Apache DataFu Release Guide

This will guide you through the source release process for Apache DataFu.

For general information on the Apache Incubator release process, see the Release Management page.


If this is your first time doing an Apache release, then there is some initial setup involved. To perform a release, you will need to be able to sign the source tarball. See the Signing Releases page for information on how to do this. You should read this page before proceeding. In a nutshell, you'll need to follow the instructions at How To OpenPGP to generate a new code signing key and publish the public key in various places.

Once you have followed these instructions, you should have:

Code Validation

Before releasing, we must run various checks to ensure that files have the proper license headers and that all automated tests pass. These checks can be run with:

./gradlew check

If this builds successfully then it means the tests pass and the report was successfully generated. But, it doesn't mean that all license headers are in place. You should open the report at build/rat/rat-report.html to validate that all files that are in scope (i.e. not excluded) have the appopriate headers. Use the rat task to generate this report without running tests. See HEADER for the contents of the license header. These contents should appear at the top of the file as a comment. If a file or set of files needs to be excluded from Rat validation, you can update the Rat exclusion list in build.gradle.

Create a Source Release

The following steps will build a tarball suitable for an ASF source release. This also generates accompanying MD5 and ASC files.

First, clean any files unknown to git (WARNING: this removes all untracked files, including those listed in .gitignore, without prompting):

git clean -fdx

Alternatively, you can make a fresh clone of the repository to a separate directory:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-datafu.git incubator-datafu-release
cd incubator-datafu-release

The source tarball needs to be signed. You can do this either manually or automatically. To have it signed automatically you'll need to perform a one-time configuration step. Edit $HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties and add your GPG key information:

signing.keyId=01234567                          # Your GPG key ID, as 8 hex digits
signing.secretKeyRingFile=/path/to/secring.gpg  # Normally in $HOME/.gnupg/secring.gpg
signing.password=YourSuperSecretPassphrase      # Plaintext passphrase to decrypt key

The GPG key ID can be found by running gpg --list-keys.

To generate the source release, run:

./gradlew clean release -Prelease=true

This generates a source tarball. The -Prelease=true setting prevents -SNAPSHOT from being appended to the version, which is the default behavior. It also prevents any builds from the extracted source tarball from including -SNAPSHOT in the version. It achieves this by modifying gradle.properties within the generated archive.

If you have configured your key information in your gradle.properties then you the archive should automatically be signed. There should now be a corresponding ASC file alongside the tarball and MD5 file. Otherwise you'll need to sign it manually by running:

gpg --sign --armor --detach-sig build/distribution/source/apache-datafu-sources-*.tgz

If you have GPG v2 installed then you'll need to use gpg2 instead.

Testing the source release

Once you have built the source tarball, you should verify that it can be used. Follow the instructions in the README.md file assuming you are someone who has just downloaded the source tarball and want to use it.

Releasing to your local Maven repository

You may want to release binaries to your local Maven repository under your home directory to do additional testing. To do so, run:

./gradlew install -Prelease=true

You should be able to see all the installed artifacts in the local repository now:

find ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/datafu/

Again, setting release=true prevents -SNAPSHOT from being appended to the version.