blob: 6df66fe2b00f28b4dd146bacd2e1ab178aff114c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
const assert = require('assert')
const CookieJar = require('../lib/cookie.js')
test('should parse cookies correctly', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v = `${n}=YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY`
const sc = `${v}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const url = ''
cj.parse(sc, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 1)
const cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: v
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie)
test('should handle multiple cookies', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v1 = 'YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY'
const v2 = 'YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY'
const v3 = 'YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY'
const sc1 = `${n}1=${v1}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const sc2 = `${n}2=${v2}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const sc3 = `${n}3=${v3}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const url = ''
cj.parse(sc1, url)
cj.parse(sc2, url)
cj.parse(sc3, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 3)
let cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession1',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: `AuthSession1=${v1}`
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie)
cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession2',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: `AuthSession2=${v2}`
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[1], cookie)
cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession3',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: `AuthSession3=${v3}`
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[2], cookie)
test('should handle multiple domains', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v1 = 'gzQ0Y6TuB66MczYWRtaW46NjM5ODvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY'
const v2 = 'YWRtaWzQ0Y6T46NjM5ODguB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY'
const v3 = '46NjM5ODgYWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY'
const v4 = 'Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axY6TuBxzvkZ7ax46NjM5ODgYWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0EJq6Fz0gOdhKY'
const sc1 = `${n}1=${v1}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const sc2 = `${n}2=${v2}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const sc3 = `${n}3=${v3}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const sc4 = `${n}4=${v4}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const url1 = ''
const url2 = ''
const url3 = ''
cj.parse(sc1, url1)
cj.parse(sc2, url2)
cj.parse(sc3, url3)
cj.parse(sc4, url3)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 4)
let cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession1',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: `AuthSession1=${v1}`
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie)
assert.deepEqual(cj.getCookieString(url1), cookie.value)
cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession2',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: `AuthSession2=${v2}`
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[1], cookie)
assert.deepEqual(cj.getCookieString(url2), cookie.value)
const cookie1 = {
name: 'AuthSession3',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: `AuthSession3=${v3}`
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[2], cookie1)
const cookie2 = {
name: 'AuthSession4',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: `AuthSession4=${v4}`
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[3], cookie2)
// multiple cookies - 2 cookies for url3
assert.equal(cj.getCookieString(url3), `${cookie1.value}; ${cookie2.value}`)
// check we don't get a cookie for a subdomain
assert.equal(cj.getCookieString(''), '')
const sleep = async (ms) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
test('should expire cookies correctly', async () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 4
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v = `${n}=YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY`
const sc = `${v}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=5; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const url = ''
cj.parse(sc, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 1)
assert.notEqual(cj.getCookieString(url).length, 0)
await sleep(4000)
assert.equal(cj.getCookieString(url).length, 0)
assert.equal(cj.getCookieString(url).length, 0)
test('should respect path', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v1 = `${n}1=YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY`
const sc1 = `${v1}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/my/path; HttpOnly`
const v2 = `${n}2=YczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKYWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66M`
const sc2 = `${v2}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const url = ''
cj.parse(sc1, url)
cj.parse(sc2, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 2)
const cookie1 = {
name: 'AuthSession1',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/my/path',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: v1
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie1)
const cookie2 = {
name: 'AuthSession2',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: v2
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[1], cookie2)
// one cookies for path=/
let cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie2.value}`)
// two cookies for path=/my/path
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie1.value}; ${cookie2.value}`)
// two cookies for path=/my/path/extra
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie1.value}; ${cookie2.value}`)
// zero cookies for different domain
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, '')
test('should renew cookies', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const expiry1 = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr1 = new Date(expiry1).toGMTString()
const v1 = `${n}=YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY`
const sc1 = `${v1}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr1}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const expiry2 = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 120
const expiryStr2 = new Date(expiry2).toGMTString()
const v2 = `${n}=gOdhKYWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MYczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0`
const sc2 = `${v2}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr2}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly`
const url = ''
// parse first cookie string
cj.parse(sc1, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 1)
const cookie1 = {
name: 'AuthSession',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr1,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr1).getTime(),
value: v1
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie1)
// then refresh the cookie
cj.parse(sc2, url)
const cookie2 = {
name: 'AuthSession',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr2,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
ts: new Date(expiryStr2).getTime(),
value: v2
// ensure it updates the same cookie
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie2)
test('should send cookies to authorised subdomains', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v = `${n}=YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY`
const sc = `${v}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly;`
const url = ''
cj.parse(sc, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 1)
const cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
domain: '',
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: v
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie)
// check we get a cookie for the same domain
let cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie.value}`)
// check we get a cookie for the different domain
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie.value}`)
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie.value}`)
// check we get no cookies for the different domain
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, '')
test('should not send http-only cookies to different protocol', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v = `${n}=YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY`
const sc = `${v}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; HttpOnly;`
const url = ''
cj.parse(sc, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 1)
const cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'http:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
httponly: true,
domain: '',
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: v
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie)
// check we get a cookie for the same domain (http)
let cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie.value}`)
// check we get a cookie for the same domain (https)
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie.value}`)
// but not some other protocol
cs = cj.getCookieString('ws://')
assert.equal(cs, '')
test('should not send secure-only cookies to http', () => {
const cj = new CookieJar()
const expiry = new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60
const expiryStr = new Date(expiry).toGMTString()
const n = 'AuthSession'
const v = `${n}=YWRtaW46NjM5ODgzQ0Y6TuB66MczvkZ7axEJq6Fz0gOdhKY`
const sc = `${v}; Version=1; Expires=${expiryStr}; Max-Age=60; Path=/; Secure;`
const url = ''
cj.parse(sc, url)
assert.equal(cj.jar.length, 1)
const cookie = {
name: 'AuthSession',
origin: '',
pathname: '/_session',
protocol: 'https:',
version: '1',
expires: expiryStr,
'max-age': '60',
path: '/',
secure: true,
domain: '',
ts: new Date(expiryStr).getTime(),
value: v
assert.deepEqual(cj.jar[0], cookie)
// check we get a cookie for the same domain (http)
let cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, `${cookie.value}`)
// but not http
cs = cj.getCookieString('')
assert.equal(cs, '')