int index = hashInsertOnly(hashTable_, lgTableSize_, hash);
final S mySummary = (S)summary.copy();
if (summaryTable_ == null) {
summaryTable_ = (S[]) Array.newInstance(mySummary.getClass(), 1 << lgTableSize_);
summaryTable_[index] = mySummary;
private void fromArrays(final long[] hashArr, final S[] summaryArr, final int count) {
count_ = count;
lgTableSize_ = getLgTableSize(count);
summaryTable_ = null;
hashTable_ = new long[1 << lgTableSize_];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final long hash = hashArr[i];
final int index = hashInsertOnly(hashTable_, lgTableSize_, hash);
final S mySummary = summaryArr[i];
if (summaryTable_ == null) {
summaryTable_ = (S[]) Array.newInstance(mySummary.getClass(), 1 << lgTableSize_);
summaryTable_[index] = summaryArr[i];
//For Tuple Sketches
HashTables<S> getIntersectHashTables(
final Sketch<S> nextTupleSketch,
final long thetaLong,
final SummarySetOperations<S> summarySetOps) {
final Class<S> summaryType = (Class<S>) summaryTable_.getClass().getComponentType();
//Match nextSketch data with local instance data, filtering by theta
final int maxMatchSize = min(count_, nextTupleSketch.getRetainedEntries());
final long[] matchHashArr = new long[maxMatchSize];
final S[] matchSummariesArr = (S[]) Array.newInstance(summaryType, maxMatchSize);
int matchCount = 0;
final SketchIterator<S> it = nextTupleSketch.iterator();
while ( {
final long hash = it.getHash();
if (hash >= thetaLong) { continue; }
final int index = hashSearch(hashTable_, lgTableSize_, hash);
if (index < 0) { continue; }
//Copy the intersecting items from local hashTables_
// sequentially into local matchHashArr_ and matchSummaries_
matchHashArr[matchCount] = hash;
matchSummariesArr[matchCount] = summarySetOps.intersection(summaryTable_[index], it.getSummary());
final HashTables<S> resultHT = new HashTables<>();
resultHT.fromArrays(matchHashArr, matchSummariesArr, matchCount);
return resultHT;
//For Theta Sketches
HashTables<S> getIntersectHashTables(
final org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch nextThetaSketch,
final long thetaLong,
final SummarySetOperations<S> summarySetOps,
final S summary) {
final Class<S> summaryType = (Class<S>) summary.getClass();
//Match nextSketch data with local instance data, filtering by theta
final int maxMatchSize = min(count_, nextThetaSketch.getRetainedEntries());
final long[] matchHashArr = new long[maxMatchSize];
final S[] matchSummariesArr = (S[]) Array.newInstance(summaryType, maxMatchSize);
int matchCount = 0;
final org.apache.datasketches.theta.HashIterator it = nextThetaSketch.iterator();
//scan B & search A(hashTable) for match
while ( {
final long hash = it.get();
if (hash >= thetaLong) { continue; }
final int index = hashSearch(hashTable_, lgTableSize_, hash);
if (index < 0) { continue; }
//Copy the intersecting items from local hashTables_
// sequentially into local matchHashArr_ and matchSummaries_
matchHashArr[matchCount] = hash;
matchSummariesArr[matchCount] = summarySetOps.intersection(summaryTable_[index], summary);
final HashTables<S> resultHT = new HashTables<>();
resultHT.fromArrays(matchHashArr, matchSummariesArr, matchCount);
return resultHT;
void clear() {
hashTable_ = null;
summaryTable_ = null;
lgTableSize_ = 0;
count_ = 0;
static int getLgTableSize(final int count) {
final int tableSize = max(ceilingPowerOf2((int) ceil(count / 0.75)), 1 << MIN_LG_NOM_LONGS);
return Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(tableSize);