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  2. src/
  3. test/

Couch Scanner

Couch Scanner is an application which traverses all the dbs and docs in the background and emits various reports. There is a common traversal mechanism which finds all the dbs, design docs, docs and calls various reporting plugins. Reporting plugins implement a common API and may search for various strings in the doc bodies, examine design docs for certain features, check index sizes, or issue any other reports.

Two plugins are initially included with the application are:

  • couch_scanner_plugin_find : Find occurrences of any regular expressions in the cluster. It scans through document bodies, db name and doc ids. This can be used, for instance, to search accidentally leaked secrets (API keys, passwords).
  • couch_scanner_ddoc_features : Report on various features used by design docs. By default it will report features which will be deprecated in CouchDB 4.x such as shows, lists, rewrites, etc. But also can be configured to search for javascript filter definition, custom javascript reduce functions and a few other things.

By default no plugins are enabled so the scanner application won't do anything. Plugins can be enabled in the configuration system by setting:

For instance, to enable couch_scanner_ddoc_features plugin use:

couch_scanner_plugin_ddoc_features = true

If a node is put in maintenance mode all the plugins will be automatically stopped on that node. When node is put back in production plugins will automatically resume executing. It's also possible to pause plugin execution in a remsh using the couch_scanner:stop() and then resume it later with couch_scanner:resume().

Application Structure

Top level application API is in the couch_scanner module.

  • status() -> return running status of plugins
  • stop() -> stop running plugins on this node
  • resume() -> resume running plugins on this node
  • checkpoints() -> inspect the value of all the node local checkpoints
  • reset_checkpoints() -> delete all the node local checkpoints

Plugins are run as individual processes. These processes are managed by couch_scanner_server gen_server. The gen_server inspects couch_scanner_plugins config section and then starts a new plugin process for each configured plugin. Then it waits for the process to exit. When the process exits it may exit normally, crash with an error, or indicate that it should be rescheduled to run later. Later rescheduling is indicated by exiting with a {shutdown, {reschedule, UnixTimeSec}} exit value. If the plugin crashes repeatedly it will be penalized with an exponential back-off starting at 30 seconds and up to 8 hours.


Plugin processes are proc_lib processes spawned by the couch_scanner_plugin module. After spawning the processes will read the previously saved checkpoint from a _local checkpoint doc in the shards db (_dbs) and start traversing databases from the last checkpoint.

There is a plugin processes running for each configured plugin. On startup, during traversal, checkpointing and before exiting it will call into the corresponding API function. This works very much like the gen_server pattern. The plugin API behavior is defined in the couch_scanner_plugin module as -callback directives. Plugin modules then refer to it as -behavior(couch_scanner_plugin).

Periodically it will checkpoint the last database it processed so if the node crashes or is stopped it will continue processing where it left off.

During startup or when finished the plugin may exit with a {shutdown,{reschedule, UnixTimeSec}} exit message to indicate that it wants to be scheduled to run at a later time.


Plugins periodically will checkpoint their database traversal progress to a _local checkpoint doc in the _dbs database. Each plugin has their separate checkpoint document. Plugin modules may implement the optional checkpoint/1 API and save some plugin specific data alongside the database traversal checkpoint which gets saved automatically. For instance, it maybe useful for plugins to save their start up configuration to detect when it changes so they could restart their scanning. Or, it they want to accumulate some statistics and only emit them at the end of the scan.

Reading and writing to checkpoints is done in the couch_scanner_checkpoint module. For debugging or operational intervention there is a reset/0 call to delete all the checkpoints on the local node.


couch_scanner_rate_limiter. To limit plugin resource (CPU / IO) usage there is a rate limiting mechanism to ensure all plugins can only open so many dbs and docs per second. couch_scanner_server creates a shared token bucket as an Erlang atomics array and periodically fills it with “tokens”. Plugins consume tokens every time they process a db or document. If they use up all the tokens, they start to back-off exponentially. It's a simple AIMD [1] algorithm. Parameters to configure it can be found in the default.ini file.
