blob: b5b9322d7871c83b712b9826dce3ddd442ab357c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
const Nano = require('..')
const COUCH_URL = 'http://admin:admin@localhost:5984'
const nano = Nano(COUCH_URL)
const dbName = 'notnocked' + new Date().getTime()
let db
const emit = (k, v) => {
console.log(k, v)
test('should be able to create a database string', () => {
expect(typeof dbName).toBe('string')
// this section only runs if the TRAVIS environment variable is set.
// It is set when running tests in TravisCI, where a CouchDB/Docker container
// should be running. These non-mocked tests are not exhaustive, but serve
// to demonstrate that the library does actually work with real CouchDB.
if (process.env.TRAVIS) {
test('should be able to create a database - nano.db.create', async () => {
await nano.db.create(dbName)
db = nano.db.use(dbName, { n: 1 })
test('should be able to populate a database - nano.db.bulk', async () => {
const docs = [
{ _id: 'crookshanks', name: 'Crookshanks', description: 'Hermione Granger\'s pet cat', year: 2004 },
{ _id: 'felix', name: 'Felix', description: 'Cat from the silent film era', year: 1929 },
{ _id: 'garfield', name: 'Garfield', description: 'Large orange cartoon cat', year: 1978 },
{ _id: 'cheshirecat', name: 'Cheshire Cat', description: 'From Alice in Wonderland', year: 1865 },
{ _id: 'snowbell', name: 'Snowbell', description: 'From Stuart Little', year: 1945 },
{ _id: 'catinthehat', name: 'The Cat in the Hat', description: 'Tall cat with red and white striped hat and bow tie', year: 1957 },
{ _id: 'dummy', name: 'to be deleted' }
await db.bulk({ docs: docs })
test('should be able to get database info - nano.db.bulk', async () => {
const info = await
test('should be able to delete a document', async () => {
const doc = await db.get('dummy')
await db.destroy('dummy', doc._rev)
const info = await
test('should be able to update a document', async () => {
const doc = await db.get('catinthehat')
doc.newfield = true
await db.insert(doc)
const info = await
test('should be able to list documents in a database', async () => {
const data = await db.list({ limit: 1, descending: true })
test('should be able to create a view', async () => {
const f = function (doc) {
const doc = {
views: {
byYear: {
map: f.toString(),
reduce: '_count'
await db.insert(doc, '_design/views')
test('should be able to query a view', async () => {
const data = await db.view('views', 'byYear', { reduce: false })
const response = {
total_rows: 6,
offset: 0,
rows: [
{ id: 'cheshirecat', key: 1865, value: 'Cheshire Cat' },
{ id: 'felix', key: 1929, value: 'Felix' },
{ id: 'snowbell', key: 1945, value: 'Snowbell' },
{ id: 'catinthehat', key: 1957, value: 'The Cat in the Hat' },
{ id: 'garfield', key: 1978, value: 'Garfield' },
{ id: 'crookshanks', key: 2004, value: 'Crookshanks' }
test('should be able to destroy a database - nano.db.destroy', async () => {
await nano.db.destroy(dbName)