Couch Expiring Cache

This is a library for creating an FDB backed key value cache, where each entry has a stale and expires time associated with it. Once the current time exceeds the expires time, the entry is automatically removed. The stale time can be used to indicate that a refresh is necessary, while still returning a non-expired value. It is potentially useful for implementing e.g. caches to external systems of record, such as OAuth 2.

The data model is based on this FDB forum discussion.

(?EXPIRING_CACHE, Name, ?PK, Key) := (Val, StaleTS, ExpireTS)
(?EXPIRING_CACHE, Name, ?EXP, ExpireTS, Key) := ()

where Name is a unique namespace for a particular use case. N.B. that it's possible for cache data remain indefinitely in FDB when a Name is changed or retired with unexpired entries. For such cases, we provide couch_expiring_cache_fdb:clear_all/1 to manually clean up those entries.


Typical usage for this library is to create a separate behaviour module for each Name, which internally starts a uniquely named couch_expiring_cache_server to handle expiration and removal of entries for that Name. For example, to cache authorization decisions from an external source, one could implement a module like the following:




-define(CACHE_NAME, <<"auth-decision">>).

start_link() ->
    Opts = #{
        cache_name => ?CACHE_NAME,
        period => 1000, % clear expired entries every second
        batch_size => 500, % clear at most 500 entries each period
        max_jitter => 10
    couch_expiring_cache_server:start_link(?MODULE, Opts).


  • couch_expiring_cache: The API module, it contains functions for inserting and looking up cache entries, which are simply pass-throughs to couch_expiring_cache_fdb.

  • couch_expiring_cache_fdb: The module which interacts with FDB, in addition to insertion and lookup functions, it also contains a function to clear an expired range, which is called periodically from instances of couch_expiring_cache_server.

  • couch_expiring_cache_server: An “abstract” gen_server, a specific behaviour of this module should be created for each Name, which can override the default expiration parameters. It periodically removes expired cache entries using configurable parameters for period, jitter, and batch size.