CXF DOSGi ssl example

This example demonstrates how to configure ssl with a custom keystore and required key based client auth using a plain DOSGi service with a custom intent.

The example reuses the soap example code. It then adds the ssl intent to the service impl by using a config. This prevents the service from starting up.

We then install the ssl-intent bundle which implements the intent. This allows the service and client to start up.

Karaf SSL config

We want the karaf HttpService to be secured by https and require a client certificate for authentication.

Keystore generation

  • Create client and server keys.

  • Add client certificate to server

    mkdir -p etc/keystores

    Create server key

    keytool -genkey -dname CN=localhost -keyalg RSA -validity 100000 -alias serverkey -keypass password -storepass password -keystore etc/keystores/keystore.jks

    Create client key and add to keystore as trusted

    keytool -genkey -dname CN=chris -keyalg RSA -validity 100000 -alias clientkey -keypass password -storepass password -keystore etc/keystores/client.jks keytool -export -rfc -keystore etc/keystores/client.jks -storepass password -alias clientkey -file client.cer keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore etc/keystores/keystore.jks -storepass password -alias clientkey -file client.cer

    Export server cert

    keytool -exportcert -storepass password -keystore etc/keystores/keystore.jks -alias serverKey -file server.cert

    Import server cert into client store

    keytool -importcert -storepass password -keystore etc/keystores/client.jks -alias serverKey -file server.cert

  • Copy thes files in etc to the karaf etc dir
  • Copy the keystores (*.jks) into the karaf etc directory.


  • Copy the server side ssl config org.apache.cxf.http.jetty-ssl.cfg into etc
  • Install the CXF DOSGi features
  • Install the example
feature:repo-add cxf-dosgi 2.0-SNAPSHOT
feature:install cxf-dosgi-provider-ws

install -s mvn:org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples/cxf-dosgi-samples-soap-api/2.0_SNAPSHOT
install -s mvn:org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples/cxf-dosgi-samples-soap-impl/2.0-SNAPSHOT
install -s mvn:org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples/cxf-dosgi-samples-soap-client/2.0-SNAPSHOT
install -s mvn:org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples/cxf-dosgi-samples-ssl-intent/2.0-SNAPSHOT

Test using browser

If you want to access the service using your browser then you have to export it in pkcs12 format and import it into your browser.

# Export client cert as pkcs12 for browser
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore etc/keystores/client.jks -destkeystore etc/keystores/client.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12

Access the service as . Add a security exemption to accept the server certificate.