TENTACLES-16: Current page as WIP draft
265 files changed
tree: 63bfbe875815b9317690b240547f889739536e47
  1. css/
  2. images/
  3. rat/
  4. rat014/
  5. release-notes/
  6. tentacles/
  7. tentacles-wip/
  8. whisker/
  9. xref/
  10. xref-test/
  11. .asf.yaml
  12. boardreport.html
  13. docker-compose.yaml
  14. download_rat.cgi
  15. download_rat.html
  16. index.html
  17. jira-report.html
  18. mail-lists.html
  19. rat-report.html
  20. README.md
  22. sitemap.html

Apache Creadur Website

This project contains the project's webpage.

Its deployment is done via asf.yaml. Every commit is directly pushed and available on https://creadur.apache.org/

How to generate new page versions for RAT


In order to sync the current webpage (taken from current SNAPSHOT) you need to run the following commands:

$ cd creadur-rat
$ mvn clean site:site site:stage
$ cd ../creadur-site
$ cp -rvf ../creadur-rat/target/staging/* ./rat/

Make sure to manually adapt download pages as they need to reference the current release and SNAPSHOT versions!
$ git commit -am "Update site build for RAT"

WARNING! This will sync the current master branch/SNAPSHOT version of the homepage if not run on the release branch


Due to problems when generating Javadoc do only use JDK16! Newer versions run into NPE during path traversal.

$ cd creadur-rat
$ git checkout apache-rat-project-0.14
$ mvn clean site:site site:stage

Verify contents under target/staging

$ cd ../creadur-site
$ mkdir rat014
$ cp -rvf ../creadur-rat/target/staging/* ./rat014/

Make sure to manually adapt download pages as they need to reference the current release and SNAPSHOT versions!

$ git commit -am "Push new preview version of RAT 0.14"

This will allow a preview of the release site build at rat014

Release Notes / RAT-306

Make sure that https://creadur.apache.org/rat/RELEASE_NOTES.txt does not yield a 404. RAT's changelog consists of 2 versions:

Usually it helps to copy over the release-generated version into the subfolder /rat of this project

Combined release notes

Make sure to generate a combined changelog that includes the most current release, available under relase-notes/rat.txt