blob: 978f2364d41c445caeeafc65c0cc1ed4706d52b3 [file] [log] [blame]
//This needs to go here so that the polyfill
//is used when the cli loads and the tests
import * as config from './config.js';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
import pkg from '../package.json';
const commands = [
const nmo = {
config: null
nmo.version = pkg.version;
const commandFuncs = {}, cliFuncs = {};
Object.defineProperty(nmo, 'commands', {
get: () => {
if (nmo.config === null) {
throw new Error('run nmo.load before');
return commandFuncs;
Object.defineProperty(nmo, 'cli', {
get: () => {
if (nmo.config === null) {
throw new Error('run nmo.load before');
return cliFuncs;
nmo.load = function load (opts) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((config) => {
nmo.config = config;
commands.forEach((cmd) => {
const mod = require('./' + cmd + '.js');
commandFuncs[cmd] = mod.default ? mod.default : mod;
cliFuncs[cmd] = mod.cli;
}).catch((err) => {
export default nmo;