| % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not |
| % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of |
| % the License at |
| % |
| % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| % |
| % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT |
| % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the |
| % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under |
| % the License. |
| |
| -module(couch_epi_tests). |
| |
| -include_lib("couch/include/couch_eunit.hrl"). |
| |
| -define(DATA_FILE1, ?ABS_PATH("test/fixtures/app_data1.cfg")). |
| -define(DATA_FILE2, ?ABS_PATH("test/fixtures/app_data2.cfg")). |
| |
| -export([notify_cb/4, save/3, get/2]). |
| |
| -record(ctx, {file, handle, pid, kv, key, modules = []}). |
| |
| -define(TIMEOUT, 5000). |
| -define(RELOAD_WAIT, 1000). |
| |
| -define(temp_atom, |
| fun() -> |
| {A, B, C} = os:timestamp(), |
| list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p~p~p", [A, B, C]))) |
| end). |
| |
| -define(MODULE1(Name), " |
| -export([inc/2, fail/2]). |
| |
| inc(KV, A) -> |
| Reply = A + 1, |
| couch_epi_tests:save(KV, inc1, Reply), |
| [KV, Reply]. |
| |
| fail(KV, A) -> |
| inc(KV, A). |
| "). |
| |
| -define(MODULE2(Name), " |
| -export([inc/2, fail/2]). |
| |
| inc(KV, A) -> |
| Reply = A + 1, |
| couch_epi_tests:save(KV, inc2, Reply), |
| [KV, Reply]. |
| |
| fail(KV, _A) -> |
| couch_epi_tests:save(KV, inc2, check_error), |
| throw(check_error). |
| "). |
| |
| -define(DATA_MODULE1(Name), " |
| -export([data/0]). |
| |
| data() -> |
| [ |
| {[complex, key, 1], [ |
| {type, counter}, |
| {desc, foo} |
| ]} |
| ]. |
| "). |
| |
| -define(DATA_MODULE2(Name), " |
| -export([data/0]). |
| |
| data() -> |
| [ |
| {[complex, key, 2], [ |
| {type, counter}, |
| {desc, bar} |
| ]}, |
| {[complex, key, 1], [ |
| {type, counter}, |
| {desc, updated_foo} |
| ]} |
| ]. |
| "). |
| |
| -define(DATA_MODULE3(Name, Kv), " |
| -export([data/0]). |
| |
| data() -> |
| {ok, Data} = couch_epi_tests:get('" ++ atom_to_list(Kv) ++ "', data), |
| Data. |
| "). |
| |
| %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| %% couch_epi_plugin behaviour |
| %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| plugin_module([KV, Spec]) when is_tuple(Spec) -> |
| SpecStr = io_lib:format("~w", [Spec]), |
| KVStr = "'" ++ atom_to_list(KV) ++ "'", |
| " |
| -compile([export_all]). |
| |
| app() -> test_app. |
| providers() -> |
| []. |
| |
| services() -> |
| []. |
| |
| data_providers() -> |
| [ |
| {{test_app, descriptions}, " ++ SpecStr ++ ", [{interval, 100}]} |
| ]. |
| |
| data_subscriptions() -> |
| [ |
| {test_app, descriptions} |
| ]. |
| |
| processes() -> []. |
| |
| notify(Key, OldData, Data) -> |
| couch_epi_tests:notify_cb(Key, OldData, Data, " ++ KVStr ++ "). |
| "; |
| plugin_module([KV, Provider]) when is_atom(Provider) -> |
| KVStr = "'" ++ atom_to_list(KV) ++ "'", |
| " |
| -compile([export_all]). |
| |
| app() -> test_app. |
| providers() -> |
| [ |
| {my_service, " ++ atom_to_list(Provider) ++ "} |
| ]. |
| |
| services() -> |
| [ |
| {my_service, " ++ atom_to_list(Provider) ++ "} |
| ]. |
| |
| data_providers() -> |
| []. |
| |
| data_subscriptions() -> |
| []. |
| |
| processes() -> []. |
| |
| notify(Key, OldData, Data) -> |
| couch_epi_tests:notify_cb(Key, OldData, Data, " ++ KVStr ++ "). |
| ". |
| |
| |
| notify_cb(Key, OldData, Data, KV) -> |
| save(KV, is_called, {Key, OldData, Data}). |
| |
| start_epi(Plugins) -> |
| application:load(couch_epi), |
| PluginsModules = lists:map(fun({Module, Body}) -> |
| ok = generate_module(Module, Body), |
| Module |
| end, Plugins), |
| application:set_env(couch_epi, plugins, PluginsModules), |
| application:start(couch_epi). |
| |
| setup(data_file) -> |
| error_logger:tty(false), |
| |
| Key = {test_app, descriptions}, |
| File = ?tempfile(), |
| {ok, _} = file:copy(?DATA_FILE1, File), |
| KV = start_state_storage(), |
| |
| ok = start_epi([{provider_epi, plugin_module([KV, {file, File}])}]), |
| |
| Pid = whereis(couch_epi:get_handle(Key)), |
| |
| |
| #ctx{ |
| file = File, |
| key = Key, |
| handle = couch_epi:get_handle(Key), |
| kv = KV, |
| pid = Pid}; |
| setup(static_data_module) -> |
| error_logger:tty(false), |
| |
| Key = {test_app, descriptions}, |
| |
| ok = generate_module(provider, ?DATA_MODULE1(provider)), |
| KV = start_state_storage(), |
| |
| ok = start_epi([{provider_epi, plugin_module([KV, {static_module, provider}])}]), |
| |
| Pid = whereis(couch_epi:get_handle(Key)), |
| Handle = couch_epi:get_handle(Key), |
| |
| #ctx{ |
| key = Key, |
| handle = Handle, |
| modules = [Handle, provider], |
| kv = KV, |
| pid = Pid}; |
| setup(callback_data_module) -> |
| error_logger:tty(false), |
| |
| Key = {test_app, descriptions}, |
| |
| KV = start_state_storage(), |
| Value = [ |
| {[complex, key, 1], [ |
| {type, counter}, |
| {desc, foo} |
| ]} |
| ], |
| save(KV, data, Value), |
| |
| ok = generate_module(provider, ?DATA_MODULE3(provider, KV)), |
| |
| ok = start_epi([{provider_epi, plugin_module([KV, {callback_module, provider}])}]), |
| |
| Pid = whereis(couch_epi:get_handle(Key)), |
| Handle = couch_epi:get_handle(Key), |
| |
| #ctx{ |
| key = Key, |
| handle = Handle, |
| modules = [Handle, provider], |
| kv = KV, |
| pid = Pid}; |
| setup(functions) -> |
| Key = my_service, |
| error_logger:tty(false), |
| |
| ok = generate_module(provider1, ?MODULE1(provider1)), |
| ok = generate_module(provider2, ?MODULE2(provider2)), |
| |
| KV = start_state_storage(), |
| |
| ok = start_epi([ |
| {provider_epi1, plugin_module([KV, provider1])}, |
| {provider_epi2, plugin_module([KV, provider2])} |
| ]), |
| |
| Pid = whereis(couch_epi:get_handle(Key)), |
| Handle = couch_epi:get_handle(Key), |
| |
| #ctx{ |
| key = Key, |
| handle = Handle, |
| modules = [Handle, provider1, provider2], |
| kv = KV, |
| pid = Pid}; |
| setup({options, _Opts}) -> |
| setup(functions). |
| |
| teardown(_Case, #ctx{} = Ctx) -> |
| teardown(Ctx). |
| |
| teardown(#ctx{file = File} = Ctx) when File /= undefined -> |
| file:delete(File), |
| teardown(Ctx#ctx{file = undefined}); |
| teardown(#ctx{kv = KV}) -> |
| call(KV, stop), |
| application:stop(couch_epi), |
| ok. |
| |
| upgrade_release(Pid, Modules) -> |
| sys:suspend(Pid), |
| [ok = sys:change_code(Pid, M, undefined, []) || M <- Modules], |
| sys:resume(Pid), |
| ok. |
| |
| epi_config_update_test_() -> |
| Funs = [ |
| fun ensure_notified_when_changed/2, |
| fun ensure_not_notified_when_no_change/2 |
| ], |
| Cases = [ |
| data_file, |
| static_data_module, |
| callback_data_module, |
| functions |
| ], |
| { |
| "config update tests", |
| [make_case("Check notifications for: ", Cases, Funs)] |
| }. |
| |
| epi_data_source_test_() -> |
| Funs = [ |
| fun check_dump/2, |
| fun check_get/2, |
| fun check_get_value/2, |
| fun check_by_key/2, |
| fun check_by_source/2, |
| fun check_keys/2, |
| fun check_subscribers/2 |
| ], |
| Cases = [ |
| data_file, |
| static_data_module, |
| callback_data_module |
| ], |
| { |
| "epi data API tests", |
| [make_case("Check query API for: ", Cases, Funs)] |
| }. |
| |
| |
| epi_apply_test_() -> |
| { |
| "epi dispatch tests", |
| { |
| foreach, |
| fun() -> setup(functions) end, |
| fun teardown/1, |
| [ |
| fun check_pipe/1, |
| fun check_broken_pipe/1, |
| fun ensure_fail/1, |
| fun ensure_fail_pipe/1 |
| ] |
| } |
| }. |
| |
| epi_providers_order_test_() -> |
| { |
| "epi providers' order test", |
| { |
| foreach, |
| fun() -> setup(functions) end, |
| fun teardown/1, |
| [ |
| fun check_providers_order/1 |
| ] |
| } |
| }. |
| |
| |
| epi_reload_test_() -> |
| Cases = [ |
| data_file, |
| static_data_module, |
| callback_data_module, |
| functions |
| ], |
| Funs = [ |
| fun ensure_reload_if_manually_triggered/2, |
| fun ensure_reload_if_changed/2, |
| fun ensure_no_reload_when_no_change/2 |
| ], |
| { |
| "epi reload tests", |
| [make_case("Check reload for: ", Cases, Funs)] |
| }. |
| |
| apply_options_test_() -> |
| Funs = [fun ensure_apply_is_called/2], |
| Setups = {options, valid_options_permutations()}, |
| { |
| "apply options tests", |
| [make_case("Apply with options: ", Setups, Funs)] |
| }. |
| |
| |
| make_case(Msg, {Tag, P}, Funs) -> |
| Cases = [{Tag, Case} || Case <- P], |
| make_case(Msg, Cases, Funs); |
| make_case(Msg, P, Funs) -> |
| [{format_case_name(Msg, Case), [ |
| { |
| foreachx, fun setup/1, fun teardown/2, |
| [ |
| {Case, make_fun(Fun, 2)} || Fun <- Funs |
| ] |
| } |
| ]} || Case <- P]. |
| |
| make_fun(Fun, Arity) -> |
| {arity, A} = lists:keyfind(arity, 1, erlang:fun_info(Fun)), |
| make_fun(Fun, Arity, A). |
| |
| make_fun(Fun, A, A) -> Fun; |
| make_fun(Fun, 2, 1) -> fun(_, A) -> Fun(A) end; |
| make_fun(Fun, 1, 2) -> fun(A) -> Fun(undefined, A) end. |
| |
| format_case_name(Msg, Case) -> |
| lists:flatten(Msg ++ io_lib:format("~p", [Case])). |
| |
| valid_options_permutations() -> |
| [ |
| [], |
| [ignore_errors], |
| [pipe], |
| [pipe, ignore_errors], |
| [concurrent], |
| [concurrent, ignore_errors] |
| ]. |
| |
| ensure_notified_when_changed(functions, #ctx{key = Key} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| update(functions, Ctx), |
| Result = get(Ctx, is_called), |
| ExpectedDefs = [ |
| {provider1,[{inc,2},{fail,2}]}, |
| {provider2,[{inc,2},{fail,2}]} |
| ], |
| ?assertEqual({ok, {Key, ExpectedDefs, ExpectedDefs}}, Result), |
| ok |
| end); |
| ensure_notified_when_changed(Case, #ctx{key = Key} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| update(Case, Ctx), |
| ExpectedData = lists:usort([ |
| {[complex, key, 1], [{type, counter}, {desc, updated_foo}]}, |
| {[complex, key, 2], [{type, counter}, {desc, bar}]} |
| ]), |
| Result = get(Ctx, is_called), |
| ?assertMatch({ok, {Key, _OldData, _Data}}, Result), |
| {ok, {Key, OldData, Data}} = Result, |
| ?assertMatch(ExpectedData, lists:usort(Data)), |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [{[complex, key, 1], [{type, counter}, {desc, foo}]}], |
| lists:usort(OldData)) |
| end). |
| |
| ensure_not_notified_when_no_change(_Case, #ctx{key = Key} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| timer:sleep(?RELOAD_WAIT), |
| ?assertMatch(error, get(Ctx, is_called)) |
| end). |
| |
| ensure_apply_is_called({options, Opts}, #ctx{handle = Handle, kv = KV, key = Key} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| couch_epi:apply(Handle, Key, inc, [KV, 2], Opts), |
| maybe_wait(Opts), |
| ?assertMatch({ok, _}, get(Ctx, inc1)), |
| ?assertMatch({ok, _}, get(Ctx, inc2)), |
| ok |
| end); |
| ensure_apply_is_called(undefined, #ctx{} = Ctx) -> |
| ensure_apply_is_called({options, []}, Ctx). |
| |
| check_pipe(#ctx{handle = Handle, kv = KV, key = Key}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| Result = couch_epi:apply(Handle, Key, inc, [KV, 2], [pipe]), |
| ?assertMatch([KV, 4], Result), |
| ok |
| end). |
| |
| check_broken_pipe(#ctx{handle = Handle, kv = KV, key = Key} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| Result = couch_epi:apply(Handle, Key, fail, [KV, 2], [pipe, ignore_errors]), |
| ?assertMatch([KV, 3], Result), |
| ?assertMatch([3, check_error], pipe_state(Ctx)), |
| ok |
| end). |
| |
| ensure_fail_pipe(#ctx{handle = Handle, kv = KV, key = Key}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| ?assertThrow(check_error, |
| couch_epi:apply(Handle, Key, fail, [KV, 2], [pipe])), |
| ok |
| end). |
| |
| ensure_fail(#ctx{handle = Handle, kv = KV, key = Key}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| ?assertThrow(check_error, |
| couch_epi:apply(Handle, Key, fail, [KV, 2], [])), |
| ok |
| end). |
| |
| pipe_state(Ctx) -> |
| Trace = [get(Ctx, inc1), get(Ctx, inc2)], |
| lists:usort([State || {ok, State} <- Trace]). |
| |
| check_dump(_Case, #ctx{handle = Handle}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [[{type, counter}, {desc, foo}]], |
| couch_epi:dump(Handle)) |
| end). |
| |
| check_get(_Case, #ctx{handle = Handle}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [[{type, counter}, {desc, foo}]], |
| couch_epi:get(Handle, [complex,key, 1])) |
| end). |
| |
| check_get_value(_Case, #ctx{handle = Handle}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [{type, counter}, {desc, foo}], |
| couch_epi:get_value(Handle, test_app, [complex,key, 1])) |
| end). |
| |
| check_by_key(_Case, #ctx{handle = Handle}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [{[complex, key, 1], |
| [{test_app, [{type, counter}, {desc, foo}]}]}], |
| couch_epi:by_key(Handle)), |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [{test_app, [{type, counter}, {desc, foo}]}], |
| couch_epi:by_key(Handle, [complex, key, 1])) |
| end). |
| |
| check_by_source(_Case, #ctx{handle = Handle}) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [{test_app, |
| [{[complex,key, 1], [{type, counter}, {desc, foo}]}]}], |
| couch_epi:by_source(Handle)), |
| ?assertMatch( |
| [{[complex,key, 1], [{type, counter}, {desc, foo}]}], |
| couch_epi:by_source(Handle, test_app)) |
| end). |
| |
| check_keys(_Case, #ctx{handle = Handle}) -> |
| ?_assertMatch([[complex,key,1]], couch_epi:keys(Handle)). |
| |
| check_subscribers(_Case, #ctx{handle = Handle}) -> |
| ?_assertMatch([test_app], couch_epi:subscribers(Handle)). |
| |
| |
| ensure_reload_if_manually_triggered(Case, #ctx{pid = Pid, key = Key} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| update_definitions(Case, Ctx), |
| couch_epi_module_keeper:reload(Pid), |
| timer:sleep(?RELOAD_WAIT), |
| ?assertNotEqual(error, get(Ctx, is_called)) |
| end). |
| |
| ensure_reload_if_changed(data_file = Case, |
| #ctx{key = Key, handle = Handle} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| Version = Handle:version(), |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| update_definitions(Case, Ctx), |
| timer:sleep(?RELOAD_WAIT), |
| ?assertNotEqual(Version, Handle:version()), |
| ?assertNotEqual(error, get(Ctx, is_called)) |
| end); |
| ensure_reload_if_changed(Case, |
| #ctx{key = Key, handle = Handle} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| Version = Handle:version(), |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| update(Case, Ctx), |
| ?assertNotEqual(Version, Handle:version()), |
| timer:sleep(?RELOAD_WAIT), %% Allow some time for notify to be called |
| ?assertNotEqual(error, get(Ctx, is_called)) |
| end). |
| |
| ensure_no_reload_when_no_change(functions, |
| #ctx{pid = Pid, key = Key, handle = Handle, modules = Modules} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| Version = Handle:version(), |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| upgrade_release(Pid, Modules), |
| ?assertEqual(Version, Handle:version()), |
| ?assertEqual(error, get(Ctx, is_called)) |
| end); |
| ensure_no_reload_when_no_change(_Case, |
| #ctx{key = Key, handle = Handle} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| Version = Handle:version(), |
| subscribe(Ctx, test_app, Key), |
| timer:sleep(?RELOAD_WAIT), |
| ?assertEqual(Version, Handle:version()), |
| ?assertEqual(error, get(Ctx, is_called)) |
| end). |
| |
| check_providers_order(#ctx{handle = Handle, kv = KV, key = Key} = Ctx) -> |
| ?_test(begin |
| Result = couch_epi:apply(Handle, Key, inc, [KV, 2], [pipe]), |
| ?assertMatch([KV, 4], Result), |
| Order = [element(2, get(Ctx, K)) || K <- [inc1, inc2]], |
| ?assertEqual(Order, [3, 4]), |
| ok |
| end). |
| |
| %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| %% Internal Function Definitions |
| %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| generate_module(Name, Body) -> |
| Tokens = couch_epi_codegen:scan(Body), |
| couch_epi_codegen:generate(Name, Tokens). |
| |
| update(Case, #ctx{pid = Pid, modules = Modules} = Ctx) -> |
| update_definitions(Case, Ctx), |
| upgrade_release(Pid, Modules), |
| wait_update(Ctx). |
| |
| update_definitions(data_file, #ctx{file = File}) -> |
| {ok, _} = file:copy(?DATA_FILE2, File), |
| ok; |
| update_definitions(static_data_module, #ctx{}) -> |
| ok = generate_module(provider, ?DATA_MODULE2(provider)); |
| update_definitions(callback_data_module, #ctx{kv = Kv}) -> |
| Value = [ |
| {[complex, key, 2], [ |
| {type, counter}, |
| {desc, bar} |
| ]}, |
| {[complex, key, 1], [ |
| {type, counter}, |
| {desc, updated_foo} |
| ]} |
| ], |
| save(Kv, data, Value), |
| ok; |
| update_definitions(functions, #ctx{}) -> |
| ok = generate_module(provider1, ?MODULE2(provider1)). |
| |
| subscribe(#ctx{kv = Kv}, _App, _Key) -> |
| call(Kv, empty), |
| ok. |
| |
| maybe_wait(Opts) -> |
| case lists:member(concurrent, Opts) of |
| true -> |
| timer:sleep(?RELOAD_WAIT); |
| false -> |
| ok |
| end. |
| |
| wait_update(Ctx) -> |
| case get(Ctx, is_called) of |
| error -> |
| timer:sleep(?RELOAD_WAIT), |
| wait_update(Ctx); |
| _ -> ok |
| end. |
| |
| %% ------------ |
| %% State tracer |
| |
| save(Kv, Key, Value) -> |
| call(Kv, {set, Key, Value}). |
| |
| get(#ctx{kv = Kv}, Key) -> |
| call(Kv, {get, Key}); |
| get(Kv, Key) -> |
| call(Kv, {get, Key}). |
| |
| call(Server, Msg) -> |
| Ref = make_ref(), |
| Server ! {{Ref, self()}, Msg}, |
| receive |
| {reply, Ref, Reply} -> |
| Reply |
| after ?TIMEOUT -> |
| {error, {timeout, Msg}} |
| end. |
| |
| reply({Ref, From}, Msg) -> |
| From ! {reply, Ref, Msg}. |
| |
| start_state_storage() -> |
| Pid = state_storage(), |
| Name = ?temp_atom(), |
| register(Name, Pid), |
| Name. |
| |
| state_storage() -> |
| spawn_link(fun() -> state_storage(dict:new()) end). |
| |
| state_storage(Dict) -> |
| receive |
| {From, {set, Key, Value}} -> |
| reply(From, ok), |
| state_storage(dict:store(Key, Value, Dict)); |
| {From, {get, Key}} -> |
| reply(From, dict:find(Key, Dict)), |
| state_storage(Dict); |
| {From, empty} -> |
| reply(From, ok), |
| state_storage(dict:new()); |
| {From, stop} -> |
| reply(From, ok) |
| end. |