layout: page title: Daffodil and the DFDL Infoset description: Daffodil and the DFDL Infoset group: nav-right

Daffodil is an implementation of DFDL which supports multiple methods to represent the DFDL Infoset, including various XML representations and JSON. However, the DFDL Infoset is somewhat different from the representations that Daffodil creates since Daffodil approximates the DFDL Infoset using a subset of features of XML/JSON. The below tables describe how Daffodil maps the DFDL Infoset to the supported representations.

XML Illegal Characters

Since DFDL strings can contain characters that are not allowed in XML at all, for the XML based representations, these characters are mapped into the Unicode Private Use Areas (PUA). This is similar to the scheme used by Microsoft Visio (See:, but extended to handle all the XML 1.0 illegal characters including those with 16-bit codepoint values. This mapping is used bi-directionally, that is, illegal characters are replaced by their legal counterparts when parsing, and the reverse transformation is performed when unparsing, thereby allowing the creation of data streams containing the XML illegal characters from legal XML documents that contain only the mapped PUA corresponding characters.

These are the legal XML characters (for XML v1.0):

 #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] 

All other characters are illegal. Illegal characters from #x00 to #x1F are mapped to the PUA by adding #xE000 to their character code. Hence, the NUL (#x0) character code becomes #xE000.

Illegal characters from #xD800 to #xDFFF are mapped to the PUA by adding #x1000 to their character code. So #xD800 maps to #xE800, and #xDFFF maps to #xEFFF.

Illegal characters #xFFFE and #xFFFF are mapped to the PUA by subtracting #x0F00 from their character code, so to characters #xF0FE and #xF0FF.

The legal character #xD (Carriage Return or CR) is mapped to #xA (Line Feed, or LF). The CR character is allowed in the textual representation of XML documents, but is always converted to LF in the XML Infoset. That is, it is read by XML processors, but CRLF is converted to just LF, and CR alone is converted to LF. Daffodil is in a sense a different ‘reader’ of data into the XML infoset, so to be consistent with XML we map CR and CRLF to LF.

It is a processing error when parsing if the data-stream contains characters in the parts of the PUA used by this mapping for illegal XML codepoints. When unparsing, the characters such as #xE000 found in the infoset string values are mapped back to the corresponding illegal character code points (#xE000 becomes #x0, aka NUL).

The XML for an infoset can embed the #xE000 character or any of the other “illegal” characters mapped into the PUA conveniently by use of XSD numeric character entities such as “”. This is turned into the #xE000 code point when the XML document is loaded. Daffodil will then map this when unparsing, to #x0 (aka NUL).

It is a processing error if any DFDL infoset string character is created with a character code greater than #x10FFFF.