
Nouveau is a modern replacement for dreyfus/clouseau and is built on;

  1. the Dropwizard framework (
  2. Java 11+
  3. Lucene 9
  4. Lucene 4 is simultaneously supported for migration purposes

Nouveau transforms Apache CouchDB databases into Apache Lucene indexes at the shard level and then merges the results together.

This work is currently EXPERIMENTAL and may change in ways that invalidate any existing Nouveau index.

What works?

  • you can define a default analyzer and different analyzers by field name.
  • sorting on text and numbers (and combinations of fields)
  • classic lucene query syntax
  • count and range facets
  • cursor support for paginating efficiently through large results sets
  • indexes automatically deleted if database is deleted (as long as nouveau is running!)
  • integration with ken
  • integration with mango
  • integration with resharding
  • update=false
  • _nouveau_info
  • _search_cleanup

What doesn't work yet?

  • results grouping
  • configurable stop words for analyzers
  • or Windows generally
  • retry loop to mask JVM reboots
  • couch_stat metrics (including new active searches)

I don't intend to add grouping support, it seems barely used. Would accept a tidy contribution, though.

Why is this better than dreyfus/clouseau?

  • No scalang (or Scala!)
  • Supports any version of Java that Lucene 9 supports
  • memory-mapped I/O for performance (which works best on Java 19)
  • direct I/O used for segment merging (so we don't evict useful data from disk cache)

Getting started

Configure CouchDB with `--enable-nouveau'

Build Nouveau with;


Run Nouvea with;

dev/run --admin=foo:bar --with-nouveau

Make a database with some data and an index definition;



curl -X DELETE "$URL"
curl -X PUT "$URL?n=3&q=16"

curl -X PUT "$URL/_design/foo" -d '{"nouveau":{"bar":{"lucene_major": 9, "default_analyzer":"standard", "field_analyzers":{"foo":"english"}, "index":"function(doc) { index(\"string\", \"foo\", \"bar\"); }"}}}'

# curl "$URL/_index" -Hcontent-type:application/json -d '{"type":"nouveau", "index": {"fields": [{"name": "bar", "type":"number"}]}}'

for I in {1..5}; do
    DOCID=$[ $DOCID % 100000 ]
    BAR=$[ $BAR % 100000 ]
    curl -X PUT "$URL/doc$DOCID" -d "{\"bar\": $BAR}"

while true; do
    curl 'foo:bar@localhost:15984/foo/_design/foo/_nouveau/bar?q=*:*'

In order not to collide with dreyfus I've hooked Nouveau in with new paths;

curl 'foo:bar@localhost:15984/foo/_design/foo/_nouveau/bar?q=*:*'

This will cause Nouveau to build indexes for each copy (N) and each shard range (Q) and then perform a search and return the results. Lots of query syntax is working as is sorting on strings and numbers (`sort=[“fieldnamehere<string>”] or sort=[“fieldnamehere<number>”], defaulting to number).

Facet support

Counts of string fields and Ranges for numeric fields;

curl 'foo:bar@localhost:15984/foo/_design/foo/_nouveau/bar?q=*:*&limit=1&ranges={"bar":[{"label":"cheap","min":0,"max":100}]}&counts=["foo"]' -g

Index function

To ease migration nouveau functions can use the ‘index’ function exactly as it exists in dreyfus, but the function also supports a new style where the intended Lucene field type is the first argument.

index(“foo”, “bar”);adds a TextField.
index(“foo”, “bar”, {“store”:true});adds a TextField and a StoredField.
index(“foo”, “bar”, {“store”:true, “facet”:true});adds a TextField, a StoredField and a SortedSetDocValuesField.
index(“text”, “foo”, “bar”);adds a TextField.
index(“text”, “foo”, “bar”, {“store”:true});adds a TextField with Store.YES
index(“string”, “foo”, “bar”);adds a StringField.

Deployment options

All indexes are prefix with their erlang hostname so you can deploy a single nouveau server per cluster if this meets your needs. You can also configure a different nouveau server for each couchdb node too.

There is no need to co-locate the nouveau server with the couchdb cluster, though this is a common option.