blob: df9168ed1f0dc9f6a364d1d139a66da02037fa37 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-define(HWAIR, $\x{10348}). % 4 byte utf8 encoding
-define(EURO, $\x{20ac}). % 3 byte utf8 encoding
-define(CENT, $\x{a2}). % 2 byte utf8 encoding
ejson_size_test_() ->
[?_assertEqual(R, couch_ejson_size:encoded_size(Input)) || {R, Input} <- [
{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, -1}, {1, 9}, {2, 10}, {3, -10},
{2, 11}, {2, 99}, {3, 100}, {3, 999}, {4, 1000}, {4, 9999},
{5, 10000},
{3, 0.0}, {3, 0.1}, {3, 1.0}, {4, -1.0}, {3, 1.0e9},
{4, 1.0e10}, {5, 1.0e-10}, {5, 1.0e-99}, {6, 1.0e-100}, {3, 1.0e-323},
{2, arr_nested(0)}, {22, arr_nested(10)}, {2002, arr_nested(1000)},
{9, obj_nested(0)}, {69, obj_nested(10)}, {6009, obj_nested(1000)},
{4, null}, {4, true}, {5, false},
{3, str(1, $x)}, {4, str(1, ?CENT)}, {5, str(1, ?EURO)},
{6, str(1, ?HWAIR)}, {3, str(1, $\x{1})}, {12, str(10, $x)},
{22, str(10, ?CENT)}, {32, str(10, ?EURO)}, {42, str(10, ?HWAIR)},
{12, str(10, $\x{1})}
%% Helper functions
arr_nested(MaxDepth) ->
arr_nested(MaxDepth, 0).
obj_nested(MaxDepth) ->
obj_nested(MaxDepth, 0).
obj(N, K, V) ->
{[{K, V} || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)]}.
str(N, C) ->
unicode:characters_to_binary([C || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)]).
arr_nested(MaxDepth, MaxDepth) ->
arr_nested(MaxDepth, Depth) ->
[arr_nested(MaxDepth, Depth + 1)].
obj_nested(MaxDepth, MaxDepth) ->
obj(1, <<"k">>, <<"v">>);
obj_nested(MaxDepth, Depth) ->
{[{<<"k">>, obj_nested(MaxDepth, Depth + 1)}]}.