nmo-import-csv(1) -- Bulk import CSV files


nmo import-csv <cluster> <database> <file> [--delimiter=','] [--columns=true]
nmo import-csv <url> <database> <file> [--delimiter=','] [--columns=true]


Imports a csv file into CouchDB.


delimiter * Default: ‘,’ * Type: String

The csv delimiter

columns * Default: true * Type: Boolean

Whether to use the first row of the csv to define the key fields for
each document


This will import the file mycsv.csv into the mydb database on the cluster mycluster. With the columns parameter set to true. nmo import-csv mycluster mydb mycsv.csv --columns=true

This will import the file mycsv.csv into the mydb database at the couchdb url http://mycouchdb.com. nmo import-csv http://mycouchdb.com mydb mycsv.csv --columns=true