
couch_lib application is a collection of “pure” miscellaneous functions. They are “pure” in a sense that these functions should not call any other CouchDB applications. Think of this application as an extension for Erlang/OTP standard library.

The two main reasons for this application to exist are:

  • to share non CouchDB specific helper functions between applications
  • avoid or break cyclic dependencies between applications

Please DO NOT put CouchDB specific functionality in here. This means you shouldn't:

  • call couch_log:
  • call config:
  • rely on process dictionary values set by processes within CouchDB using erlang:put/2
  • send messages to specific gen_server processes using gen_server:call

Provided functionality

String parsing

All string parsing functions expect either string or binary as well as the type itself. I.e. if parse_boolean/1 is called as parse_boolean(true) it would return true. They return either the parsed type or {error, Reason :: term()}.

  • couch_lib_parse:parse_boolean/1 - parses given string or binary into Erlang's boolean() type
  • couch_lib_parse:parse_integer/1 - parses given string as Erlang's integer() type
  • couch_lib_parse:parse_non_neg_integer/1 - parses given string as Erlang's non_neg_integer() type ([0..infinity))