blob: 7431d5d6ca4192168d353dbde42fd22052b31a1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
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package org.apache.crunch.util;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
* A custom {@link CopyListing} implementation capable of dynamically renaming
* the target paths according to a {@link #DISTCP_PATH_RENAMES configured set of values}.
* <p>
* Once is available, this
* class can be significantly simplified.
* </p>
public class CrunchRenameCopyListing extends SimpleCopyListing {
* Comma-separated list of original-file:renamed-file path rename pairs.
public static final String DISTCP_PATH_RENAMES = "crunch.distcp.path.renames";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CrunchRenameCopyListing.class);
private final Map<String, String> pathRenames;
private long totalPaths = 0;
private long totalBytesToCopy = 0;
* Constructor, to initialize configuration.
* @param configuration The input configuration, with which the source/target FileSystems may be accessed.
* @param credentials - Credentials object on which the FS delegation tokens are cached. If null
* delegation token caching is skipped
public CrunchRenameCopyListing(Configuration configuration, Credentials credentials) {
super(configuration, credentials);
pathRenames = new HashMap<>();
String[] pathRenameConf = configuration.getStrings(DISTCP_PATH_RENAMES);
if (pathRenameConf == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required configuration: " + DISTCP_PATH_RENAMES);
for (String pathRename : pathRenameConf) {
String[] pathRenameParts = pathRename.split(":");
if (pathRenameParts.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path rename format: " + pathRename);
if (pathRenames.put(pathRenameParts[0], pathRenameParts[1]) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid duplicate path rename: " + pathRenameParts[0]);
}"Loaded {} path rename entries", pathRenames.size());
// Clear out the rename configuration property, as it is no longer needed
public void doBuildListing(SequenceFile.Writer fileListWriter, DistCpOptions options) throws IOException {
try {
for (Path path : options.getSourcePaths()) {
FileSystem sourceFS = path.getFileSystem(getConf());
final boolean preserveAcls = options.shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.ACL);
final boolean preserveXAttrs = options.shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.XATTR);
final boolean preserveRawXAttrs = options.shouldPreserveRawXattrs();
path = makeQualified(path);
FileStatus rootStatus = sourceFS.getFileStatus(path);
Path sourcePathRoot = computeSourceRootPath(rootStatus, options);
FileStatus[] sourceFiles = sourceFS.listStatus(path);
boolean explore = (sourceFiles != null && sourceFiles.length > 0);
if (!explore || rootStatus.isDirectory()) {
CopyListingFileStatus rootCopyListingStatus = DistCpUtils.toCopyListingFileStatus(sourceFS, rootStatus, preserveAcls,
preserveXAttrs, preserveRawXAttrs);
writeToFileListingRoot(fileListWriter, rootCopyListingStatus, sourcePathRoot, options);
if (explore) {
for (FileStatus sourceStatus : sourceFiles) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Recording source-path: {} for copy.", sourceStatus.getPath());
CopyListingFileStatus sourceCopyListingStatus = DistCpUtils.toCopyListingFileStatus(sourceFS, sourceStatus,
preserveAcls && sourceStatus.isDirectory(), preserveXAttrs && sourceStatus.isDirectory(),
preserveRawXAttrs && sourceStatus.isDirectory());
writeToFileListing(fileListWriter, sourceCopyListingStatus, sourcePathRoot, options);
if (isDirectoryAndNotEmpty(sourceFS, sourceStatus)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Traversing non-empty source dir: {}", sourceStatus.getPath());
traverseNonEmptyDirectory(fileListWriter, sourceStatus, sourcePathRoot, options);
fileListWriter = null;
} finally {
if (fileListWriter != null) {
try {
} catch(IOException e) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Exception in closing {}", fileListWriter, e);
private Path computeSourceRootPath(FileStatus sourceStatus, DistCpOptions options) throws IOException {
Path target = options.getTargetPath();
FileSystem targetFS = target.getFileSystem(getConf());
final boolean targetPathExists = options.getTargetPathExists();
boolean solitaryFile = options.getSourcePaths().size() == 1 && !sourceStatus.isDirectory();
if (solitaryFile) {
if (targetFS.isFile(target) || !targetPathExists) {
return sourceStatus.getPath();
} else {
return sourceStatus.getPath().getParent();
} else {
boolean specialHandling =
(options.getSourcePaths().size() == 1 && !targetPathExists) || options.shouldSyncFolder() || options.shouldOverwrite();
return specialHandling && sourceStatus.isDirectory() ? sourceStatus.getPath() : sourceStatus.getPath().getParent();
private Path makeQualified(Path path) throws IOException {
final FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(getConf());
return path.makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory());
private static boolean isDirectoryAndNotEmpty(FileSystem fileSystem, FileStatus fileStatus) throws IOException {
return fileStatus.isDirectory() && getChildren(fileSystem, fileStatus).length > 0;
private static FileStatus[] getChildren(FileSystem fileSystem, FileStatus parent) throws IOException {
return fileSystem.listStatus(parent.getPath());
private void traverseNonEmptyDirectory(SequenceFile.Writer fileListWriter, FileStatus sourceStatus, Path sourcePathRoot,
DistCpOptions options) throws IOException {
FileSystem sourceFS = sourcePathRoot.getFileSystem(getConf());
final boolean preserveAcls = options.shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.ACL);
final boolean preserveXAttrs = options.shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.XATTR);
final boolean preserveRawXattrs = options.shouldPreserveRawXattrs();
Stack<FileStatus> pathStack = new Stack<>();
while (!pathStack.isEmpty()) {
for (FileStatus child : getChildren(sourceFS, pathStack.pop())) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Recording source-path: {} for copy.", sourceStatus.getPath());
CopyListingFileStatus childCopyListingStatus = DistCpUtils.toCopyListingFileStatus(sourceFS, child,
preserveAcls && child.isDirectory(), preserveXAttrs && child.isDirectory(), preserveRawXattrs && child.isDirectory());
writeToFileListing(fileListWriter, childCopyListingStatus, sourcePathRoot, options);
if (isDirectoryAndNotEmpty(sourceFS, child)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Traversing non-empty source dir: {}", sourceStatus.getPath());
private void writeToFileListingRoot(SequenceFile.Writer fileListWriter, CopyListingFileStatus fileStatus, Path sourcePathRoot,
DistCpOptions options) throws IOException {
boolean syncOrOverwrite = options.shouldSyncFolder() || options.shouldOverwrite();
if (fileStatus.getPath().equals(sourcePathRoot) && fileStatus.isDirectory() && syncOrOverwrite) {
// Skip the root-paths when syncOrOverwrite
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Skip {}", fileStatus.getPath());
writeToFileListing(fileListWriter, fileStatus, sourcePathRoot, options);
private void writeToFileListing(SequenceFile.Writer fileListWriter, CopyListingFileStatus fileStatus, Path sourcePathRoot,
DistCpOptions options) throws IOException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("REL PATH: {}, FULL PATH: {}",
DistCpUtils.getRelativePath(sourcePathRoot, fileStatus.getPath()), fileStatus.getPath());
if (!shouldCopy(fileStatus.getPath())) {
fileListWriter.append(getFileListingKey(sourcePathRoot, fileStatus),
if (!fileStatus.isDirectory()) {
totalBytesToCopy += fileStatus.getLen();
* Returns the key for an entry in the copy listing sequence file
* @param sourcePathRoot the root source path for determining the relative target path
* @param fileStatus the copy listing file status
* @return the key for the sequence file entry
protected Text getFileListingKey(Path sourcePathRoot, CopyListingFileStatus fileStatus) {
Path fileStatusPath = fileStatus.getPath();
String pathName = fileStatusPath.getName();
String renamedPathName = pathRenames.get(pathName);
if (renamedPathName != null && !pathName.equals(renamedPathName)) {"Applying dynamic rename of {} to {}", pathName, renamedPathName);
fileStatusPath = new Path(fileStatusPath.getParent(), renamedPathName);
return new Text(DistCpUtils.getRelativePath(sourcePathRoot, fileStatusPath));
* Returns the value for an entry in the copy listing sequence file
* @param fileStatus the copy listing file status
* @return the value for the sequence file entry
protected CopyListingFileStatus getFileListingValue(CopyListingFileStatus fileStatus) {
return fileStatus;
protected long getBytesToCopy() {
return totalBytesToCopy;
protected long getNumberOfPaths() {
return totalPaths;