blob: 9cd1f9b8db2a59d5a0b64bd046dc96ace42092b1 [file] [log] [blame]
%% @copyright 2017 Takeru Ohta <>
%% @doc Probabilistic Sampler.
%% This sampler samples the spans probabilistically.
%% === Examples ===
%% ```
%% Context = passage_span_context_null,
%% Sampler = passage_sampler_probabilistic:new(0.5),
%% Reporter = passage_reporter_null:new(),
%% ok = passage_tracer_registry:register(foo, Context, Sampler, Reporter).
%% '''
%% Exported API
%% 'passage_sampler' Callback API
%% Exported Functions
%% @doc Makes a new sampler.
%% This will sample spans by the given `SamplingRate'.
%% E.g., if `SamplingRate = 0.5', the half of the spans are sampled probabilistically.
%% The value of `SamplingRate' must be between `0.0' and `1.0'.
-spec new(float()) -> passage_sampler:sampler().
new(SamplingRate) ->
N = SamplingRate,
case is_number(N) andalso 0 =< N andalso N =< 1 of
false -> error(badarg, [SamplingRate]);
true -> passage_sampler:new(?MODULE, SamplingRate)
%% 'passage_sampler' Callback Functions
%% @private
is_sampled(SamplingRate, _OperationName, _Tags) ->
rand:uniform() < SamplingRate.