There are many ways that are available for our community to communicate with each other and directly with our developers. Please review the following for methods that meet your needs.
This is a great place for all users (new and experienced) to ask general questions about the library, its general capabilities, and where to get help and find more information. This is also a great place to give the developers general feedback about the library. If you like what you see, please give us a Star (Java) and/or Star (C++/Python) If you have general suggestions on how we can improve we would like to hear from you. All of our developers follow this list and all sincere questions and comments will get a response.
This is where the developers, committers, and contributors congregate to discuss, vote and establish priorities on addressing issues and opportunities with the library. The issues discussed tend to apply across all the different components of the library (see below).
Chat with users and developers on Slack in workspace.
If you have a problem or issue with any aspect of the performance, accuracy or documentation in our library please file an issue with the relevant Component GitHub site.
We are always open to contributions from our community. Contributions can be of many forms: documentation, testing, science as well as bug fixes, code enhancements, code reviews, feature suggestions, usability feedback, etc. Contributions usually take the form of a Pull Request (PR), but if you wish to contribute and not sure how, please contact us on our list.
We are also open to the submission of entirely new sketch algorithms. If you have a sketch algorithm (or a significant enhancement of our current algorithms), please read our Sketch Criteria and contact us on our list.
Our library is made up of components that are partitioned into GitHub repositories. If you have a specific issue or bug report that impacts only one of these components please open an issue on the respective component. If you are a developer and wish to submit a PR, please choose the appropriate repository. But most important, please contact us on
We have three TODO lists for Java, C++ and the Website. Please check these out for potential contribution!
Proposed changes to the code or documentation are usually done through GitHub Pull Requests (PRs).
We welcome anyone who is eager to continue to contribute to the DataSketches mission of providing open source, production quality sketch algorithms and become part of our team. Please send us a message on where we can give you some guidance. After you have made some successful contributions, the current committers will discuss your candidacy for becoming a committer. You can also review the Apache policies on becoming a committer as well as our New Committer Process for selecting and inviting a committer to join our project.