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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import unittest
from datasketches import theta_sketch, update_theta_sketch
from datasketches import compact_theta_sketch, theta_union
from datasketches import theta_intersection, theta_a_not_b
from datasketches import theta_jaccard_similarity
class ThetaTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_theta_basic_example(self):
k = 12 # 2^k = 4096 rows in the table
n = 1 << 18 # ~256k unique values
# create a sketch and inject some values
sk = self.generate_theta_sketch(n, k)
# we can check that the upper and lower bounds bracket the
# estimate, without needing to know the exact value.
self.assertLessEqual(sk.get_lower_bound(1), sk.get_estimate())
self.assertGreaterEqual(sk.get_upper_bound(1), sk.get_estimate())
# because this sketch is deterministically generated, we can
# also compare against the exact value
self.assertLessEqual(sk.get_lower_bound(1), n)
self.assertGreaterEqual(sk.get_upper_bound(1), n)
# compact and serialize for storage, then reconstruct
sk_bytes = sk.compact().serialize()
new_sk = compact_theta_sketch.deserialize(sk_bytes)
# estimate remains unchanged
self.assertEqual(sk.get_estimate(), new_sk.get_estimate())
def test_theta_set_operations(self):
k = 12 # 2^k = 4096 rows in the table
n = 1 << 18 # ~256k unique values
# we'll have 1/4 of the values overlap
offset = int(3 * n / 4) # it's a float w/o cast
# create a couple sketches and inject some values
sk1 = self.generate_theta_sketch(n, k)
sk2 = self.generate_theta_sketch(n, k, offset)
# create a union object
union = theta_union(k)
# getting result from union returns a compact_theta_sketch
# compact theta sketches can be used in additional unions
# or set operations but cannot accept further item updates
result = union.get_result()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, compact_theta_sketch))
# since our process here is deterministic, we have
# checked and know the exact answer is within one
# standard deviation of the estimate
self.assertLessEqual(result.get_lower_bound(1), 7 * n / 4)
self.assertGreaterEqual(result.get_upper_bound(1), 7 * n / 4)
# create an intersection object
intersect = theta_intersection() # no lg_k
# has_result() indicates the intersection has been used,
# although the result may be the empty set
# as with unions, the result is a compact sketch
result = intersect.get_result()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, compact_theta_sketch))
# we know the sets overlap by 1/4
self.assertLessEqual(result.get_lower_bound(1), n / 4)
self.assertGreaterEqual(result.get_upper_bound(1), n / 4)
# create an a_not_b object
anb = theta_a_not_b() # no lg_k
result = anb.compute(sk1, sk2)
# as with unions, the result is a compact sketch
self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, compact_theta_sketch))
# we know the sets overlap by 1/4, so the remainder is 3/4
self.assertLessEqual(result.get_lower_bound(1), 3 * n / 4)
self.assertGreaterEqual(result.get_upper_bound(1), 3 * n / 4)
# Jaccard Similarity measure returns (lower_bound, estimate, upper_bound)
jac = theta_jaccard_similarity.jaccard(sk1, sk2)
# we can check that results are in the expected order
self.assertLess(jac[0], jac[1])
self.assertLess(jac[1], jac[2])
# checks for sketch equivalency
self.assertTrue(theta_jaccard_similarity.exactly_equal(sk1, sk1))
self.assertFalse(theta_jaccard_similarity.exactly_equal(sk1, sk2))
# we can apply a check for similarity or dissimilarity at a
# given threshhold, at 97.7% confidence.
# check that the Jaccard Index is at most (upper bound) 0.2.
# exact result would be 1/7
self.assertTrue(theta_jaccard_similarity.dissimilarity_test(sk1, sk2, 0.2))
# check that the Jaccard Index is at least (lower bound) 0.7
# exact result would be 3/4, using result from A NOT B test
self.assertTrue(theta_jaccard_similarity.similarity_test(sk1, result, 0.7))
def generate_theta_sketch(self, n, k, offset=0):
sk = update_theta_sketch(k)
for i in range(0, n):
sk.update(i + offset)
return sk
if __name__ == '__main__':