feat: libera project verification
1 file changed
tree: 82e1a9b66bfaf821948470bd628e5f6eaea97dd1
  1. 404/
  2. _src-fauxton-visual-guide/
  3. CouchDB-visual-identity/
  4. fauxton-visual-guide/
  5. image/
  6. repo/
  7. script/
  8. style/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .htaccess
  11. android-chrome-192x192.png
  12. android-chrome-512x512.png
  13. apple-touch-icon.png
  14. browserconfig.xml
  15. bylaws.html
  16. conduct.html
  17. couchdb-doap.rdf
  18. favicon-16x16.png
  19. favicon-32x32.png
  20. favicon.ico
  21. google41fe3ad2898b639e.html
  22. google4a670cce736e6c03.html
  23. index.html
  24. libera.txt
  26. Makefile
  27. manifest.json
  28. mstile-150x150.png
  29. NOTICE
  30. README.md
  31. safari-pinned-tab.svg

Apache CouchDB Site

This directory contains the CouchDB website, the source files it is generated from, and the scripts to regenerate the site.


  • LessCSS

Updating the Site



The site should now be updated.

Publishing the Site

The site will be published automatically to http://couchdb.apache.org after you have committed your changes to the git repository.