blob: d207db41d921a74a928ea2b0266e5c8542d04ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
var Mime = (function() {
// registerType(name, mime-type, mime-type, ...)
// Available in query server sandbox. TODO: The list is cleared on reset.
// This registers a particular name with the set of mimetypes it can handle.
// Whoever registers last wins.
// Example:
// registerType("html", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
var mimesByKey = {};
var keysByMime = {};
function registerType() {
var mimes = [], key = arguments[0];
for (var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
mimesByKey[key] = mimes;
for (var i=0; i < mimes.length; i++) {
keysByMime[mimes[i]] = key;
// Some default types
// Ported from Ruby on Rails
// Build list of Mime types for HTTP responses
registerType("all", "*/*");
registerType("text", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "txt");
registerType("html", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
registerType("xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml");
registerType("xml", "application/xml", "text/xml", "application/x-xml");
registerType("js", "text/javascript", "application/javascript", "application/x-javascript");
registerType("css", "text/css");
registerType("ics", "text/calendar");
registerType("csv", "text/csv");
registerType("rss", "application/rss+xml");
registerType("atom", "application/atom+xml");
registerType("yaml", "application/x-yaml", "text/yaml");
// just like Rails
registerType("multipart_form", "multipart/form-data");
registerType("url_encoded_form", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
registerType("json", "application/json", "text/x-json");
var mimeFuns = [];
function provides(type, fun) {
Mime.providesUsed = true;
mimeFuns.push([type, fun]);
function resetProvides() {
// set globals
Mime.providesUsed = false;
mimeFuns = [];
Mime.responseContentType = null;
function runProvides(req, ddoc) {
var supportedMimes = [], bestFun, bestKey = null, accept = req.headers["Accept"];
if (req.query && req.query.format) {
bestKey = req.query.format;
Mime.responseContentType = mimesByKey[bestKey][0];
} else if (accept) {
// log("using accept header: "+accept);
mimeFuns.reverse().forEach(function(mimeFun) {
var mimeKey = mimeFun[0];
if (mimesByKey[mimeKey]) {
supportedMimes = supportedMimes.concat(mimesByKey[mimeKey]);
Mime.responseContentType = Mimeparse.bestMatch(supportedMimes, accept);
bestKey = keysByMime[Mime.responseContentType];
} else {
// just do the first one
bestKey = mimeFuns[0][0];
Mime.responseContentType = mimesByKey[bestKey][0];
if (bestKey) {
for (var i=0; i < mimeFuns.length; i++) {
if (mimeFuns[i][0] == bestKey) {
bestFun = mimeFuns[i][1];
if (bestFun) {
} else {
var supportedTypes = {return mimesByKey[mf[0]].join(', ') || mf[0]});
"Content-Type "+(accept||bestKey)+" not supported, try one of: "+supportedTypes.join(', ')]);
return {
registerType : registerType,
provides : provides,
resetProvides : resetProvides,
runProvides : runProvides
//// Render dispatcher
var Render = (function() {
var chunks = [];
// Start chunks
var startResp = {};
function start(resp) {
startResp = resp || {};
function sendStart() {
startResp = applyContentType((startResp || {}), Mime.responseContentType);
respond(["start", chunks, startResp]);
chunks = [];
startResp = {};
function applyContentType(resp, responseContentType) {
resp["headers"] = resp["headers"] || {};
if (responseContentType) {
resp["headers"]["Content-Type"] = resp["headers"]["Content-Type"] || responseContentType;
return resp;
function send(chunk) {
function blowChunks(label) {
respond([label||"chunks", chunks]);
chunks = [];
var gotRow = false, lastRow = false;
function getRow() {
if (lastRow) return null;
if (!gotRow) {
gotRow = true;
} else {
var line = readline();
var json = eval('('+line+')');
if (json[0] == "list_end") {
lastRow = true;
return null;
if (json[0] != "list_row") {
throw(["fatal", "list_error", "not a row '" + json[0] + "'"]);
return json[1];
function maybeWrapResponse(resp) {
var type = typeof resp;
if ((type == "string") || (type == "xml")) {
return {body:resp};
} else {
return resp;
// from
function typeOf(value) {
var s = typeof value;
if (s === 'object') {
if (value) {
if (value instanceof Array) {
s = 'array';
} else {
s = 'null';
return s;
function isDocRequestPath(info) {
var path = info.path;
return path.length > 5;
function runShow(fun, ddoc, args) {
try {
var resp = fun.apply(ddoc, args) || {};
// handle list() style API
if (chunks.length && chunks.length > 0) {
resp = maybeWrapResponse(resp);
resp.headers = resp.headers || {};
for(var header in startResp) {
resp.headers[header] = startResp[header]
resp.body = chunks.join("") + (resp.body || "");
if (Mime.providesUsed) {
resp = Mime.runProvides(args[1], ddoc);
resp = applyContentType(maybeWrapResponse(resp), Mime.responseContentType);
var type = typeOf(resp);
if (type == 'object' || type == 'string') {
respond(["resp", maybeWrapResponse(resp)]);
} else {
throw(["error", "render_error", "undefined response from show function"]);
} catch(e) {
if (args[0] === null && isDocRequestPath(args[1])) {
throw(["error", "not_found", "document not found"]);
} else {
renderError(e, fun.toSource());
function runUpdate(fun, ddoc, args) {
try {
var method = args[1].method;
// for analytics logging applications you might want to remove the next line
if (method == "GET") throw(["error","method_not_allowed","Update functions do not allow GET"]);
var result = fun.apply(ddoc, args);
var doc = result[0];
var resp = result[1];
var type = typeOf(resp);
if (type == 'object' || type == 'string') {
respond(["up", doc, maybeWrapResponse(resp)]);
} else {
throw(["error", "render_error", "undefined response from update function"]);
} catch(e) {
renderError(e, fun.toSource());
function resetList() {
gotRow = false;
lastRow = false;
chunks = [];
startResp = {};
function runList(listFun, ddoc, args) {
try {
head = args[0]
req = args[1]
var tail = listFun.apply(ddoc, args);
if (Mime.providesUsed) {
tail = Mime.runProvides(req, ddoc);
if (!gotRow) getRow();
if (typeof tail != "undefined") {
} catch(e) {
renderError(e, listFun.toSource());
function renderError(e, funSrc) {
if (e.error && e.reason || e[0] == "error" || e[0] == "fatal") {
} else {
var logMessage = "function raised error: "+e.toSource()+" \nstacktrace: "+e.stack;
throw(["error", "render_error", logMessage]);
function escapeHTML(string) {
return string && string.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
return {
start : start,
send : send,
getRow : getRow,
show : function(fun, ddoc, args) {
// var showFun = Couch.compileFunction(funSrc);
runShow(fun, ddoc, args);
update : function(fun, ddoc, args) {
// var upFun = Couch.compileFunction(funSrc);
runUpdate(fun, ddoc, args);
list : function(fun, ddoc, args) {
runList(fun, ddoc, args);
// send = Render.send;
// getRow = Render.getRow;
// start = Render.start;
// unused. this will be handled in the Erlang side of things.
// function htmlRenderError(e, funSrc) {
// var msg = ["<html><body><h1>Render Error</h1>",
// "<p>JavaScript function raised error: ",
// e.toString(),
// "</p><h2>Stacktrace:</h2><code><pre>",
// escapeHTML(e.stack),
// "</pre></code><h2>Function source:</h2><code><pre>",
// escapeHTML(funSrc),
// "</pre></code></body></html>"].join('');
// return {body:msg};
// };