Mango Tests

CouchDB should be started with ./dev/run -a testuser:testpass.

To run these, do this in the Mango top level directory:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ venv/bin/nosetests

To run an individual test suite: nosetests --nocapture test/

To run the tests with text index support: MANGO_TEXT_INDEXES=1 nosetests --nocapture test

Test configuration

The following environment variables can be used to configure the test fixtures:

  • COUCH_HOST - root url (including port) of the CouchDB instance to run the tests against. Default is "".
  • COUCH_USER - CouchDB username (with admin premissions). Default is "adm".
  • COUCH_PASSWORD - CouchDB password. Default is "pass".
  • COUCH_AUTH_HEADER - Optional Authorization header value. If specified, this is used instead of basic authentication with the username/password variables above.
  • MANGO_TEXT_INDEXES - Set to "1" to run the tests only applicable to text indexes.