Disable force required to allow push release commits

Since we do not use release branch pattern, we need this commit
otherwise the process is not working.

Signed-off-by: tison <wander4096@gmail.com>
1 file changed
tree: 64d01920c506402732de28acb2c2d6e9db81012e
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. curator-client/
  4. curator-examples/
  5. curator-framework/
  6. curator-recipes/
  7. curator-test/
  8. curator-test-zk35/
  9. curator-test-zk36/
  10. curator-x-async/
  11. curator-x-discovery/
  12. curator-x-discovery-server/
  13. src/
  14. .asf.yaml
  15. .gitignore
  17. doap.rdf
  19. licenserc.toml
  20. merge-pr.py
  21. mvnw
  22. mvnw.cmd
  23. NOTICE
  24. pom.xml
  25. README.md

Apache Curator

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What is Apache Curator?

Apache Curator is a Java/JVM client library for Apache ZooKeeper, a distributed coordination service.

Apache Curator includes a high-level API framework and utilities to make using Apache ZooKeeper much easier and more reliable. It also includes recipes for common use cases and extensions such as service discovery and a Java 8 asynchronous DSL.

For more details: