wip - new module that will be used to support features in ZK 3.6+ while maintaining background compatability with previous versions of ZK in the other modules. At some point in the future, this can be merged into the main modules and then removed
49 files changed
tree: d5022689cada5ba33472fd2271099b9ae2b739c3
  1. curator-client/
  2. curator-examples/
  3. curator-framework/
  4. curator-recipes/
  5. curator-test/
  6. curator-test-zk34/
  7. curator-v2/
  8. curator-x-async/
  9. curator-x-discovery/
  10. curator-x-discovery-server/
  11. src/
  12. .gitignore
  13. .travis.yml
  15. doap.rdf
  17. NOTICE
  18. pom.xml
  19. README.md

Apache Curator

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What's is Apache Curator?

Apache Curator is a Java/JVM client library for Apache ZooKeeper[1], a distributed coordination service.

Apache Curator includes a high-level API framework and utilities to make using Apache ZooKeeper much easier and more reliable. It also includes recipes for common use cases and extensions such as service discovery and a Java 8 asynchronous DSL. For more details, please visit the project website: http://curator.apache.org/

[1] Apache ZooKeeper https://zookeeper.apache.org/