blob: ebf3165217852f0efb36a8194b39a6ba794a0c5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.crunch.scrunch
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.apache.crunch.{Pipeline => JPipeline}
import org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.MemPipeline
import org.apache.crunch.util.DistCache
import org.apache.crunch.scrunch.interpreter.InterpreterRunner
* Manages the state of a pipeline execution.
* ==Overview==
* There are two subtypes of [[org.apache.crunch.Pipeline]]:
* [[org.apache.crunch.Pipeline#MapReduce]] - for jobs run on a Hadoop cluster.
* [[org.apache.crunch.Pipeline#InMemory]] - for jobs run in memory.
* To create a Hadoop pipeline:
* {{{
* import org.apache.crunch.scrunch.Pipeline
* Pipeline.mapreduce[MyClass]
* }}}
* To get an in memory pipeline:
* {{{
* import org.apache.crunch.scrunch.Pipeline
* Pipeline.inMemory
* }}}
class Pipeline(val jpipeline: JPipeline) extends PipelineLike {
* A convenience method for reading a text file.
* @param pathName Path to desired text file.
* @return A PCollection containing the lines in the specified file.
def readTextFile(pathName: String): PCollection[String] = {
new PCollection[String](jpipeline.readTextFile(pathName))
* A convenience method for writing a text file.
* @param pcollect A PCollection to write to text.
* @param pathName Path to desired output text file.
def writeTextFile[T](pcollect: PCollection[T], pathName: String) {
jpipeline.writeTextFile(pcollect.native, pathName)
* Companion object. Contains subclasses of Pipeline.
object Pipeline {
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[Pipeline])
* Pipeline for running jobs on a hadoop cluster.
* @param clazz Type of the class using the pipeline.
* @param configuration Hadoop configuration to use.
class MapReducePipeline (clazz: Class[_], configuration: Configuration) extends Pipeline(
// Attempt to add all jars in the Scrunch distribution lib directory to the job that will
// be run.
val jarPath = DistCache.findContainingJar(classOf[org.apache.crunch.scrunch.Pipeline])
if (jarPath != null) {
val scrunchJarFile = new File(jarPath)
DistCache.addJarDirToDistributedCache(configuration, scrunchJarFile.getParent())
} else {
log.warn("Could not locate Scrunch jar file, so could not add Scrunch jars to the " +
"job(s) about to be run.")
if (InterpreterRunner.repl == null) {
new MRPipeline(clazz, configuration)
} else {
// We're running in the REPL, so we'll use the crunch jar as the job jar.
new MRPipeline(classOf[org.apache.crunch.scrunch.Pipeline], configuration)
* Pipeline for running jobs in memory.
object InMemoryPipeline extends Pipeline(MemPipeline.getInstance())
* Creates a pipeline for running jobs on a hadoop cluster using the default configuration.
* @param clazz Type of the class using the pipeline.
def mapReduce(clazz: Class[_]): MapReducePipeline = mapReduce(clazz, new Configuration())
* Creates a pipeline for running jobs on a hadoop cluster.
* @param clazz Type of the class using the pipeline.
* @param configuration Hadoop configuration to use.
def mapReduce(clazz: Class[_], configuration: Configuration): MapReducePipeline = {
new MapReducePipeline(clazz, configuration)
* Creates a pipeline for running jobs on a hadoop cluster using the default configuration.
* @tparam T Type of the class using the pipeline.
def mapReduce[T : ClassManifest]: MapReducePipeline = mapReduce[T](new Configuration())
* Creates a pipeline for running jobs on a hadoop cluster.
* @param configuration Hadoop configuration to use.
* @tparam T Type of the class using the pipeline.
def mapReduce[T : ClassManifest](configuration: Configuration): MapReducePipeline = {
new MapReducePipeline(implicitly[ClassManifest[T]].erasure, configuration)
* Gets a pipeline for running jobs in memory.
def inMemory: InMemoryPipeline.type = InMemoryPipeline
* Creates a new Pipeline according to the provided specifications.
* @param configuration Configuration for connecting to a Hadoop cluster.
* @param memory Option specifying whether or not the pipeline is an in memory or mapreduce pipeline.
* @param manifest ClassManifest for the class using the pipeline.
* @tparam T type of the class using the pipeline.
* @deprecated Use either {{{Pipeline.mapReduce(class, conf)}}} or {{{Pipeline.inMemory}}}
def apply[T](
configuration: Configuration = new Configuration(),
memory: Boolean = false)(implicit manifest: ClassManifest[T]
): Pipeline = if (memory) inMemory else mapReduce(manifest.erasure, configuration)