blob: 26b8fedf426a95ddb91623a2cf1170c44bffc713 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
const Nano = require('..')
const COUCH_URL = 'http://localhost:5984'
const nano = Nano(COUCH_URL)
const nock = require('nock')
const response = {
_id: 'rep1',
_rev: '2-05a9e090e2bb0977c06b870c870153c5',
source: 'http://localhost:5984/cities',
target: 'http://localhost:5984/cities2',
create_target: true,
continuous: false,
owner: 'admin',
_replication_state: 'completed',
_replication_state_time: '2019-11-06T13:20:17Z',
_replication_stats: {
revisions_checked: 23519,
missing_revisions_found: 23519,
docs_read: 23519,
docs_written: 23519,
changes_pending: 5127,
doc_write_failures: 0,
checkpointed_source_seq: '23523-g1AAAACheJzLYWBgYMpgTmEQTM4vTc5ISXLIyU9OzMnILy7JAUklMiTV____PyuDOYmBQU8-FyjGnphilJRqbIpNDx6T8liAJEMDkPoPN1D3CNhAc2NzU1MzI2xaswBdZzGv',
start_time: '2019-11-06T13:19:39Z'
const errResponse = {
error: 'not_found',
reason: 'missing'
afterEach(() => {
test('should be able to query a replication - GET /_replicator/id - nano.db.replication.query', async () => {
// mocks
const scope = nock(COUCH_URL)
.reply(200, response)
// test GET /_replicator/id
const p = await nano.db.replication.query('rep1')
test('should be able to query a replication with opts - GET /_replicator/id?confilicts=true - nano.db.replication.query', async () => {
// mocks
const opts = { conflicts: true }
const scope = nock(COUCH_URL)
.reply(200, response)
// test GET /_replicator/id
const p = await nano.db.replication.query('rep1', opts)
test('should be able to query a replication and handle 404 - GET /_replicator/id - nano.db.replication.query', async () => {
// mocks
const scope = nock(COUCH_URL)
.reply(404, errResponse)
// test GET /_replicator/id
await expect(nano.db.replication.query('rep1')).rejects.toThrow('missing')
test('should not attempt info fetch with invalid parameters - nano.db.replication.query', async () => {
await expect(nano.db.replication.query('')).rejects.toThrowError('Invalid parameters')
await expect(nano.db.replication.query()).rejects.toThrowError('Invalid parameters')
test('should detect missing parameters (callback) - nano.db.replication.query', () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
nano.db.replication.query(undefined, undefined, (err, data) => {
test('should be able to query a replication from db.replication.quey - GET /_replicator/id - db.replication.query', async () => {
// mocks
const scope = nock(COUCH_URL)
.reply(200, response)
// test GET /_replicator/id
const db = nano.db.use('db')
const p = await db.replication.query('rep1')