blob: 4bb80388d992dc7948ab5e4576c438349a6d3a7f [file] [log] [blame]
package daffodil
import scala.xml.Utility
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnit3Suite
import daffodil.debugger.DebugUtil
import daffodil.compiler.Compiler
import daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import junit.framework.Assert._
import daffodil.util.TestUtils
import daffodil.util.Misc
* TODO: this test rig should go away and all these tests should be rewritten into TDML.
object TestRig {
var isDebug = false
def doTest(schemaFileName : String, rootName : String, inputFileName : String, expectedFileName : String) {
val compiler = daffodil.compiler.Compiler()
if (isDebug)
val testDir = "/test/"
val schemaPath = testDir + schemaFileName
val schemaFile = new File(new URI(Misc.getRequiredResource(schemaPath).toString()))
if (schemaFile == null || !schemaFile.exists) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(schemaPath)
System.err.println("\nTest " + inputFileName)
val parserFactory = DebugUtil.time("Compiling schema", compiler.compile(schemaFile.getAbsolutePath))
if (parserFactory.canProceed) {
val parser = parserFactory.onPath("/")
if (parser.canProceed) {
val data = Compiler.fileToReadableByteChannel(new File(new URI(Misc.getRequiredResource(testDir + inputFileName).toString())))
//println("|" + data + "|")
val presult = parser.parse(data)
val actual = Utility.trim(presult.result)
val expectedXML = Utility.trim(scala.xml.XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource(testDir + expectedFileName)))
val expectedNoAttrs = XMLUtils.removeAttributes(expectedXML)
val actualNoAttrs = XMLUtils.removeAttributes(actual)
assertEquals(expectedNoAttrs, actualNoAttrs) // Need to compare in a canonicalized manner.
} else {
val diags ={ _.toString }
val msgs = "Parser cannot proceed." +: diags
val msg = msgs.mkString("\n")
isDebug = false
} else {
val diags ={ _.toString }
val msgs = "ParserFactory cannot proceed." +: diags
val msg = msgs.mkString("\n")
isDebug = false
class PassingTests extends JUnit3Suite {
val doTest = TestRig.doTest _
def testAF000() { doTest("AF.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AF000.xml") }
def testAF001() { doTest("AF.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AF001.xml") }
def testAI000() { doTest("AI.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AI000.xml") }
def testAK000() { doTest("AK.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AK000.xml") }
def testAK001() { doTest("AK.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AK001.xml") }
def testAL000() { doTest("AL.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AL000.xml") }
def testAP000() { doTest("AP.dfdl.xsd", "parent", "", "AP000.xml") }
def testAW000() { doTest("AW.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AW000.xml") }
def testAW001() { doTest("AW.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AW001.xml") }
def testAX000() { doTest("AX.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AX000.xml") }
def testAZ000() { doTest("AZ.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AZ000.xml") }
def testBA000() { doTest("BA.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BA000.xml") }
def testBC000() { doTest("BC.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BC000.xml") }
def testBD000() { doTest("BD.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BD000.xml") }
def testBE000() { doTest("BE.dfdl.xsd", "seq", "", "BE000.xml") }
def testBE001() { doTest("BE.dfdl.xsd", "seq", "", "BE001.xml") }
class TestsThatFailComparison extends JUnit3Suite {
val doTest = TestRig.doTest _
class TestsThatAbend extends JUnit3Suite {
val doTest = TestRig.doTest _
def testAB000() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB000.xml") }
def testAB001() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB000.xml") }
def testAB002() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB000.xml") }
def testAB003() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB003.xml") }
def testAB004() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB004.xml") }
def testAB005() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB005.xml") }
def testAB010() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB010.xml") }
def testAC000() { doTest("AC.dfdl.xsd", "table", "", "AC000.xml") }
def testAD000() { doTest("AD.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AD000.xml") }
def testAE000() { doTest("AE.dfdl.xsd", "transposedMatrix", "", "AE000.xml") } // non-standard multi-assignment
def testAF002() { doTest("AF.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AF002.xml") }
def testAG000() { doTest("AG.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AG000.xml") }
def testAG001() { doTest("AG.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AG001.xml") }
def testAG002() { doTest("AG.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AG002.xml") }
// AH tests work in the old backend. The new front-end won't let them run
def testAH000() { doTest("AH.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AH000.xml") }
def testAH001() { doTest("AH.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AH001.xml") }
def testAH002() { doTest("AH.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AH002.xml") }
def testAM000() { doTest("AM.dfdl.xsd", "mimeType", "", "AM000.xml") }
def testAM001() { doTest("AM.dfdl.xsd", "mimeType", "", "AM001.xml") }
def testAO000() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO000.xml") }
def testAO001() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO001.xml") }
def testAO002() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO002.xml") }
def testAO003() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO003.xml") }
def testAO004() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO004.xml") }
def testAQ000() { doTest("AQ.dfdl.xsd", "ROOT", "", "AQ000.xml") }
def testAR000() { doTest("AR.dfdl.xsd", "DFDL", "", "AR000.xml") }
def testAS000() { doTest("AS.dfdl.xsd", "table", "", "AS000.xml") }
def testAT000() { doTest("AT.dfdl.xsd", "PRP", "", "AT000.xml") }
def testAU000() { doTest("AU.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AU000.xml") }
def testAV000() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV000.xml") }
def testAV001() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV001.xml") }
def testAV002() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV002.xml") }
def testAV003() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV003.xml") }
def testBB000() { doTest("BB.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BB000.xml") }
// BF tests work in the old backend. New front-end breaks them.
def testBF000() { doTest("BF.dfdl.xsd", "root", "", "BF000.xml") }
def testBF001() { doTest("BF.dfdl.xsd", "root", "", "BF001.xml") }
def testBG000() { doTest("BG.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BG000.xml") }
//class StandAloneTests extends JUnit3Suite {
// val doTest = TestRig.doTest _
// // def testStandAloneTests() {
// // val allLines = Source.fromFile("/test/testSuite.txt").getLines.toList
// // val testLines = allLines.filter { !_.startsWith("#") } //strip comments
// // for (line <- testLines) {
// // val p = line.split(",")
// // val testDir = "/test/"
// // val (schemaFileName, root, inputFileName, expectedFileName) = (testDir+p(0), p(1), testDir+p(2), testDir+p(3))
// // val schemaParser = new SchemaParser
// // if (isDebug)
// // schemaParser setDebugging (true)
// // System.err.println("Test "+ schemaFileName)
// // DebugUtil.time("Parsing schema", schemaParser parse (schemaFileName))
// // val result = schemaParser eval (inputFileName, root)
// // val res = trim(XMLUtils.element2Elem(result))
// //
// // DebugUtil log ("Total nodes:" + XMLUtils.getTotalNodes)
// // val expectedXML = trim(scala.xml.XML.loadFile(expectedFileName))
// // assertEquals(expectedXML, res) // Need to compare in a canonicalized manner.
// //
// // }
// def testAA000() { doTest("AA.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AA000.xml") }
// def testAB000() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB000.xml") }
// def testAB001() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB000.xml") }
// def testAB002() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB000.xml") }
// def testAB003() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB003.xml") }
// def testAB004() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB004.xml") }
// def testAB005() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB005.xml") }
// def testAB010() { doTest("AB.dfdl.xsd", "matrix", "", "AB010.xml") }
// def testAC000() { doTest("AC.dfdl.xsd", "table", "", "AC000.xml") }
// def testAD000() { doTest("AD.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AD000.xml") }
// def testAE000() { doTest("AE.dfdl.xsd", "transposedMatrix", "", "AE000.xml") } // non-standard multi-assignment
// def testAF000() { doTest("AF.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AF000.xml") }
// def testAF001() { doTest("AF.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AF001.xml") }
// def testAF002() { doTest("AF.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AF002.xml") }
// def testAG000() { doTest("AG.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AG000.xml") }
// def testAG001() { doTest("AG.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AG001.xml") }
// def testAG002() { doTest("AG.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AG002.xml") }
// def testAH000() { doTest("AH.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AH000.xml") }
// def testAH001() { doTest("AH.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AH001.xml") }
// def testAH002() { doTest("AH.dfdl.xsd", "allZones", "", "AH002.xml") }
// def testAI000() { doTest("AI.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AI000.xml") }
// def testAJ000() { doTest("AJ.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AJ000.xml") }
// def testAJ001() { doTest("AJ.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AJ001.xml") }
// def testAK000() { doTest("AK.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AK000.xml") }
// def testAK001() { doTest("AK.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AK001.xml") }
// def testAL000() { doTest("AL.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AL000.xml") }
// def testAM000() { doTest("AM.dfdl.xsd", "mimeType", "", "AM000.xml") }
// def testAM001() { doTest("AM.dfdl.xsd", "mimeType", "", "AM001.xml") }
// def testAN000() { doTest("AN.dfdl.xsd", "path", "", "AN000.xml") }
// def testAN001() { doTest("AN.dfdl.xsd", "path", "", "AN001.xml") }
// def testAO000() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO000.xml") }
// def testAO001() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO001.xml") }
// def testAO002() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO002.xml") }
// def testAO003() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO003.xml") }
// def testAO004() { doTest("AO.dfdl.xsd", "element", "", "AO004.xml") }
// def testAP000() { doTest("AP.dfdl.xsd", "parent", "", "AP000.xml") }
// def testAQ000() { doTest("AQ.dfdl.xsd", "ROOT", "", "AQ000.xml") }
// def testAR000() { doTest("AR.dfdl.xsd", "DFDL", "", "AR000.xml") }
// def testAS000() { doTest("AS.dfdl.xsd", "table", "", "AS000.xml") }
// def testAT000() { doTest("AT.dfdl.xsd", "PRP", "", "AT000.xml") }
// def testAU000() { doTest("AU.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AU000.xml") }
// def testAV000() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV000.xml") }
// def testAV001() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV001.xml") }
// def testAV002() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV002.xml") }
// def testAV003() { doTest("AV.dfdl.xsd", "wholeFile", "", "AV003.xml") }
// def testAW000() { doTest("AW.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AW000.xml") }
// def testAW001() { doTest("AW.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AW001.xml") }
// def testAX000() { doTest("AX.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AX000.xml") }
// def testAZ000() { doTest("AZ.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "AZ000.xml") }
// def testBA000() { doTest("BA.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BA000.xml") }
// def testBB000() { doTest("BB.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BB000.xml") }
// def testBC000() { doTest("BC.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BC000.xml") }
// def testBD000() { doTest("BD.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BD000.xml") }
// def testBE000() { doTest("BE.dfdl.xsd", "seq", "", "BE000.xml") }
// def testBE001() { doTest("BE.dfdl.xsd", "seq", "", "BE001.xml") }
// def testBF000() { doTest("BF.dfdl.xsd", "root", "", "BF000.xml") }
// def testBF001() { doTest("BF.dfdl.xsd", "root", "", "BF001.xml") }
// def testBG000() { doTest("BG.dfdl.xsd", "list", "", "BG000.xml") }