Weather Report

weatherreport is an escript and set of tools that diagnoses common problems which could affect a CouchDB node or cluster.


Here is a basic example of using weatherreport followed immediately by the command's output:

$ ./weatherreport --etc /path/to/etc
[warning] Cluster member node3@ is not connected to this node. Please check whether it is down.


For most cases, you can just run the weatherreport command as given at the top of this README. However, sometimes you might want to know some extra detail or run only specific checks. For that, there are command-line options. Execute weatherreport --help to learn more about these options:

weatherreport --help
Usage: weatherreport [-c <path>] [-d <level>] [-e] [-h] [-l] [check_name ...]

  -c, --etc		Path to the CouchDB configuration directory
  -d, --level		Minimum message severity level (default: notice)
  -l, --list		Describe available diagnostic tasks
  -e, --expert		Perform more detailed diagnostics
  -h, --help		Display help/usage
  check_name		A specific check to run

To get an idea of what checks will be run, use the --list option:

weatherreport --list
Available diagnostic checks:

  custodian            Shard safety/liveness checks
  disk                 Data directory permissions and atime
  internal_replication Check the number of pending internal replication jobs
  ioq                  Check the total number of active IOQ requests
  mem3_sync            Check there is a registered mem3_sync process
  membership           Cluster membership validity
  memory_use           Measure memory usage
  message_queues       Check for processes with large mailboxes
  node_stats           Check useful erlang statistics for diagnostics
  nodes_connected      Cluster node liveness
  process_calls        Check for large numbers of processes with the same current/initial call
  process_memory       Check for processes with high memory usage
  safe_to_rebuild      Check whether the node can safely be taken out of service
  search               Check the local search node is responsive
  tcp_queues           Measure the length of tcp queues in the kernel

If you want all the gory details about what WeatherReport is doing, you can run the checks at a more verbose logging level with the --level option:

$ ./weatherreport --etc /path/to/etc -d debug
[debug] Not connected to the local cluster node, trying to connect. alive:false connect_failed:undefined
[debug] Starting distributed Erlang.
[debug] Connected to local cluster node 'node1@'.
[debug] Local RPC: mem3:nodes([]) [5000]
[debug] Local RPC: os:getpid([]) [5000]
[debug] Running shell command: ps -o pmem,rss -p 73905
[debug] Shell command output:
 0.3  25116

[debug] Local RPC: erlang:nodes([]) [5000]
[debug] Local RPC: mem3:nodes([]) [5000]
[warning] Cluster member node3@ is not connected to this node. Please check whether it is down.
[info] Process is using 0.3% of available RAM, totalling 25116 KB of real memory.

Most times you'll want to use the defaults, but any Syslog severity name will do (from most to least verbose): debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency.

Finally, if you want to run just a single diagnostic or a list of specific ones, you can pass their name(s):

$ ./weatherreport --etc /path/to/etc nodes_connected
[warning] Cluster member node3@ is not connected to this node. Please check whether it is down.