blob: 69002155c77f496c3385705cc1070429a157dfa7 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
.. the License at
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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.. the License.
.. _release/1.6.x:
1.6.x Branch
.. contents::
:depth: 1
.. warning::
:ref:`release/1.6.1` contains important patches to hash of passwords on
restart. The previous :ref:`release/1.6.0` release is not recommended for
usage as certain edge cases with admin passwords may prevent CouchDB from
.. _release/1.6.x/upgrade:
The :ref:`Proxy Authentication <api/auth/proxy>` handler was renamed to
``proxy_authentication_handler`` to follow the ``*_authentication_handler`` from
of all other handlers. The old ``proxy_authentification_handler`` name is marked
as deprecated and will be removed in future releases. It's highly recommended
to update :config:option:`httpd/authentication_handlers` option with the new
value if you have used such a handler.
.. _release/1.6.1:
Version 1.6.1
A bugfix release to handle various edge cases related to admin password hashing.
* :issue:`2298`: Hash plaintext admin passwords stored in ``local.ini`` on startup
* :issue:`2299`: Filter out local admin users before updating password hash in
``_users`` db :commit:`5e46f3b`.
.. _release/1.6.0:
Version 1.6.0
* :issue:`2200`: support Erlang/OTP 17.0 :commit:`35e16032`
* Fauxton: many improvements in our experimental new user interface, including
switching the code editor from CodeMirror to Ace as well as better support
for various browsers.
* Add the ``max_count`` option (:ref:`config/uuids`) to allow rate-limiting
the amount of UUIDs that can be requested from the :ref:`api/server/uuids`
handler in a single request (:ref:`CVE 2014-2668 <cve/2014-2668>`).
* :issue:`1986`: increase socket buffer size to improve replication speed
for large documents and attachments, and fix tests on BSD-like systems.
* :issue:`1953`: improve performance of multipart/related requests.
* :issue:`2221`: verify that authentication-related configuration settings
are well-formed. :commit:`dbe769c6`
* :issue:`1922`: fix CORS exposed headers. :commit:`4f619833`
* :issue:`1795`: ensure the startup script clears the pid file on termination.
* :issue:`1962`: replication can now be performed without having write access
to the source database (:commit:`1d5fe2aa`), the replication checkpoint
interval is now configurable (:commit:`0693f98e`).
* :issue:`2025`: add support for SOCKS5 proxies for replication.
* :issue:`1930`: redirect to the correct page after submitting a new document
with a different ID than the one suggested by Futon. :commit:`4906b591`
* :issue:`1923`: add support for `attachments` and `att_encoding_info` options
(formerly only available on the documents API) to the view API.
* :issue:`1780`: upgrade password hashes from SHA-1 to PBKDF2 scheme on
successful authentication. :commit:`34888938`
* :issue:`2059`: allow run-time configuration of maximum URL length.
* :issue:`2054`: accept gzipped JSON request bodies. :commit:`4d893387`
* Rename ``proxy_authentification_handler`` to ``proxy_authentication_handler``.
* :issue:`1647`: for failed replications originating from a document in the
`_replicator` database, store the failure reason in the document.
* :issue:`2053`: send better error messages when both `key` and `keys`
parameters are specified in view requests. :commit:`2bc07840`
* :issue:`2040`: send better error messages when incorrect checksums
are encountered during compaction. :commit:`e7fdc16a`
* :issue:`2028`: allow intermedia certificates when using SSL/TLS.
* :issue:`2031`: fix rewriting of paths with query string parameters.
* Numerous improvements to the documentation.