RAT Architecture notes.

Source definition

In this document source files are the files that RAT is checking. They can be individual source files, document files, configuration files, archives, etc. The use of the term “source” does not specify application source files per. se.

License definitions

Licenses comprise a unique ID, a name, and a series of tests.

  • The uniqueID and name are defined in the interface ILicenseFamiy
  • The tests are defined in the interface IHeaderMatcher
  • If any of the tests are matched then the license is detected.
  • tests may be multiplexing tests that containt more than one test. Multiplexing tests are either
    • AND tests where all the the sub tests must be true for the test to be true; or
    • OR tests where one the the sub-tests being true makes the entire test true.

When source files are tested for the presence of a license all the license checks are performed in parallel.


There are several implementations of tests


Text is specified, the complete text must be located in the source file.


The SPDX keyword must be found within the source file. SPDX keyword have the form SPDX-License-Identifier:\\s([A-Za-z0-9\\.\\-]+) when defining the SPDX matcher onlyt the variable alpha-numeric phrase may be specified (eg the ‘Apache-2.0’ in the SPDX identifier 'SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0`


The copyright must match a specific date(range) and owner.


Multiplex tests comprise several tests. How the test is evaluated depends upon the type.

ANY-Multiplex (aka OR-Multiplex)

If any of the tests comprising the ANY-Multiplex test pass then the ANY-Multiplex test passes.

ALL-Multiplex (aka AND-Multiplex)

Only if all of the tests comprising the ALL-Multiplex test pass will the ALL-Multiplex test pass.

License test

All licenses are defined as ANY-Multiplex tests. Licenses therefore be uses as tests within other tests. However, this only makes sense in the context of an ALL-Multiplex test.